Not long ago, when everyone was banging drums, firecrackers sounding in unison, and raising walkie-talkies to jointly fight Kim Junguo, Kim Jae-ho had already rested.

There is a saying that when you think you want to die, you don't actually want to die, you just don't want to live like this.

So, when Kim Jae-ho wanted to die, he actually didn't want to run, so he simply rested.

Take a break, take a look at the scenery of the mall, and see how crazy the crazy Jin Zhiguo is in the face of a group of people chasing and blocking~

Of course, later, due to the movement of Kim Zhiguo, this layer could not see Jin Zhiguo, so Kim Jae-ho decided to shift the position!

Kim Jae-ho got up, patted his butt, and prepared for exercise as he walked.

"It's time to rest is enough, it's time to end this game..."

Kim Junguk is now like a bull in heat that no one can catch, I don't know why, maybe because of the desire for victory, or maybe because the walkie-talkie Kim Jae-ho provided to him gave him more time to rest.

In any case, Kim Jae-ho felt that since he couldn't catch him, he would directly block his way forward.

"What are you going to do?" Sang-yoon asked.

"It's very simple, just now I saw Brother Chengguo holding a big bell in his hand, no, it's two, one on the left hand, one on the right, plus it's Christmas, have you thought of anything?" Kim Jae-ho analyzed.

"What comes to mind?" Sangyo was confused.

"Christmas tree, genius! Can't you even think of it so simple? Kim Jae-ho looked incredulous.

"Is it simple?!" Sang-yoon was shocked.

"Just now, I saw a strange Christmas tree in a place, and it was placed there very abruptly." Kim Jae-ho recalled.

"So now it is?" Sang-yoon asked.

"What am I best at?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Sneak attack?" Sang-yoon asked.

"Ice dog! That's right! Kim snapped his fingers, not very loudly.

"Hah! Finally got it right! Sang-yoon stomped his foot excitedly.

The main thing is that Kim Jae-ho asked the same question before, and at that time he answered laziness ...

Therefore, he ambushed on the way to go here on the side of Jin Zhiguo.

You can't catch up, and you can only live by ambushing at the end.

When he saw that Kim Junguo really rushed over, Sang-yoon was shocked, everyone thought that Kim Jae-ho was a fool, but he had to admit that this fool was outstanding.

That being said, but watching Jin Zhiguo running in front, and four people behind him roaring and chasing, this scene is very impactful.

Kim Jae-ho has never tried to intercept a person like this, and looking at Kim Junguk like that, if he jumps out this time and doesn't catch it, it's over!

Success or failure is here!

As the mighty Kim Junguk quickly approached, the air became more and more anxious, and Kim Jae-ho could not suppress the tension now, and he could even hear the sound of his heartbeat.

Looking at the distance of Jin Zhiguo, he silently counted down in his heart, his body trembled a little nervously, and his head was full of cold sweat.


Ten meters!

Five meters!

It's now!

Domino effect!

Kim Jae-ho jumped out with all his strength, this was a life-giving attack, and when he slammed into Kim Junguo, he actually had the feeling that he had touched a big truck.

But the opportunity was fleeting, and he knew that he couldn't stop Jin Zhiguo, so he went to Jin Zhiguo's waist from the beginning!

Kim Junguo was running, and he was also caught off guard when he saw a person suddenly appear in front of him, but the long-term motor nerve exercise and the flashing and moving just now made him react very quickly now, and he quickly wanted to avoid Kim Jae-ho and pass over Kim Jae-ho's side, but this gave Kim Jae-ho a chance.

If he directly bumped into it, Kim Jae-ho would be GG nine times out of ten, but now, Kim Ji-guo slowed down because he avoided Kim Jae-ho's side, and Kim Jae-ho was able to hug Kim Ji-guo's waist, after all, the aisle is so big, Kim Ji-guo can't avoid anywhere.


When the people behind saw that Kim Jae-ho had successfully hugged Kim Jianguo, they were all stunned, but just when they thought it was going to end, an even more shocking scene happened to them!

I saw that Jin Zaihao wrapped his hands around Jin Zhiguo's waist, and Jin Zhiguo's momentum was suffocated, but in the next second, he actually ran again!

He actually dragged Kim Jae-ho and ran!!

"Oh!! Jin Zhiguo roared angrily and took a step, every step was so heavy, because there was a person hanging behind him.

"Daihatsu !!" Haha stunned.

However, he was the only one who was stunned like this, and others were surprised when they saw this scene, and then continued to chase after him.

"Oh!!" Liu Zaishi also arrived and immediately pounced like Kim Jae-ho.

Then Min Zhong also arrived, pulling Kim Junguo's body, haha seeing this, he also rushed up and pulled Liu Zaishi and Kim Jae-ho.

At this point, Jin Zhiguo carried four people with him, dragging four !!

Just when everyone thought that they had subdued Jin Zhiguo, Jin Zhiguo let out another roar, "Ahhhhh!!h "

Oops, oo

The background music of Sparta plays, and Jin Zhiguo drags four people forward step by step with a brute force, which is like a herd of hyenas hanging on an angry bull.

Shiyuan had seen this scene on TV as early as before, but when he really saw the scene, he really sighed, just look at the excitement on his face.

"Yay! Stop watching the show! Come and help!! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"Is this still human?! Yikes! Liu Zaishi was also laughing crazy.

The four people who grabbed Jin Zhiguo themselves couldn't believe what they were experiencing now, they originally thought that a person's strength was limited after all, even if it was exercised, how big could the gap be?

But now when I look at it, I feel that the gap is as big as four people!

Seeing that the Christmas tree was close at hand, Jin Zhiguo's face became more and more hideous, and the green tendons on his neck were as huge as if they were about to burst.

Kim Jae-ho sighed in his heart, is this a Christmas gift?

He'd rather not!

Hurry up and end it all!

Siyuan heard Kim Jae-ho's call, ended the watching mode, and rushed up to reach in front of Kim Jiguo, and the five worked together to push Kim Junguo to the ground.

With a bang, Jin Zhiguo finally fell to the ground, and this giant beast finally fell...

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