There were many young people in the vicinity, and many young people immediately screamed when he sang the first sentence.

And our UP master's hand holding the camera is now a little shaky, this is Kim Jae-ho!!

This is the original singer Kim Jae-ho!

Oh, my God!

It's the Kim Jae-ho who can be seen everywhere except his own concert!



He suddenly understood a little why he could see Kim Jae-ho in this place...


But reasonable does not mean that he is not excited, he is now excited!

No one will not be excited to see the star they have liked for a long time suddenly appear in front of them, and the exclamations of the crowd quickly quieted down, because Kim Jae-ho was singing, and they wanted to listen to the song!

One hundred fifty-four looked at his camera, he suddenly realized how much responsibility he had now, he quickly pressed his excitement, stabilized his trembling hand, and pointed the camera at Kim Jae-ho, he was extremely glad that his camera was specially used to record vlogs by himself, and it could be recorded!

Otherwise, he would definitely smash the camera now.

Even if the onlookers didn't know each other, they were stupid the moment Kim Jae-ho spoke.

If the songs they thought were super nice street singers before were diamonds, then as soon as Kim Jae-ho spoke, everyone understood what kind of level the master was.

It's almost like turning on special effects, and it's too good, right?

When Kim Jae-ho spoke, everyone knew how huge the difference was, everyone didn't understand music, but everyone would listen to music, and as soon as Kim Jae-ho spoke, everyone felt super good, it was a different level of good sound from the street singer before.

And as soon as the street singer finished singing, Kim Jae-ho immediately picked up, and the difference can be said to be quite obvious, as if a bomb popped and exploded directly.

Some fans know that Kim Jae-ho sings well and is a walking CD player, but when they hear it at the scene, they know that the CD player is simply insulting Kim Jae-ho's singing, and the effect of the scene, that feeling, is a thousand times better than the CD player!

These fans have lost their minds, and when Kim Jae-ho pulled off his scarf, they no longer knew what sanity was, and they wanted to scream out but were afraid to disturb Kim Jae-ho singing, so they could only hold back their excitement and listen carefully and watch carefully, as if they wanted to reproduce this moment into their own memories.

Some people will think, will this street singer be very upset?

On the contrary, he was the most excited one on the scene.

The layman looks at the liveliness, the insider watches the doorway, today he sang all the songs of Kim Jae-ho, you know how long he has studied Kim Jae-ho's songs, he can even play and sing at the same time, you can imagine how much you like it, if some fans on the scene just love, then he is a fanatic.

When he was singing the song of his idol, the idol suddenly appeared next to him and picked up the song he sang within one meter of himself, and he almost cried out with excitement, okay?

Just when Kim Jae-ho spoke, he was so surprised that he took a step back, covered his mouth, and didn't know how to react, but then slowed down, so excited that he didn't know how to stand.

How did Kim Jae-ho sing and what did he sing?



It's Kim Jae-ho!

The reason why he took to the streets to sing is to express his love for Kim Jae-ho.

It's like some people like an anime, the most they can do is to comment, and he is the kind that will go to cos.


Looking at the man next to him, he was going crazy.

This man is also too attractive and too deadly, right?!

So handsome!

That's cool!

So much love!

It can only be said that the fan filter is too powerful, after all, Kim Jae-ho is only showing his face now, the whole body can be described as tightly wrapped, airtight, and there is even a hat under the hood, if he didn't have to sing, he wouldn't even take off the scarf.

On such a cold day, he just came out on a whim to hear his song and sing very well, it was a surprise, and he was very happy to hear the screams of the people next to him~

It's not cold in vain~

At least the people who like him are happy~


Kim Jae-ho sang and suddenly sent the microphone to the side, the street singer next to him is now commonly known as the little brother, the little brother is a little grand in the face of the sudden microphone, he just listened to it fascinated, Kim Jae-ho's singing voice is really too good, and the piano is also too good, right?

But he soon realized that this was an opportunity to sing with his idol!

He didn't expect that he still had a chance to sing, he felt that there was nothing to perform except suffocation, shouting six, afraid of making noise, never expected that Kim Jae-ho actually handed over the microphone, what kind of male god is this?!

If he dropped the chain at this time, he would regret it for the rest of his life, and he was also a person who had been messing around on the street for a few days, and he immediately sang it, and this section was exactly two minutes and twenty seconds of high dynasty.

"Your eyes, nose, mouth, you have gently touched my hands, even those little nails..."

He not only has to sing, but also sing well, and he can't be too bad in front of the idol!

Although it was a little shaky at first, it stabilized a lot in the back and gradually began to play.

Just as he was about to continue singing, Kim Jae-ho suddenly pulled back.


And then pushed back.

The little brother was a little flustered, but still continued to sing: "I can still feel you..."


The onlookers were amused by Kim Jae-ho's manoeuvre, and they were worshiping, can they be more serious?

The little brother continued to sing, singing: "Although all our love hurts the heart, all our love..." When Kim Jae-ho pulled it back.



Looking at Kim Jae-ho's unflattened appearance, everyone felt that it was very reasonable if this street singer beat him.

The funniest thing is that Kim sent it back immediately after Hao Ah, and the little brother immediately picked it up, which is really funny, this little brother is also so funny, so it will be ah~

If others had been played badly, it could only be said that Pink Jin Zaihao was not an idle person.

This originally extremely poisonous melody made Kim Jae-ho do this, even more devilish, and only he, the original singer, dared to play like this.

Everyone found that Kim Jae-ho these few ah-ah ah-ah actually listened well, although the little brother sang a lot of the previous section was good, but Kim Jae-ho sang a little finishing touch.

The little brother sang, Kim Jae-ho helped him accompany him, the scene looked very warm, the fans below were about to go crazy, Kim Jae-ho was too spoiled a fan, right?

Although it is not she who spoils...

But it's also fun to watch~

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