They just came from the large intestine store...

And I just asked about it when I went to the large intestine store specially ...

After sending them away politely, the three of them sat on the side of the road, lost in thought...

What made them end up in such a field?

Is it luck?

No, it's recklessness.

People are not wrong, after all, the large intestine is really great, they are wrong, did not follow the strategy just now, continue to go to the door of the store to ask, now, they face the situation, to buy another large intestine.

I already have a large intestine in my hand, and I go to buy another copy, so what should I do with the original? The original one fell out of favor!


But Haha did not give up hope, the Jedi fought back, and made a legendary level - "quibbles"!

The production team came up with only one trick - "rules"!

There was no way, so I had to continue to buy large intestines, but this time and the last time, the feeling was completely different...

Liu Zaishi they are very smart, they bought pig's feet and intestines, and now they come directly to the stew ribs shop, ask the lady of the people, what is the best 23 to eat in Daegu, this is probably like asking the game operation, what game is the most fun...

It can be said that the design of the production team is reduced to dimensionality.

In this way, they bought three delicacies that they all felt were good, and Kim Jae-ho and they also found another stew rib shop, and they all found the boss to ask questions, and they were smart and not only Liu Zaishi they would play.

At this moment, the difference between them and Liu Zaishi lies in the middle one, that is, the difference between pig's feet and charcoal-burned large intestines.

And haha their group, basically don't look at it, the combination of large intestine and large intestine chicken gizzard, unless chicken gizzard C, otherwise it is properly at the bottom.

The three teams saw each other for a long time, and Chi Shizhen asked as soon as he came up: "Are you two dating?" Siblings? "

Feng Shan heard that he was shy and happy and pounced on Jin Zhenguo, and directly squeezed Jin Jiguo to Liu Zaishi's side, and Liu Zaishi gave up his position in disgust.

"Why don't you date, almost got married, went to buy quilts, fed each other and danced together, hey, it's so sad tonight."

Haha, they are late and their steps are slightly tired.

"Hey Yigu, Ignorant, did you just wake up?" Kim Jae-ho said to Song Ji-hyo who came over.

"I want you to take care of it~" Song Zhi said viciously, the milk was fierce, bought two large intestines, and was not in a good mood.

"Then start announcing now, the eighth place, the red fish skewer!"

"No, no~" Most of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"What is it?" Kim Jae-ho was curious.

"It's spicy, it's very spicy." Feng Shan explained.

"Then I may not be able to eat." Kim pouted.

"Is there anything else you can't eat?" Feng Shan was shocked, "It's the first time I've seen someone able to eat non-stop. "

"Hahaha~ Sister Feng Shan, saying so, that's really powerful." IU Dao.

Liu Zaishi said: "In fact, Kim Jae-ho doesn't eat everything, he is a picky eater, if he doesn't like to eat, he won't touch it, although there are very few..."

"Is that so?" I showed the long way.

Kim Jae-ho poked his head out: "Don't know me too well~ will be poisoned~"


Sauar or you sau.

PD smiled and continued: "Seven, pigs"

IU laughed, haha and Jin Zhiguo also laughed, but everyone's laughter is not a content.

Haha they immediately had hope, but the hope was quickly dashed, because the six were gizzards.

Jin Zhiguo, who has not yet stepped on the thunder, can't help but sigh: "Feng Shan and I seem to be quite compatible." "

This can make Feng Shan happy, this is probably the spring of licking dogs.

"Oppa! We are the most suitable! Long-looking people will be aesthetically tired after a year! "

I have to say that what she said really makes sense, and the funny soul is bouncing.

Liu Zaishi looked at this scene and said, "Kim Jae-ho seems to be the housekeeper of this house. "

Kim Jae-ho: "Yes, it's to drive for them, take care of the children and so on..."


Feng Sun smiled and patted Kim Jae-ho's shoulder and said, "You are the young master and young master~"

Kim Jae-ho nodded, that's pretty much it.

Haha they are very uncomfortable now, happy is someone else's, he has nothing, after all, the gizzard is gone, they have a large intestine left.

"Fifth, suppress the noodle soup."

As soon as PD finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

Kim Jae-ho: "What is this again?" "

Liu Zaishi: "First time I heard about it. "

"Are the noodles pressed?" Feng Shan immediately grasped the point.

"Wow, I want to eat." I。

Kim Jae-ho immediately raised his hand: "Take me one!" "

"I'm going to taste it too." Feng Shan said.

"It must be delicious." Kim Junguo also said.

Kim Jae-ho said, "How do I feel that this show is a food show?" "

"Hahaha ~ Indeed.

Everyone agreed, obviously came to the show, and as a result, learned a lot of new poses for food.

Useful knowledge has been added again.

"Four, soup rice!"

IU exploded, basically using her whole body to express her regret, and her little hands kept waving, "I said there must be!" "

Everyone expressed regret, and the thieves on Jin Zhiguo's side were happy, could it be that they swept the top three?

There are only three left, and everyone's posture quickly escalates to that of a gambler, and Kim Jae-ho is the same, after all, if he wins, tomorrow Kim Junguo will take him to eat, and when the time comes, he will eat all of these first eight.

Whether to play Daegu or be played by Daegu again depends on the next three!

"Three, flat dumplings!"

Golden Phoenix Three: ?!

Is that the flat dumplings 000 that they just bought to eat in the first place and ate all the way along the way?!

"Wait a minute!" Kim Jae-ho suddenly took out a bag from his pocket: "I still have one!" "

Jin Feng: !!

"Yay! We have! We have! Feng Shan shouted.

"Yes! We have one more! Jin Zhiguo also hurriedly said.

"This doesn't count, does it?!" Liu Zaishi immediately refuted.

"Just one, how can it be counted!" Haha also said.

"Yes, that doesn't count." PD said.

"Ah..." Jin Zhiguo expressed regret and went up and down.

Kim Jae-ho was not convinced: "How can it not be counted!" I haven't eaten for a long time! "

"Why haven't you eaten yet? I thought I was finished! Jin Zhiguo said.

"I'm going to eat it when it's over, and hide it secretly." Kim Jae-ho said.

Actually eat alone?!

Feng Sun quickly touched Kim Jae-ho's pocket: "What else are you hiding?!" "

"No more! Without! It's all eaten! Kim Jae-ho quickly avoided it, for fear of being touched by her.

This wanted to cover up, more like hiding something, but Feng Shan only scared him.

The most terrifying thing is that now there are only two left, and Kim Jae-ho still has three things that they have not named.

"Two! Large intestine! "


Everyone is cheering, everyone has a large intestine, and haha they exaggerate even more, they have two, and that's it. _

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