"Hmph~" Kim sat proudly with his hands cocked, he had been playing such a role recently, so it only took a fraction of a second to grasp the situation.

But what he didn't know was that there was a follow-up, and Chi Shizhen read the mission letter: "The team with the name cards of the three bosses is the final winning team today!" But if the unveiled brand is not BOSS's, then the person who unveiled the brand is eliminated. "

"In that case, wouldn't I want to hide?" Kim Jae-ho's mind spun quickly.

"That's it! You can't be seen as a boss! Chi Shizhen also grasped the situation.

"Or it can be like that, that is, I am obviously the boss, and then they will think that I am fooling them, but they will not dare to tear me." Kim Jae-ho came up with an idea.

"Yes! It can be like that! Song Zhixiao also felt that it made sense, "Confuse them and make them think that you are acting." "

"It's also very suitable for you, it really can be like this." Chi Shizhen also agreed, "Then which of us plays the hidden boss?" "

"I think Zhixiao is very good at acting, after all, brother, your acting skills..." Kim Jae-ho stopped talking.

"Yay! What's wrong with my acting skills! I really am..." Chi Shi Zhen's heart was not smooth, is this underestimating his acting skills?

In fact, even if he is high-looking, his acting skills are not good, especially when he knows that he is acting.

"When the time comes, as soon as brother acts, they will know that you are acting, then I will be exposed immediately." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yes." Song Zhixiao nodded with a smile.

"To what?!" Chi Shizhen smiled depressedly: "I really am, I feel like I'm going to be angry today." "

Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo are happy, and teasing the old father is probably the happiest thing after teasing Kwang-joo.

But even if he felt very uncomfortable, Ji Seok-jin had to admit that Kim Jae-ho's idea was very thoughtful, and it was really possible to succeed, two professional actors acting, he followed the side to cover, just take himself as a good one.

"If you start solving tasks in various places in Yeouido now, you will get tips from the boss of the other party!"

"Oh ~ there is a place to eat ~ barbecue and barbecue!" Kim Jae-ho was excited, "Let's go here first!" "

"Who goes to a barbecue early in the morning?" Let's go somewhere else first, what do you think, Zhixiao? Chi Shizhen asked.

"I think so too." Song Zhixiao nodded.

"Good! Then let's go to something else first! Chi Shizhen was ready to drive.

"Yay! What kind of father-daughter duo are you today? Leave me aside? Kim Jae-ho was speechless.

Chi Shizhen was not happy: "What father and daughter?" How is it also brother and sister, right? "

"Oh oh ~ I don't want my face~"

"Where there is ~ it was originally like that, I don't believe you find someone at random, they all say that we look like brothers and sisters, it's really ..." Chi Shizhen said this without blinking, with a faint confident smile.

Song Jihyo and Kim Jae-ho had no choice, and smiled helplessly.

This is not considered indoors, indoor Chi Shi Zhen is the king.

"However, in fact, it is best, we all think of ourselves as the hidden boss, that is, when others come to tear you, you have to stick to that kind of thing, so that they don't know who it is." Kim Jae-ho analyzed.

"This is okay, set in a set, on the surface you are pretending, in fact, we are also pretending to be the boss, ah, this way we are too powerful, right?" Ike Shizhen feels like the hero of the movie.

When they went to the first place, they saw another team of people outside, it was the Kim End-of-Kingdom team dressed in pink.

"Hey Ichiko~ who is this~" Kim Jae-ho greeted as soon as they met.

"Yay! Why are you here? Jin Zhiguo and they were all ready to start, and when they saw this, they also stopped.

"Yay! Don't hurry up and say hello to our sister Jiang Xi?! "Haha, as soon as we met, we put cute cruel words.

"Good senior~" Kim Jae-ho bowed, and Ji Shizhen followed and said hello.

"Hello~I've been watching your drama~" Jiang Xi said with a smile, looking even more respectful than Kim Jae-ho.

"Where is there, senior, your play is, I have been watching it~"

"Oh~ which one have you watched?" Chi Shizhen asked curiously.

Jin Zaihao immediately glanced at Ji Shizhen to stop talking, pulled the corner of Chi Shizhen's clothes and whispered: "Brother, which side are you!" "


Seeing him like this, everyone knows that Kim Jae-ho is saying polite words, and he must have never seen a single one.

Jiang Xi didn't mind either, "Then I'll work harder~hahaha~"

"The senior's personality is really good~ brother, why don't you learn?"

"What do you mean?" Chi Shi Zhenqi smiled, "What's wrong with my personality? "

"Yay!" Haha shouted irritably: "Can you guys be quiet?!" We're going to start! Can we start?! "


I saw the three of them standing in front of the microphone, looking like they were going to do something, and their task was to correctly read the given sentence within the specified time, that is, to correctly read the prompt sentence in a relay way within twenty seconds.

In fact, it is a tongue twister, just like Jin Zhiguo, what they want to read is that Jin Zhiguo should not eat all bad foods such as synthetic spices and synthetic pigments, and eat some fish bones and crab meat that are good for the body, red adzuki bean bread, and gel dragon and phoenix soup.

"Hey, Igu~ is the life motto of Brother Jiguo~" Kim Jae-ho sighed.

"Yay! You don't talk! Jin Zhiguo shouted.

