The more he is like this, the more scared the people on the blue team become.

Jin Jae-ho sat down after eating his fill, and heard Jin Zhiguo next to him say: "I didn't expect that in terms of artistic ability, I would ignite a vengeance." "

Jin Zhiguo's words made the blue team completely panic, and Li Guangzhu quickly took a mirror to take a picture of Jin Zhiguo, so that he could see his appearance and please him.

"Wasn't it fortunate to be a country before..." said Chi Shizhen.

"Well, I also know, I still liked it at that time~"

Kim Jae-ho listened to this yin and yang strange words, and he was worried about the blue team, which was too terrifying.

"Hurry up and give us wet wipes, or we will be killed." Haha said.

"Fortunately, my brother and I are a team..." said Kim Jae-ho fearfully, he had said a lot just now, but now Liu Zaishi's hatred was even greater.

Li Guangzhu quickly ran out to get the wipes.

"Ah, it's okay, it's all red and swollen, it's okay, even the eyes..." said Jin Junguo while looking in the mirror.

"Are you angry?" Liu Zaishi said tentatively with a smile.

"Hey Yigu~ Of course not, not angry~" Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

He looked into the distance and yelled, "Hurry up and give me wet wipes!! "

Li Guangzhu ran for a long time to get the wipes, and when she heard the shout, she quickly quickened her pace and handed over the wipes in a panic but respectfully.

Go early, brother behavior.

"It's okay like this, you can wipe it off on your whole face." Kim said.

It's really a word, which means that I may wipe it on your whole face later.

Liu Zaishi couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, not daring to speak, he now felt wrong, very scared, very worried.

He was right to be afraid, because Kim Junguo would cue him directly next.

"Then our red team is! Of course, Brother Zaishi! Jin Zhiguo shouted.

"Yay!! Liu Zaishi!! "Haha shouted wildly.

It's like the feeling of a teacher calling on the stage to do a question, you won't, and then clicking your name.

Liu Zaishi instantly felt the pressure, and also felt what Jin Zhiguo felt just now, but he knew that he would be worse than Jin Zhiguo, because...

"Brother, you taught me whether you can be angry or not." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Because Kim Jae-ho is on the opposite side.

"Even if you say it, even if it's an artistic... Nor too much. "


Jin Zhiguo also said similar things just now, but it was useless.

"Then take it easy~" Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"Of course~" Liu Zaishi said.

"That's what the doctor said when I went to the hospital." Kim Jae-ho laughed.

"I'm in the hospital now~" laughed.

"Yes~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Ah~ it's really..." Liu Zaishi already felt a lot of pressure.

"Let's take this off first~" Haha took off Liu Zaishi's eyes, taking off glasses is basic.

"But isn't taking off our glasses stressing us out?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Hahaha~yes~" Haha laughed.

"Yes~ anyway, you can't see it anyway~ It's okay~" Chi Shizhen comforted.

"Of course~" Liu Zaishi pretended to laugh easily, in fact, Chi Shizhen said this to make him more worried about his appearance.

"Oppa, be calm~Oba~" Song Zhixiao said next to him.

"Got it~" Kim Jae-ho responded.

"Yay! I'm not telling you! Don't be amorous~" Chi Shizhen said with a smile.


Because Kim Jae-ho was headless and brainless, Liu Zaishi was a little more relaxed.

"Let's draw glasses first~" Haha suggested.

"Ah, is that so?" Kim Junguo asked.

"The glasses that can never be taken off, the glasses that are taken off and the glasses~" Haha said.

Liu Zaishi nodded, he could accept this.

Jin Zhiguo: "Yes, the glasses seem to be very inconvenient." "

"Oppa, this is easy to wipe off." Song Zhixiao comforted.

"Instead of drawing glasses, let's draw an eye circle, how cute the panda is, panda." Kim Jae-ho said.

"That doesn't seem to be bad~" Jin Zhiguo said exactly what he wanted.

"Hahaha~yes~" Haha also feels good.

Liu Zaishi glanced at Jin Zaihao and said, "Zaihao, it's almost there." "

He panicked.

It's not a question of whether it's hard to look at or not, it's hard to wipe, it hurts.

"It's okay, it can be washed off." Kim Jae-ho comforted kindly, "The pen is enough, after drawing the eye circles, then draw glasses outside, the big frame, very Sven." "

Liu Zaishi smiled speechlessly, exactly the same as Jin Zhiguo's expression just now.

"This is good, after drawing glasses, just wear contact lenses like this." Kim said.

"Yes, that's good." Haha said.

Everyone seems to have seen the appearance of this grand blueprint on Liu Zaishi's face, which is too ruthless.

Song Zhixiao's words of comfort can't be spoken, mourn Oba.

At this time, Haha suddenly said: "Then give it to Brother Shi Zhen?" "

Instantly, the scene was quiet for a second because of this proposal.

Everyone looked at Chi Shizhen, who was originally worried about Liu Zaishi, his whole person was not good in an instant, what is the matter, lying down the gun?

"No~" Chi Shi said weakly, his face turning red.

"It's okay to have a beard, aren't you very attached to beards?" Jin Zhiguo pointed at Haha and asked, because Haha has a beard.

"Dotting your chin all over your beard?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Is that so?" Haha thought about it.

"How about that for Brother Shi Zhen?" Jin Zhiguo asked suddenly.

Brother Shi Zhen.

"I'm going crazy!!" Chi Shizhen instantly went crazy.

This feeling of not killing is too torturous, Liu Zaishi is also back and forth, this feeling, like putting a knife on your neck, and then suddenly moving away, and then putting it on your neck, and then moving away.

Your uncle's might as well be stabbed down to give a pain.

"Just me, just me!" Chi Shizhen couldn't stand it.

"Is that so?" Jin Zhiguo was very satisfied with his initiative to ask for help.

"It was Brother Shi Zhen who asked you to drink soup just now." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Oh~yes~" Jin Zhiguo said strangely.

Liu Zaishi was finally able to stand up, "Ah! Good pressure!! "

He had been unable to show weakness before, but now he can finally speak.

Not to feel like Atlas any longer!

I lived!

"Can't change it now! I can't change it now! Liu Zaishi was afraid that he would have to sit back again, and the pressure in that position was too great, like a pig's scalp on a cutting board.

The nurse re-helped Ji Seok-jin set up equipment, Kim Jae-ho was thinking about what kind of makeup would be suitable for Ji Seok-jin, after all, people treat him not thin, he can't help others make up thin, right?

"What about my glasses?" Liu Zaishi looked for glasses.

Suddenly, Haha next to him took Liu Zaishi's glasses and ran, "Glasses ~ Zaishi's glasses are here!" "

Then he threw it up, and Kim Jae-ho caught it with a raised hand, and he instantly understood what haha meant.

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