But Chi Shizhen turned out to be very flexible and very light under the actions of Jin Zhiguo to the other side, at this time, he has always liked to mock Jin Zhiguo, and Chi Shizhen, who has Jin Zhiguo as an imaginary enemy, also showed a smile, and even wanted to praise.

But at this time, Haha, who had been trying to maintain his balance, couldn't help but gently touch Chi Shizhen, and Chi Shizhen almost caused the group to die if he didn't stand firmly.

However, after such a long period of exercise, everyone is no longer afraid of this small wind and waves, and everyone has maintained their balance very well.

Unconsciously, there were only three people left, and Kim Jae-ho's heart already felt cleared, and his soul was already on the comfortable big bed at home.

After all, the rest is either a pillar like Liu Zaishi, or an ACE like Song Zhixiao, and the strongest man, who helped stabilize in the middle and smiled! How to lose?!


How to lose?!

Then Liu Zaishi fell...

"Alas..." Everyone couldn't help but sigh with regret when they looked at the few people who fell, which was really a pity.

Jin Zhiguo immediately summed up his experience: "Be close to me!" Can't be separated like this! "

"You have to stick to Brother Chenguo!" Song Zhongji said.

"Trust him, brother!" Kim Jae-ho couldn't help but say.

Liu Zaishi was accused by his younger brothers for the first time, and what was even more heartfelt was that Chi Shizhen began to show off at this time.

"I gave all my body to the end of the country, and then I will do it~"

Liu Zaishi was speechless, I didn't know what to say, he was very weak-hearted, after all, even Haha Chi Shi Zhen passed, he didn't pass, this is his problem.

It's still a big problem, but if you lose, you don't lose the battle, as a veteran of the variety show industry, he has to be calm, dashing, without losing grace, smile, with the most confident mentality -

Cheeky, as if it didn't happen...

For the veteran, this is pediatrics, he can even throw the pot to someone else, yes, but it is not necessary ...

Wiped the water on his face, his soaked hair has no time to care, anyway, he is not a man who needs to pay a lot of attention to his appearance, after all, everyone is watching him ugly, and now this look is already a lot more handsome.

Liu Zaishi climbed onto the platform, listening to the summary and complaining of the people around him, Liu Zaishi said a little in a trance: "I have to believe..."

He stuttered halfway through before saying, "Gotta believe... The end of the country..."


"Can't be shy!" Haha, it can be said that I want to win.

Liu Zaishi smiled awkwardly, the truth is this, but to completely hand himself over to Jin Zhiguo, it is really too awkward, a few hours ago I thought that I had to get him, and a few hours later I had to give myself to him.

This diaphragm in his heart is the key to his failure just now.

The pride in his heart...

Well, he has no arrogance.

In order to win, he decided to learn his lesson next time and give his body and mind to Kim Junguo.

"Last chance, brother, I really want to win." Kim Jae-ho looked at Liu Jae-seok and said seriously.

"Aratho Alasho." Liu Zaishi said angrily, "I also want to win!" "

Kim Jae-ho smiled and said that you just know.

The stereotype in the human heart is a mountain...

Sorry to go to the wrong set...

"Cooperative talent!"


"Huai Ting!!" Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"Huai Ting!!"

Everyone shouted together, and after shouting, their blood boiled.

Everyone knows that this is the last time, if it fails, won't it be very faceless?

Tonight will also be a bit of a sloppy, their RM team is the strongest, can't end like this!

They want to prove themselves!!

All right......

Actually, I don't want to feed the sharks...

Yes, but it's not necessary...

At this time, Jin Zhiguo is the key, the capable person has to stand up at this time, in fact, even if it is the ability, such a long period of high-intensity operation, it is very difficult, after all, it is the most exhausting time in the early morning.

To use strength and control power, you have to maintain balance, squat all the time, physically and mentally exhausted.

After resting for a while, his body became even more tired, the first was Song Zhongji, when Jin Zhiguo threw Song Zhongji, Song Zhongji almost lost his balance and fell backwards.

However, Jin Zhiguo, he is still that capable Jin Zhiguo.

I saw that he forcibly relied on his own strength and balance, and actually pulled back the backward Song Zhongji and his forward-leaning body, so that this last time was not so funny as a failure.

Although it looks very relaxed, but it is actually very thrilling, watching the two people almost fail, Kim Jae-ho does not dare to breathe for fear of changing the air flow in front of him and causing Kim Zhiguo to fail.

After seeing that Kim Junguk had succeeded, Kim Jae-ho exhaled slowly and carefully.


Luckily, I almost went to feed the sharks.

It's so late, people also have to sleep, what if the one he feeds has the gas to get up...

Kim Jae-ho wants to go home, misses the warm sheets, and of course, the heating that makes the sheets so warm...

In this weather, drink a sip of seafood soup, a bite of dumplings and a bite of barbecue, any meat, fat beef, tenderloin, beef tongue, lamb chops, beef diaphragm beef belly whatever, mix some garlic, dip in some sea salt... Hey, no, you should eat hot pot, what I was thinking just now, it must be hot pot!

Wait, you can't drink soup when you eat hot pot, you have to have a mouthful of thick soup, hey? Clear soup seems to be very tempting... Ah, what a struggle...

Others are still trying to maintain the balance of their bodies, and Kim Jae-ho's thoughts have drifted away, with a smell of meat...

Suddenly, Song Zhixiao next to him touched him, and only then did he come to his senses and wipe the non-existent saliva, Kim Jae-ho shook his head and looked at the struggling Kim Ji-guo with a firm will.

The desire to succeed is getting stronger, which is the temptation of food, which is very deadly.

"Hurry up next to you~" Haha kindly reminded.

"Centralized, Centralized!! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

Everyone looked at him strangely, what was wrong, how could he suddenly get nervous.

Jin Zhiguo took a long time, a swing, Li Guangzhu also went to the other side, tall he secretly put his head against the ceiling to maintain his balance, really only he can do the operation.

Kim Jae-ho almost laughed when he saw it, looked at Song Zhihyo behind and then made a gesture of putting his head up, Song Jihyo noticed and then also saw Lee Kwang-joo's action, and also laughed, it was really funny.

Kim Jae-ho raised his hand and determined that he could only touch the ceiling if he raised his hand, and Song Jihyo also smiled and followed along, not enough that she always supported the ceiling with her hands.

She gestured with her hand and said, indicating that you are not as tall as anyone jumps.

Kim Jae-ho smiled, if it weren't for the conditions not allowing him, he would really jump.

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