"Concentrated! Yikes! When is it! "Haha is about to explode, and directly scolded the eldest brother.

Jin Zhiguo also felt embarrassed, shook his head vigorously, and then began to twist his tongue, and then said it wrong, and suddenly a strong wind hit, it was such a familiar feeling.

The wind was up, the anger was crazy, and Kim Junguo, who was blown into a pig, rushed over and wanted to kill, Kim Jae-ho quickly hid behind the old father, and the old father was also afraid, scared stupid.

“OK! Arazo! I know! Got started, huh? Haha showed an angry and sinister look.

Kim Jae-ho, they are all a little weak and afraid~

It's over, make haha urgent.

The war began.

This time, Kim Jae-ho really didn't plan to get them, just ridiculed, but he didn't expect that Kim Junguo would be broken so simply.

Next, as soon as Kim Jae-ho spoke, haha began to interfere with all kinds of interference, so he tried hard, he has a lot of ideas for this little clever ghost.

When two teams meet together, there will be such and such things.

"All right! You're going to play like this, aren't you? Kim Jae-ho gritted his teeth and said that he was also provoked and his mentality was lost.

So, the two sides began to love and kill each other, but they suddenly began to discover something.

"Yay! This wind hurts too much, right?! Jin Zhiguo scolded.

"It hurts! It hurts to death! Haha also erupted in dissatisfaction.

"I feel like my face is blowing crooked! Brother Shi Zhen's double jaw was blown off! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"How can I have a double chin!" Chi Shizhen lay innocently on the gun.

PD is speechless, so why are you messing with each other like this...

But it was originally a punishment, it is impossible to mitigate, even if it is reduced, it is the next time, this is actually a very simple task, generally speaking, three or four times should be enough, they are stunned five or six times.

Jiang Xi was blown so that her hairstyle was messed up, like the characters in the play, she didn't expect that RM was such a difficult show.

It's not that the task is difficult, but they themselves will make it more difficult for themselves, although she looks a little eager to try, and wants to follow the whole point, but after all, she is not very familiar, not very embarrassed to move.

Because I read it five times, in the end, Kim Jae-ho almost solved the battle in five seconds with the speed of RAP, buying a lot of time for his teammates, and most importantly, this time, the truce was made, because he realized that this could only be a defeat for both sides, so that Liu Zaishi and his team profited, of course, this was the conclusion negotiated under friendly negotiations, and the process was skipped.

"But then again, which of you is the boss?" Kim Junguo asked.

Kim Jae-ho laughed proudly: "Besides me, who else is qualified to be a BOSS~"

"Oh?!" Jiang Xi was immediately shocked and blew himself up?

"No, he can't be like this, he must be acting, ah, it's Brother Shi Zhen!" Haha immediately analyzed, he is too familiar with Kim Jae-ho, Kim Jae-ho this person, treacherous, cunning, if he is so deliberately exposed, it is not his character.

"Yes!" Jin Zhiguo also felt that it made sense.

Looking at their malicious eyes, Chi Shizhen showed a weak smile and quietly retreated, this sluggish look was out of the ordinary, just like the real thing, you can see that you have experience.

"It's up to you, hurry up, boss I'm leaving, you guys blow the wind slowly." Kim Jae-ho laughed contemptuously, and quickly escorted Ji Shi-jin away, looking as if he was afraid that they would burst into Ji Shi-jin.

The three people showed confident smiles, and now it was Liu Zaishi's side.

Sure enough, the driver must be busy with Kim Jae-ho, and then the co-driver must not be Chi Shizhen, he can only sit in the back, just like they and Jiang Xi.

This is called the beautiful quality of respecting the old and loving the young!

They never expected that not only did they not have the slightest respect, but they also kept disgusting him and treating him as a driver.

As soon as he turned around, Chi Shizhen almost laughed out loud with excitement.

"Brother, hold on!" Kim Jae-ho kept reminding next to Ji Shijin, for fear that Ji Shizhen would have a problem with his excitement.

"They believed it!" Chi Shi Zhenthief is happy, he deceived people for the first time!

And still rely on their own acting skills!


All three have the thrill of stealing a chicken, and the plan succeeds, which is the first step, the first step to success.

Everyone took the clue, just a simple B-word, and the cover was pink.

"Why are you still cursing?!" Kim Jae-ho frowned when he saw it.

"Yay! Why is it a dirty word? "Chi Shizhen and Song Zhixiao were shocked, how did you associate it?

And then they thought about it, and they thought about it.

Seeing them like this, PD panicked first, little brother, what's wrong with you?

A few people didn't care, so they got on the bus and went to the next station, which is still very long today, and this is just the beginning.

"Oh! Blood type! Song Zhixiao suddenly thought.

"Haha brother? Brother Jiuguo is of type A, and Jiang Xi's predecessor does not know. Kim Jae-ho analyzed it.

"Then it could be haha." Song Zhixiao said.

"If it's haha, haha sit in the back? Very likely, if he hadn't driven, he would probably be sitting in the back, but how do I feel that Haha brother will rush to drive? Kim Jae-ho said.

"It's okay, let's look at a little more clue." Song Zhixiao is very rational.

"It's just, the beginning is good, just go straight to the end." Chi Shizhen looked excited.

Song Jihyo and Kim Jae-ho both smiled heartily and understood both.

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