After a week, the people at RM got together again, somewhere on the rooftop.

"Ah~ We finished shooting well in Thailand, thank you again to the fans in Thailand."

Liu Zaishi said the opening remarks, led everyone to bow, yesterday's broadcast response was very good, Thai fans really gave enough RM cards everyone is very impressed, now everyone says that they are international stars, that is not exaggerated.

Watching everyone fighting, Guang Fanda was laughing there beautifully.

"Look at the beads." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Everyone couldn't help but be happy when they saw that unproductive look.

Today's weather is also very good, did not say big sun, gloomy, if this weather is still big sun, it will really heat to death.

"So what are you doing today?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"Today's task is, dice race, in search of the golden crown!" D said.

"Huh?" Everyone's curiosity immediately came, after all, there is a golden word, no, it should be said that it doesn't matter if the gold is not gold, everyone just wants to feel the feeling of wearing a crown.

"The final destination is Gyeongju G Theme Park! Reach the fastest to find the one with the most gold crowns and win! "

"Oh! Just went to the park after the tour? Kim Jae-ho was shocked, "You guys are so nice to us?!" "

PD doesn't like Kim Jae-ho's tone, what is it called, have we been very good to you?

But he doesn't talk nonsense either, "You have to roll the dice at five stops, it's very simple, if you take it, you will continue to take the train, if you are eliminated, you will not be able to take the train." "

"So what to sit?"

Chi Shizhen: "Start here?" "

"Yes, if you eliminate it here, find a way to go yourself."

"That's cruel, isn't it?" Everyone was confused, and it started here.

That is to say, in this round of unlucky people can't even see the train, they have to find a way to get to their destination, not to say how difficult it is to go by themselves, but to go by themselves is likely to have no shot.

And for Kim Jae-ho, he goes to have fun and leisure, who may sleep in the car, but he has to pay for it himself, is it not fragrant to buy ice cream with this money?

PD pulled out a dice, blue and blue, there are only two on it, that is, elimination and ride.

Liu Zaishi immediately walked over and took it, he is MC, "Wait a minute, then the order of this dice is very important~." "

The first thing that came to his mind was this problem, because it was safe to eliminate two other people, which was not right in terms of probability, but it was a big problem from the black hands of some of the RM people.

To be honest, so far, except for, everyone else's hands are black to varying degrees, each with its own wonderful, and Liu Zaishi is currently more prominent in this regard, so one is concerned about this issue.

And Kim Jae-ho was: "Wow! Brother, this dice is bigger than your head~!

Liu Zaishi listened loudly: "Ah! My head seems big when you say this! "


"Ah~Sure enough, it's Kim Zai~"

Chi Shizhen smiled very happily, and wanted to take this opportunity to sit down the setting of Liu Zaishi's big size, Liu Zaishi already felt that he was enlarging his head in the later stage, and quickly changed the topic.

"The order of this dice is important..." His train of thought was interrupted as soon as he arrived, so now he can only repeat this.

Haha added: "If the number of losers is enough, there is no need for the people behind to vote anymore, just get on the bus." "

PD nodded, some people are only now reacting, oh, that's what it means. ,

Haha by hot iron: "Then start with the light beads~"

How many meanings?

Guangzhu only heard the meaning of taking advantage of the fire and robbery, and there was a strong sense of insult, inexplicably unhappy.

"Then just Guangzhu and Brother Zaishi, we will get on the car directly." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yay! I've put up with you for a long time! Liu Zaishi said and walked to Kim Jae-ho's side, so frightened that Kim Jae-ho smiled and hid behind Song Zhixiao, after all, the other direction was Lee Kwang-joo, and he was looking for a guy.

Song Zhixiao is about to die of laughter, this guy hides behind him every time there is a problem, what, does he feel safe?

To make a digression, because now Song Zhihyo's main work object is Kim Jae-ho, although Kim Jae-ho is not necessary to appear on the set, but the benefits of the work are in place, did not say anything to stay up late to shoot and the like, the conditions are Kim Jae-ho, he has to maintain adequate sleep in the evening, and he is not in a hurry, so Song Zhihyo's skin is now very good, fair and shiny, moist.

Because of the needs of the plot, she also has long hair, the color is flax brown, this is a very common color, she originally dyed this color, the color on Kim Junguo's head is also a little similar to this, it is a more popular color all along, since it is this color, Kim Jae-ho also proposes to dye it warmer, like the original.

Song Zhixiao also has no opinion, anyway, it was originally dyed for him to see... After all, he is a director.

Back in the game, after some quick discussion, everyone decided to follow the tradition, first rock-paper-scissors to determine the two most unlucky people, simple, convenient and fast.

After the first round, Kim Jae-ho was in the upper circle, probably rubbed Song Jihyo just now, and his luck was good.

The only two unlucky people are Liu Zaishi and Chi Shizhen, two old unlucky eggs, but Chi Shizhen never expected that he was even more unlucky than Liu Zaishi, and rock-paper-scissors actually lost to Liu Zaishi.

He sighed, gritted his teeth and forced himself to endure his sadness, carried it with a smile, and then was carried away by the dice.

That's right, with a one-in-two chance, he also drew the elimination, and simply became the first person to be eliminated.

"Ugh!" Chi Shizhen died on the spot, fell to the ground and cursed the injustice of Heaven's Dao, next to six people who were so happy that they flew up.

Everyone is sighing, to some extent, Chi Shizhen is also very powerful, the stone scissors (of) knife cloth lost and eliminated, really one set was taken away.

As soon as he stood up, everyone began to choose an unlucky egg, this Kim Jae-ho is still in the upper position, but Song Jihyo has lost and has to come again.

But she didn't pay attention, because Jin Zhiguo also lost, Liu Zaishi immediately noticed, "Ah! If Jin Zhiguo and Chi Shi Zhendi are words, the strongest is the weakest! "

"Yes!" Kim Jae-ho immediately rubbed his hands excitedly, "It's over, I already have a picture in my head!" "

"It won't..." Jin Junguo smiled uneasily.

The result came out quickly, and the next second he lost, and everyone's cheers were immediately in place, just like Kim Jae-ho said, there was already a picture.

"Masaka!" Kim Jae-ho excitedly plastic Japanese all came out.

This time it was Jin Zhiguo's turn to rub his hands, no way, the next thing depends on the temperament, if he loses, he may have to spend the next few hours with Chi Shizhen. _

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