Without taking a few steps on the road to his fate, and before accepting the fact that he is not a superhero, Li Guangzhu saw his living past on the ground - a famous brand.

"Hey... Oh, this..."

He glanced up, and Nikun didn't look back.

Is your own famous brand so worthless?

Throw it directly on the ground?

Like garbage?

Even if it is garbage, does it not even have the qualifications to stay in the trash?

Is this strong sense of disgust too real?


This brand...

In my hands...

Even if you live with a name tag...

Li Guangzhu's little head suddenly moved, grabbing the name tag and sticking it on his back.

Li Guangzhu, resurrected in place!

Thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi, who would have thought that in just thirty seconds, my Li Guangzhu would actually live again!


The first time, inexperienced, a little weak-hearted.

Li Guangzhu's steps were stiff, and he was full of a sense of resurrection on the verge of foul.

Hard with virtual in the middle.

A turn, saw Ze Yan, really afraid of what will come.

In this exotic fantasy fairy tale healing wind paradise, it is full of murderous and dangerous dangers.

"Hello." Lee Kwang-joo stiffened and said that if Kim Jae-ho's words were the same, he could see that this guy had something.

"Got caught?" Ze Yan, who just lost Kim Jae-ho, was quite peaceful and did not explode, and he asked this just to be polite.

On the one hand, everyone said hello, did not say anything, was unhappy, and embarrassed.

On the other hand, he had just spoken to Ni Kun and already knew that Li Guangzhu had been eliminated.

"Yes, yes, yes." Li Guangzhu said while walking, and Ze Yan didn't pay attention.

But at this time, he suddenly saw that when Li Guangzhu turned around, he still had a name tag on his back.

What's going on? Doesn't it say eliminated?

"Isn't it still attached?!"

As soon as he heard Ze Yan's shouts behind him, Li Guangzhu, who was already so weak that he was on the verge of cracking, froze.

It's over!

After twisting and hesitating for a while, he still forced himself to go, and quickly ran when he reached the corner.

He just now because he was too empty, he just wanted to run, and subconsciously stayed away, but he didn't expect to expose his back directly, and now Ze Yan must have chased him.

At this time, he saw that he had met Liu Zaishi around the corner.

Li Guangzhu, who still has good intentions, looked at Liu Zaishi, who was confused, and quickly reminded him to let him run.

The startled grasshopper swooped and quickly ran up on its thighs, passing Li Guangzhu.

As I said before, Lee Kwang-joo has good intentions, so now that he has been resurrected from a foul, he is very guilty, and plans to give up this life that does not belong to him to let his teammates escape.

Cherish it, it's much kinder like this.

Li Guangzhu walked slowly, just waiting for Ze Yan to come up and chase, but the blood was stuffy, why hasn't Ze Yan caught up yet, shouldn't it?

He looked back and waited for Ze Yan to come and grab it.

Life is full of drama, Li Guangzhu, who wants to get out, did not see anyone, and Liu Zaishi, who wanted to escape, did.

Liu Zaishi took a step and fled under Li Guangzhu's warning, and just when he thought he had run away, Ze Yan leisurely appeared from the corner in front.

Liu Zaishi: ...

Big brother, such a coincidence?

Before Liu Zaishi could react, his name tag was inexplicably torn off.

As soon as he turned his head, Kwang-so was smiling next to him.

Li Guangzhu:

What's the thing?

Why were you caught?

Liu Zaishi instantly understood, you betrayed me?! Did you make a deal? You guys are in a gang!

Then he saw that the beads of light were also torn.

What's the thing?

Not to mention Liu Zaishi and Li Guangzhu, even Ze Yan was confused.

What's going on here?

All three were confused, feeling ridiculous about what was happening in front of them, overloading their little heads, digesting the absurdity in front of them with a comical scene.

At this point, the god opponent easily got Liu Zaishi's name tag with the cooperation of his pig teammates, which was simply given for nothing, and he didn't even run much.

The most speechless is Liu Zaishi, who was eliminated like this, what did he run for so long before?

Looking at Li Guangzhu, who looked innocent and wanted to laugh a little and didn't even hold back, Liu Zaishi hated his teeth itching, ouch so angry!

There was no way, so I had to take him to the prison, where Nikhun was there, and it seemed that he didn't know about it.

Watching the two white-robed returnees, the people in the prison know that these two useless men have been eliminated without doing anything, and the reality is more cruel than they thought.

"I was really pressed because of the light bead, because the light bead was caught." Liu Zaishi said.

The prison trio expressed their habit of this, coming to the prison to pray is something everyone will do, to ask why it was eliminated?

Regret, now is very regret.

I could have saved the world, but because of so-and-so force majeure, I was eliminated in advance ... A process like that.

What is different today is that the guest is also there, there is one more person listening to his complaints, and his reasons are different today.

Liu Zaishi's words quickly began to tell everyone about the process of being pitted by his pig teammates just now.

Everyone listened to it, it was quite interesting.

Soon Ze Yan also came, and the prison was completely lively, as if no one was thinking about the task at all, and everyone chattered happily, which was not seen before.

Bored to chat, Liu Zaishi suddenly found a question, "What about Zai Hao?" Why hasn't he come yet? "


Everyone couldn't help but say, "We helped him escape just now, otherwise he would be here now." "

After haha, Liu Zaishi said very calmly: "It's okay, he won't run for long." "

Ze Yan and Ni Kun both laughed, the atmosphere in the RM team is really harmonious~

Now there are three people left, Kim Jae-ho, who escaped unexpectedly, and ace vs. ace Song Jihyo and Kim Junguo.

At least the three people who have the best hope of turning over are still alive, and the people in the prison (good money) prison are still a little hopeful.

Although everyone has been laughing with funny topics, everyone just hopes that this can drag Ze Yan and Ni Kun, and it just so happens that the two of them are also tired, so they are chatting with them here.

They still bought a lot of time.

On the other side, Zhixiao, who was still beautiful even if she had a cold, was watching these people from a distance, and she looked at the prison people, much more than she thought.

What's going on with these people? Why is there suddenly a tendency to annihilate?

But unexpectedly, I didn't see Kim Jae-ho's figure.

"It seems that only Hao and the final country Oppa have not been caught!"

Aware of the seriousness of the situation, even if she had a cold, she quickly accelerated her movements.

Everyone can't be like this, the body is the capital of the revolution, don't go to the doctor quickly with a cold and fever, isn't the nurse sister cute? Isn't the big brother doctor handsome? Even the grandfather is very kind! _

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