"Oh! Hahaha!! Hurry up! Hurry up again!! "

I saw Kim Jae-ho sitting in the trolley, haha pushing hard in the back, the footsteps were a little vain, and the trolley was overwhelmed and made a clanging sound.

"No! It's my turn!! Haha said.

"Don't! Let me play a little longer, ouch! Turn!! Fast!!! "

Song Jihyo on the side looked at the two bear children, squatting there helplessly covering his forehead, why can Kim Jae-ho play like this?

Not yet because there's nothing in their trolleys!

And everyone else is already full, just like that, the two of them are still playing ...

"Hey Yigu~ah chicken mani (aunt), and the two children are shopping for things~" Liu Zaishi saw a tired-looking Song Zhixiao and came over and said.

"Ouch, that's it, I'm tired! My life~ The children don't let me worry too much..." Song Zhixiao's eyebrows are exhausted in addition to beauty.

"Hahaha~" Liu Zaishi not only did not comfort but also smiled happily when he saw this scene, and most importantly-, after laughing, he left.

So one can't help but wonder whether he came to comfort or just to cancel.

"Alas... I really don't want to stay in this team..." Song Zhixiao looked at the floor weakly, and his eyes were expressionless, perfectly interpreting the title of MISS.

As for Kim Jae-ho on the other side, it is actually not comfortable to sit in the trolley like this, but he has long wanted to play like this once, and if he wanted to play like this when he was a child, he would generally be killed.

When you play with toys, the most important thing is a childlike heart who is curious about everything and passionate about everything, and he and haha have perfectly integrated into this age.

Just played for a while, haha felt that the stomach was not very comfortable, so I stopped, this posture, that is, sitting in this position in the trolley, the butt is pouting, so it is easy to make people feel that way...

When Kim Jae-ho came back, he saw Song Ji-hyo squatting there, and then, Song Ji-hyo raised his head and said with a smile, "Are you done playing?" "

Looking at the smile of Song Ji-hyo who was squatting there obediently and looking up at himself, Kim Jae-ho remembered a certain god's lie: You yourself are more beautiful than any story I have ever heard, and your beauty is beyond poetry, and no poetry can describe it. You are more beautiful than mountain peaks, more beautiful than glaciers, more beautiful than fresh snow falling at dawn.

"Well, let's go, Oppa will lead you to victory~" Kim Jae-ho stretched out his hand.

"What a victory, it's really ~" Song Jihyo smiled, took Kim Jae-ho's hand with a smile, and stood up.

"Did I bother you?" Haha stood aside and laughed.

"Let's go, brother! Time to work! Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Good!" Haha is also full of will.

Song Zhixiao looked at the two people who inexplicably rekindled their fighting spirit, and they didn't know what to say, but it was burning!

"Departure !!" Song Zhixiao held his hand with one hand. The other hand was raised high and he shouted with a smile on his face.

"Yay!!" Kim Jae-ho and Ha also responded happily.

"Do you want this?! This one!!! "Haha saw the RM logo on the side.

"No, this is hidden too deeply, and it is not big, many people may buy it, but it should not be BEST5." Kim Jae-ho said.

Haha nodded unconsciously, and had to say that what Kim Jae-ho said made sense.

"This! Bicycle! Song Zhixiao said.

"No, who wants to receive a bike for Christmas?" Brother, will you like it? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"It's a little bit there," Haha said, "and there must be a better option than that." "

"This! Catch the doll! "Haha found another one.

"No, the appearance is not attractive enough." Kim Jae-ho vetoed again.

"Yay! This one don't want that, which one do you want? "

"This!" Kim Jae-ho suddenly pointed to the side and said.

"What is this?" Would they like it at such a small age? Song Zhixiao doubted.

"Believe me, you won't know how deadly a spinning top can be for a child..." Kim Jae-ho talked confidently, suddenly as if he had thought of something, and looked mysteriously left and right, "Shh! Don't be overheard! "

"Is it true?" Song Zhixiao asked suspiciously.

"yes..." Haha was not sure, but seeing Kim Jae-ho like this, he felt that he seemed a little out of the group if he didn't say it.

It's like something that other people's children get together and have a good time, and you don't think it's fun...

···· Ask for flowers...

Obviously, they were bluffed, and the appearance of Kim Jae-ho, an expert, shocked these two people, and the two did not know it.

In fact, Kim Jae-ho has no basis, he just said it according to his own ideas...

Gyro, remember that this is the most popular toy besides 4WD and yo-yo, Kim Jae-ho chose this because of feelings ...

But this is the only one he wants to play with when he sees so many toys with RM brand, the little pink piano does not count, he only likes that color, and the pink stool that comes with it.

"Wow! This one!!! This one is absolutely necessary! Do you want! Or is it in Hao... Well..." Haha lied to Kim Jae-ho like a bear child saw something he liked.


Song Jihyo felt funny when he looked at it, did this guy forget that Kim Jae-ho is the smallest here?

But it is clear that Kim Jae-ho's previous behavior made Haha subconsciously regard him as the person who made the final decision.

Kim Jae-ho looked at the toy, rubbed his chin in a position that resembled Conan, and thought for a while, "Hmm... All right! That's it! "

"Yay!!" Haha happy to fly.

"This is too expensive, right? Will there really be many parents to buy? Song Zhixiao doubted.

"This is not a matter for parents, we choose only what the child wants most, this looks powerful, and put it in such a conspicuous place, it must be very wanted, brother do you want it?"

"Think!" Haha immediately nodded.

"Look~" Kim Jae-ho spread his hands.

"Okay then~" Song Zhixiao can't take them, since they are all two against one, then take it, and she also thinks this is very good.

This is a model train, super huge, and has the same price as its appearance, enough to put many parents off.

"Ya~ If I could have this when I was a child, I could be happy for a whole year!" Kim Jae-ho held the huge model train box and sighed.

"Me too." Haha helped, nodding in agreement.

Song Zhixiao stabilized the cart and sighed in her heart, if she were her parents, she would definitely be able to be quiet for a whole year if she could buy this home. _

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