
Thanks, there was laughter.

Everyone was happy when they saw Kim Jae-ho's look and tone, and they didn't hold back their laughter, but they quickly realized that it was wrong, and he shouldn't be laughing.

He turned to PD and said, "Yay! You're luring wolves into the house! "

Haha people are stupid, every wrong word he remembers is to let everyone go to that place and take things casually, right?

"It's already done in accordance with the procedure." PD said.

"He didn't even know that he was done negotiating?" Kim Jae-ho was stunned.

"That's it!" Haha people are stupid, their own home was sold and they don't know, and then others say that they have already gone through the procedure.

"Really, this, really... The president should tell me about it! "Haha, a little confused.

In fact, they did not negotiate with the president, the person they negotiated with was rooted in the roommate, and two sentences were determined by lightning.

"Come on?"


It was probably such a process, and then he began to cooperate, and then almost everything in their house was labeled RM, as long as it was labeled, it could be taken away.

Roommate, the biggest inner ghost.

"What is this?! Why my home?! "

Until I got on the car, haha couldn't believe this fact.

Kim Jae-ho has been following Song Ji-hyo, because there are many people a little crowded, he quickly occupied the position next to Song Zhihyo, and as soon as Song Zhongji and Sunjun came in, the two people were next to each other.

"Oh, can you not get so close?" Kim Jae-ho said to Song Ji-hyo.

Song Zhixiao smiled: "Did you lean on it yourself?" Gee, really. "

"Then you didn't dodge it~"

"Can I hide? Really, don't touch me! You sit well and don't move! "

"Is it the car moving?"

Song Zhongji couldn't stand it: "Oh, there are other people in the car!" "

Kim Jae-ho: "Did you hear it, pay attention!" "

Song Zhixiao cried and laughed: "Are you good?" "

Haha feels a little wrong, shouldn't he be the protagonist of this conversation on the car?

"Can you care about me? That's my home! "

Kim Jae-ho casually asked, "Brother, if your things are broken, our team won't have to pay for their own people, right?" "

Haha: "??? "

"Yay! What do you mean by that? If you break it, you will die! "Haha, it's really urgent.

Kim Jae-ho laughed: "Don't worry, am I such a person?" "

Haha glanced at him with suspicious eyes, did not reply, everything was silent.

Just when Seonkyun wanted to say something, Kim Jae-ho suddenly roared: "Why are you driving?!!! "

"Ah! Scared me! Haha said.

"Brother, don't worry, I have practiced very steadily." Li Guangzhu quickly explained.

Kim Jae-ho shouted in horror: "No, when were you in the driver's seat?!" "

"I've always been." Lee Kwang-joo explained.

"Oh, why is he holding the steering wheel! I'm stupid! "

He glanced at Song Zhixiao and shouted: "It's all to blame on you, I've been thinking about you and I haven't paid attention to who is driving!" "

Song Zhixiao cried and laughed: "What is it about me?" "

Seonkyun asked, "What's wrong?" What happened to him driving? "

Seeing Kim Jae-ho like this, Sunkyun was curious with a premonition that something was wrong.

"Why are you holding on to my clothes?" Song Zhixiao said with a smile, and saw Kim Jae-ho clutching her clothes with his left hand and supporting the seat with his right hand.

"I'm afraid !!" With a crying voice, he shouted: "Zhongji hurry up and hold me!" "

"What's going on?" Zenjun was anxious, he wanted to know.

"Guangzhu is not very good at driving." Song Zhongji explained while laughing and grabbing Kim Jae-ho.

"It's okay, I really practiced." Li Guangzhu soothed.

Kim Jae-ho frowned: "Why don't I believe it?" "

"Trust me." Li Guangzhu could only say these three words.

Haha found something at this time, pointed to the speedometer and said: "No, you are still using a speed of twenty kilometers..."

Li Guangzhu explained: "There are a bit of a lot of people, so..."

"Don't rush him! Let him drive slowly! You take your time and don't rush! "Kim Jae-ho is in a hurry.

At this time, the car suddenly rose and fell.

"Oops! Slow down! "

Everyone has not yet eased up, and the good jun in the back asked:

"The middle gear is loose?"

Li Guangzhu looked down when he heard the sound.

Ha Jin: "Ah! Look ahead!! "

Kim Jae-ho: "Yay! Don't look down! Be careful! Slow down! "

The scene was chaotic.

"It's scary..."

Song Zhixiao felt the power.

No wonder Kim Jae-ho was so panicked, there was a reason, Kim Jae-ho vaguely remembered the first time when Lee Kwang-joo drove him in the co-pilot, it was called a worry ah, did not expect to experience it again today.

Still terrifying.

"I said don't let this man touch the steering wheel..." said Kim Jae-ho, but he wouldn't do this if Lee Kwang-joo was stable.

"It's not..." Li Guangzhu smiled awkwardly and looked back to explain.

"Look ahead!!"

Li Guangzhu was so scared that he looked directly ahead, he was speechless, more terrifying than these people in the car.

"Don't be afraid, Zhixiao, I'm here." Kim Jae-ho looked ahead, not giving Lee Kwang-joo a chance.

Song Jihyo looked at Kim Jae-ho's strong and calm look and smiled: "I think you're a little scared, right?" "

Suddenly haha said: "Stop directly over there." "

"I should have thought that it was so close to your house just now." Kim Jae-ho said.

"yes, I'll just say, it's too close." Haha said.

Kim Jae-ho: "How about we get out of the car and go?" "

Haha: "Good. "

"Oh, it's not that exaggerated, is it?" Li Guangzhu was drunk.


Suddenly a bump Kim Jae-ho roared directly, frightening the people next to him, just now he didn't want him to get off the car, now Li Guangzhu thinks, can you get off the car quickly?

Who loves to carry whom!

Originally, he drove quite steadily, but Kim Jae-ho panicked all the way around, yes, that's it.

It would have arrived soon, but under the influence of Kim Jae-ho, the time has stretched out a lot, and the other side has already begun to plunder.

As soon as Kim Jae-ho got out of the car, he saw that Haha had rushed out.

"It's the first time I've seen him run so fast." He smiled at the camera, "I'm really homesick." "

Sangyoon: Home is almost gone and you still miss home?

Haha rushed directly to his house, and as soon as he opened the door, he began to rush people: "Come out!" This is my home! All out! All out!! "

He wanted to stop Liu Zaishi and them, they already had a lot of things in their hands, but Liu Zaishi just comforted him, should he take it or take it.

Haha watched his newly bought favorite beloved things being moved away one by one by others, and his heart was so heartbroken that he collapsed directly on the ground and cried sadly.

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