Although she listened to singing, Song Zhixiao covered her eyes from time to time and did not dare to look, especially when she saw a particularly sweet picture, the uncles next to her would be coaxed, making her feel even more shy, blushing shyly, especially there was a scene of kissing, it was absolutely simple, everyone's ghost screams made her not know where to put her hands.

But Kim Jae-ho didn't care about this, he sang very seriously, after all, it was a song "borrowed", and not singing well is disrespectful to the original author!


Kim Jae-ho's re-interpretation made the song a lot more, everyone listened to it so drunk, as soon as Kim Jae-ho sang, millions of tuners were unemployed, because he didn't need to tune at all, like a CD player.

This is the singing skill, Kim Jae-ho sings and sings, everyone sings along, indicating that everyone is already familiar with this song, as friends, they must be silently supporting Kim Jae-ho in the back, although they don't say, but Kim Jae-ho's album at home will not be less.

At the end of the singing, the microphone didn't know when it became the uncles took it, and they sang this song that was very energetic, and the virtual look was super funny.

The funniest thing is that they sang so hi and sang so coolly, the final result was only eighty-seven points, Kim Jae-ho directly landless to squat down and cover his face and laugh, everyone laughed together, although the last uncles sang, but the front was all sung by Kim Jae-ho, this blow is too real.

"I'll just say there's something wrong with the machine!" Kim Jae-ho complained.

This may have been laughed at for a long time, singing his own song did not even get a hundred points, ridicule!

After a thorough sweat, everyone went to change their clothes and moved to the next scene, because the talent came, and finally everyone came to a game to challenge the master.

After all, people are masters, come here must let him perform, the final game is to challenge him, one against eight, everyone to choose the project, as long as one person wins, everyone wins.

At first, everyone thought it was difficult, especially there was a chrysanthemum remnant game, but in the end, they didn't expect to win easily, more than one person succeeded, but several people succeeded.

Kim Jae-ho is the first to succeed, and the decisive success, he challenges the nunchucks of large tomatoes, his dynamic vision can be quite good, those small tomatoes to fight one by one, easy to no, the experts are dumbfounded.

No one thought that Kim Jae-ho, this guy, could also do such a handsome thing, and he himself did not expect that he still had such a specialty, and he could use it as a personal skill in the future.

Although he plays tomatoes like he has the strength to wave casually, but he can hit, it looks effortless, Kim Junguo this can be regarded as knowing, Kim Jae-ho can't use his strength, but this kind of small is a good show.

Today's punishment is to wear red underwear and receive a massage, Kim Jae-ho was lucky and was not selected for punishment, but he was really happy.

Sang, ate fried chicken, played games, played tomatoes, and interacted with Song Zhixiao a lot, happy, no punishment after the end, even Jin Zhiguo was drawn to be punished this time, he didn't have to, happy!

That punishment looks super painful, even the world's number one Jin Zhiguo is wow, not to mention the master, just he screams the loudest, this kind of muscle is relatively stiff, generally very afraid of massage, a press a quasi, absolutely refreshing.

The time passed quickly, and before I knew it, it was dawn, and the day's trip ended, Kim Jae-ho left after saying goodbye to everyone, and did not send Song Zhixiao, after all, he was just talking, the agent, the agent, would still come to take her home, otherwise the money of the economic person was not spent in vain?

Which is like an uncle, all day long in addition to filming is filming, Kim Jae-ho suspects that he is crazy, and from time to time he is alone there in a daze, and then inexplicably laughs super insidious, thief horror, when he makes a scene with him, Kim Jae-ho will look at his expression will be a little scared.

Kim Jae-ho slept and slept directly until the next day, woke up and read books and played games, the thief was comfortable, played pure music composed by himself, came to rap from time to time, wrote it down when he had inspiration, and the little life was colorful.

There is heating in the house, Kim Jae-ho doesn't want to go out, watching some videos at home is not beautiful?

His boss is comfortable, people are still filming outside, Song Zhixiao stayed up all night, slept and hurriedly went over to film, the big winter is a summer scene, so the shooting is relatively slow.

But it's almost the same as it has been filmed, and it has already begun to finish, and it can start broadcasting in the next week or so.

In fact, it's already late, many dramas are broadcast while shooting, and now there are mainly some advertising shots to be reshoot~

Hey, hey, hey~

All evil, all evil~

Kim Jae-ho refused at first, he felt that the most unpleasant thing he had to watch TV was to see advertisements, disgusting!

As a new generation of producers, producers, directors, and screenwriters with ideals and consciences, he will not see his hard work ruined by such things!


Until he heard the quote ...

In fact, as long as it appears reasonable, not so stiff, a little advertising can also make the background look more reasonable and real, rich and close to life, or good~

Hey ~ what a fragrance!

In fact, there is nothing in advertising, Kim Jae-ho tries to make the advertisement look less conspicuous, they only do one thing, that is, let the "advertisement" appear, you may not realize that it is an advertisement, it may be a bottle of water, an electrical appliance, the latest mobile phone, or clothes or something, but also save a wave of prop money, Kim Jae-ho admires his ghostly talent.

Of course, you have to have a strong broker to negotiate these things, anyway, the uncle is so attentive, the price conditions are handed over to him to do, anyway, he can only guarantee that those advertisements have appeared, as for when and in what form, then it may not be said, love to invest or not.

Kim Jae-ho is not short of money, he just has less liquidity, all his money has been invested in the stock market, and he has not hired any securities brokers, after all, this kind of thing he still operates by himself is more assured, but he can't go out casually, so he is now handed over to the uncle to do.

Hey! Another wave of money saved~

When the online payment is in place, he will quickly develop online trading of stocks, which is not easy to get, because the amount involved is too much, and it takes a lot of technology to do it, but step by step.

In fact, he does not understand this, he will give money and collect money, he only proposes a direction at most, these things still have to be handed over to future young people ~

Ah~ It's nice to be the boss!

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