"Hahaha~ What fool? Tut! Brother, are you still learning? Kim Jae-ho smiled and hurried to seriously defend his dignity.

This is just the beginning of the painting style, can not run crooked.


Then, there was one more fool on the wall.

Although Chi Shizhen felt that something was wrong, he still followed along, they walked against the wall, squatted, rolled, jumped, flipped and even walked backwards, looking like two neurosis.

This style of painting is crooked from the beginning.

"It's too tiring to walk like this, isn't it?" Chi Shi said breathlessly that they had not moved far after walking for so long a day.

This guest has not yet arrived, and he is afraid that he is already tired to death.

"It's so handsome!" Kim Jae-ho said.

Chi Shizhen doubted this, "Is it really handsome? -"

"Really, don't you still believe me-?" Kim Jae-ho said.

Chi Shizhen: "..."

As mentioned before, Kim Jae-ho's way of walking is completely according to the Assassin's Creed, and he is a middle-two patient.

People Assasin rolls it is pleasing to the eye, he rolls that called the orangutan to light the lamp, the point is lit, but the ornamentation is very different.

Suddenly, a voice came over the intercom.

"What?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Nakaji said he found it." Chi Shizhen said.

"How is it possible, it didn't happen that I found it first, is it brother that you followed me to make my luck worse." Kim Jae-ho asked.

"What?" Chi Shizhen was speechless, was his luck so bad?

"Is my luck that bad?"

Chi Shizhen complained while entering the room.

"Yay! This one! Chi Shizhen immediately found a green thing, which was the little prince's clothes.

"This is it!" Chi Shizhen said excitedly, "Yay! What did you just say? Brother's luck is not bad! "

"Hahaha~ okay~ you put it on first, let's quickly find another one for me to wear." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Good!" Chi Shi is full of vitality and fighting spirit.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of haha being caught.

"What? Caught by whom? Chi Shizhen asked.

“2PM! It was 2PM and they came. Haha said.

Instantly, everyone panicked.

2PM, that's basically the meeting person is gone!

It's here after all!

Kim Jae-ho took a deep breath and it was time to come. It was coming, and just at the beginning, they had already lost a general.

Go well, General Ha.

After all, the whole army is only eight people, people.

The guests were menacing, and Kim Jae-ho and Ji Seok trembled.

"Oh, shall we go separately?" Ask.

"If you go separately, if you are discovered, it will be over, and two people will be found together, and one person can run." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yes, too." Ikeishi Zhenyi thought about this truth.

"Is that you running or me running?" Chi Shizhen suddenly thought of this question.

The two looked at each other for a second, and then both laughed.

The VJs next to them couldn't help but be handsome when they saw this scene, two old silver coins.

"I believe in you."

For a long time, Chi Shizhen chose trust.

"Don't worry, brother." Kim Jae-ho said, "Let's go, isn't your dress too conspicuous, but this white dress is just as conspicuous." "

Watching Kim Jae-ho look out cautiously for a while and then turn out of the window, Ji Shizhen had a black line.

Although I have been following for so long, I am not very used to it, isn't the door just one meter away?

Is it necessary to climb the window?

Just when he was speechless, Kim Jae-ho, who came out of the window, suddenly turned back and seemed very eager.

"What's wrong?" Chi Shizhen was instantly alert.

At this moment, Kim Jae-ho, who was about to speak halfway, suddenly slipped on his feet and sat down directly. Chi Shizhen seemed to hear the sound of an egg breaking.


Good fellow, Kim Jae-ho actually held back and only let out a muffled snort.

"Oh, what's wrong with you?" Chi Shizhen hasn't figured it out yet.

Kim Jae-ho waved his little hand quickly with a painful face, and Ji Seok-jin looked a little cute and laughed.

"Here, just outside..." Kim Jae-ho's words seemed to come out.

“2PM?" Chi Shizhen suddenly panicked.

······ Ask for flowers0 ··

Kim Jae-ho nodded with his eyes closed.

"Yay! What can I do then?! Chi Shizhen immediately hesitated.

"Help me down first!"

Ji Shizhen reacted to this, Kim Jae-ho was still stuck there.

Kim quickly squatted down after coming at once, and Ji Shizhen also squatted down, covered by the wall, and was at ease.

Kim Jae-ho was almost frightened just now, he just went out, he hadn't taken a few steps, and when he turned a corner, he saw Song Zhongji, who was framed by Ni Kun and Ze Yan, that was not the ability to resist at all, and was pressed to the ground and rubbed, but it was miserable.

Frightened, he hurriedly came back, but he never expected that he didn't stand firmly for a while, and bumped into it again.

I have suffered more damage in this life than in my previous life combined.


The two people shivered under the corner of the wall to discuss countermeasures, and suddenly there was a sound in their heads.

"What are you doing here?"

Suddenly there was a voice, and the two big men shook in unison and almost died.

"Yay! You scared me to death! Chi Shizhen complained as he touched his little heart.

Kim Jae-ho subconsciously wanted to call out, but because he was too scared to call out, he eased up after knowing who was coming, and his heart was still plopping.

"I'm sorry~" Song Zhixiao looked down at the two people who were provoked, smiled and touched Kim Jae-ho's little head to soothe him.

She did it on purpose, wanting to be frightened, but she didn't expect the reaction to be so violent.

"What are you doing here?" Song Zhixiao came in and asked.

"Hide, they have already come, I saw it over there, it was Ni Kun and Yu Zeyan." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Really?" Song Zhixiao was obviously shocked, she didn't realize the seriousness of the matter when she said 2PM just now.

Just came, he had already caught two people, and Kim Jae-ho felt that if it weren't for Ji Seok-jin following him, this big brother would not be able to escape the poisonous hand.

"There must be something in that house, Zhixiao you go first, let's go somewhere else." Kim Jae-ho pointed to something that resembled a watchtower in the distance.


Song Jihyo hurried away, and Kim Jae-ho and Ji Seok-jin also chose a direction to stay away from Hachi. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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