It's only been a few episodes, and now there are even that kind of clips of Kim Jae-ho and various female guests, all kinds of messy CPs, and there are even men in them...

Looking at IU's figure dangling around, with hard work in the cute and cute, Kim Jae-ho showed a loving smile, gratified, as if he saw his daughter growing up.

He is witnessing history~

Suddenly, Liu Zaishi in the distance was calling him, and he ran over inexplicably when he saw it.

As soon as he arrived, Liu Zaishi and they pointed to the IU in the distance, and Song Zhixiao on the side stood up directly and said: "IU guest is IU"

"Oh? Is it? "Also pretending not to know the probe to look over.

"Over there, see? There, gray shoes! Liu Zaishi was afraid that he would not be able to see, everyone knew IU, and they all wanted to tell Kim Jae-ho to see how happy he was.

But Kim Jae-ho: "Where?" Why didn't I see it? "

Looking at Kim Jae-ho's appearance, Song Jihyo suddenly realized something, and she stood up and said, "Ah! Did you already know?! "


The prison members who enthusiastically showed Kim Jae-ho the way were instantly stunned and looked at Kim Jae-ho.

"How is that possible? Don't say it, I'll go catch the guests, oh, today is a good day 000~"

Kim Jae-ho: Slipped away~

"Yay! Kim Jae-ho! Liu Zaishi stood up and stared at Kim Jae-ho leaving, everyone was stupid, they all thought that they had just found out, and kindly called people to come and arrest people, but people already knew.

What's going on here?

"Yay! Isn't he supposed to be undercover? Haha said suddenly.

"Ah! Right! "Everyone was shocked when they heard it, it's possible!

"No, I think he just likes IU." Li Guangzhu said, and also looked at Song Zhixiao.

"You say what you say, what do you do with me?" Song Zhixiao said angrily.

Everyone glanced at Song Zhixiao, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, this issue is interesting.

"Did he tell you? Liu Zaishi looked at Kim Jae-ho who was going to the IU and asked.

"No, I don't know, but he has always followed me." Song Zhixiao said.

"We've been over there, he's probably spying on you!" Haha suddenly thought, "He must be a spy!" "

"Really?" Song Zhixiao looked confused.

As for our hard working little sister, I didn't know that the big brother over there had arranged a helper for herself, but there were only two people left, and (cdec) was becoming more and more anxious after looking for a long time.

Suddenly, he spotted a very strange person wandering around there.

IU pressed over, she grabbed the strange man, and then looked around, trying to see what was out of the ordinary.

Suddenly, a sentence sounded in my ears: "Are you looking for me?" "

"Ah! Oppa! "I jumped, not the first, because she was familiar with the voice.

She looked over, and Kim Jae-ho stood by with his back and looked at her.

She doesn't even know when Kim Jae-ho was around, why didn't his bell ring?

"Shock me!" I patted my clothes

"Want to help?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"No thanks." IU said while pulling the little brother next to him to walk quickly.

Kim Jae-ho followed closely like a cowhide candy, and IU instantly felt a sense of crisis.

"What are you looking for? Want to help? "

"No need for Oppa~

"Hahaha, this way, huh~ your bracelet looks very good~"

IU consciousness looked at his arm, was it exposed?

"Wow, so there's a bracelet, right?" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Those who heard this gasped, including the reinforcements next to them.

"No, no, no!" I's faster, Kim Jae-ho followed, and I didn't know that I thought they were racing.

"You like bracelets, don't you? No, your bracelet is not good-looking, ugly, show Oppa to buy you a new one~"

"No need, no need..."

"If you want, show Oppa, just look at one... Ay? What are you running? Oppa is not a bad person~ If you run again, Oppa will chase you~"

Xiangyun is speechless, you are completely a villain speaking, okay? Look at that little sister-in-law who is so frightened that she is screaming...

The aid troops who had been following next to them felt what was called terror for the first time, and the many brushes made them think that they had adapted, but in fact they didn't, Kim Jae-ho's few words made their scalps numb, and they almost followed IU.

Kim Jae-ho looks smiling, but everyone can feel the horror.

Just getting a sense of security from him, a few words changed the feeling of home.

But IU sits still, she fights back, and when Kim Jae-ho arrives, she raises something in her hand, something that Kim Jae-ho doesn't even want to touch.

The aid troops next to them were happier than IU, and they had a feeling of the aftermath of the disaster, clapping their hands there.

"Oooh~!" Kim Jae also danced along with silly music.

IU was happy to see his silly appearance.

"What are you so happy for?"

"I'm happy that you won~" Kim Jae-ho said of course.

"Thank you, but Oba, you really scared me to death just now."

"This is not to put some pressure on you, let you feel the stimulation of RM~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Everyone: That's not a little...

It can be said that throughout the process, because Feng Shan attracted most of the firepower, they were very comfortable most of the time, and sometimes they would be a little nervous when passing by the bell, but the number of people covering was still not a big problem, except in the end, it was more terrifying than chasing them directly.

Because that's someone they felt safe before, someone they could trust.

A kind big brother next door who is willing to risk betrayal has turned into a big demon who wants to kill himself in a blink of an eye, and he is already by his side, IU is scared, don't say IU, the people around her are scared.

Because the guests are more special, the people in the prison can see such a scene, Kim Junguo took Fengseon's hand and walked over, and Kim Jae-ho led IU over, just like two couples.

But none of them complained because they saw IU.

Although I guessed it just now, now when I see real people jumping alive in front of them, the uncle fans all show their aunt smiles.

Open and smoke.

Kim Jae-ho naturally walked to RM's side, Kim Ji-guk too, Bongseon and IU, who had not been seen for a long time, enjoyed happiness, IU came over and said, "Good brother-in-law!" "

"What? What do you say? "Everyone in Jin Zhiguo is dizzy, how can even IU be like this?

It's not that it's not good, of course, it can't be said to be very happy, even if IU said, after all, this is a man who can survive for another ten years without an object.

Facing so many female artists and so many confessions every day, he can still stabilize, what a realm?

Respect! _

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