Soon, Li Guangzhu began, one bite per person.

From this moment on, this is not called bread, this is called the bread of humanity, this is called the bread of friendship, this is called the bread that I don't have to eat when you eat it, this is called tearing bags.

How is your character, this bite can be reflected.

I saw Li Guangzhu quietly and slowly stuffing the bread into his mouth little by little under everyone's gaze, and then everyone found that something was wrong, because he stuffed more and more, as if there was no bottomless pit.

"Yay!" Kim Jae-ho couldn't help but shout, distressed and anxious.

As soon as he passed, Li Guangzhu seemed to be frightened, and took out the bread completely, do you think he is reining from the cliff? No, he just choked on this stuff too much, and couldn't help but take it out again.

"It's too much!" Kim Jae-ho scolded, how can this make the people behind eat ah?

"How can you do this?" Chi Shizhen also felt that it was not okay.

As for the question of what to do with bread dipped in his saliva, Li Guangzhu has a good solution, that ~ that is, eat it all...

I saw that he was expressionless, indifferent, as if he was out of the matter, casually stuffed the bread into his mouth, and then began to fold - up...

"Yay! Yikes! Yikes! "

Looking at the "bite" that Li Guangzhu bit down, everyone looked at him speechlessly, not knowing what to say.

"It's too much!" Kim Jae-ho said uncomfortably that there was such a brazen person.

It's too much and has become his mantra.

And Chi Shizhen felt that Li Guangzhu's child was probably broken, and it wouldn't work like this, so it was better to take it to the pool...

I saw Li Guangzhu looking at Chi Shizhen expressionlessly, calmly, silently chewing this bite in his mouth as if nothing had happened, almost half of the whole bread...

Ikeishi Zhen: ...

What about the reverence for the predecessors?

What about respecting the old and loving the young?

This cheek, Kim Jae-ho was really stunned when he saw it at the scene.

It's really a pariah, Lee Kwang-joo.

Without mercy, every time he chewed, it was as if he was biting the flesh of Kim Jae-ho and Ji Seok-jin, and Kim Jae-ho and Ji Seok-jin looked at him with gritted teeth, thinking about why society was so dark.

A sentence silently appeared in Kim Jae-ho's heart: It began...

That one

Kim Jae-ho is distressed to death, and if others go on like this, he is afraid that he will not be able to eat a mouthful, but the next one is Song Zhongji.

"Nakaki! The best in the world! Kim Jae-ho kept licking, but Song Zhongji looked unwavering, and Kim Jae-ho felt that it was broken!

Chi Shizhen also knew the seriousness of the matter, "Tomorrow is my brother's birthday!" "

Now that you are young, don't you care about your birthday?

At this time, they saw Song Zhongji take a small bite lightly, and then handed it to Kim Jae-ho.

"Touching the world!!" Kim stood up in one fell swoop!

"Tears are coming out..." wiped his face.

What a boy!

Chi Shizhen was also moved.

There is one person who is not moved, and a little afraid to move.

"Yay! If you do this, what will I become! Li Guangzhu was speechless.

What else can it be? The younger brother with an unhealthy heart...

"Yay! You look at people! Kim Jae-ho shouted, "This is a gap! Look at the people! Look at the gap! "

Li Guangzhu instantly fidgeted, just wanted to block Song Zhongji's hand back to let him eat more, if Song Zhongji did this, in comparison, he would be a personal scum!

"This is not Brother Shi Zhen's birthday." Song Zhongji said frankly.

"What a kind child!" Kim Jae-ho gave a thumbs up.

"You really, don't contact me." Chi Shizhen said to Li Guangzhu, "Don't contact me for any phone calls or text messages!" "

He kind of saw it through.

Lee Kwang-joo was speechless, he just wanted to repeat Kim Jae-ho's words, it was too much!

Song Zhongji did this, others are stupid...

If everyone was like him, he would not be so prominent, but as soon as Song Zhongji was like this, he would be very prominent.

But there is no way to go, and he doesn't panic, because the next one is Kim Jae-ho.

Ji Seok-jin looked at Kim Jae-ho, he knew that his biggest obstacle was coming, and he had to get vaccinated.

Kim Jae-ho looked at the bread in his hand, a long strip of bread he took from Song Zhongji's hand with both hands, and he looked at it like this, staring.

The more he looked, the more panicked Chi Shizhen became.

"In Hao, usually I hurt you the most, I have my birthday tomorrow..."

"Brother..." Kim Jae-ho suddenly looked at Ji Seok-jin and spoke.

"What?" Chi Shizhen had a bad premonition.

Kim Jae-ho showed Li Guangzhu's expression just now, that is, his face was expressionless, and Ji Shizhen looked at it, and his heart clicked, broken!

0····· Ask for flowers...

"Brother, give you a big gift tomorrow!!"

"Yay!! Wait a minute! Yay!! Chi Shizhen tried to stop his thoughts.

Will tomorrow's big gift smell like bread now?

But, late!

As soon as he finished speaking, Kim Jae-ho resolutely stuffed almost all the bread into his mouth, and the long strip of bread suddenly disappeared into Kim Jae-ho's mouth like a trick, and then he bit it lightly, and there was only a little left behind...

Ikeishi Zhen: ...

This session is really the most dignified one he has ever brought with his younger brother...

"Brother! I love you! "Because there is too much bread, Kim Jae-ho is a little unable to speak.

............ 0

Ji Seok-jin raised his hand and wanted to fight, but Kim Jae-ho dodged back with a smile and sent the bread forward.

Seeing that Chi Shizhen took the bread, Song Zhongji brought up the rhythm of the birthday song.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you~"

Everyone clapped their hands happily together, and the three younger brothers were happy, singing and dancing, and the loud sound of clapping their hands was hugely sincere.

Chi Shizhen listened to the birthday song and looked at the "big gift" in his hand, why is it so not a taste?

He looked at the bread in his hand speechlessly, full of bitterness.

When everyone finished singing the birthday song, he directly scolded: "You two are not qualified to wish me a happy birthday!" "

The two younger brothers wiped the crumbs from their mouths, and their expressions were very "sad"

Chi Shizhen didn't taste and stuffed the remaining little bread into his mouth, such a long strip of bread was left with such a little bit, and it was not enough to plug the teeth...


It's so fragrant...

But the more delicious the bread, the worse his mood became.

"It's delicious, isn't it?" Li Guangzhu asked.

"I really feel more and more sad the more I eat." Chi Shizhen said.

"It's okay song, I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow!" Kim Jae-ho's expression is very clear, which can be said to be Meizhi.

"Will tomorrow's meal be as delicious as the bread it is now?!" Chi Shi said angrily, "Ah! It's on fire, it's on fire, it's really on fire! "

He really opened his eyes today, it turns out that people can still be like this, it is really RM, they are all talents, different from everyone, how can they be so shameless?


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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