Kowloon's return to unity

Chapter 31: Feixiamen

"I want to enter the Wu Sect in Dengzhou to lay a solid foundation, and then take the Xuantian Bie Sect exam later."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, Zhu Feichen fell into deep thought.

Lu Chen is a member of the sect master, and it is too late for Zhu Feichen to fawn over him, so how dare he go against Lu Chen's wishes.

Moreover, Lu Chen just doesn't want to join the Xuantian Sect now, but he can join in the future. In the end, he will still be a disciple of Xuantian.

This point does not go against the original intention of the great sect master.

The three martial arts sects in Dengzhou are affiliated to Xuantian Bie Sect. No matter which martial sect Lu Chen goes to, they are all under his control. I believe there will be no big problems.

It just so happened that he could take advantage of this period to acquire more natural resources and treasures. Even if Lu Chen failed again, with a large amount of resources to pile up, he could still push Lu Chen's level up.

"No problem, do you want to go to that martial arts school?"

Zhu Feichen nodded, still smiling like a spring breeze and asking.


Lu Shen thought for a moment and then made his choice.

He will definitely not go to Ziyun Sect. It doesn't matter to him whether he goes to other martial arts sects.

It's just that Feixiamen is more suitable for Wan'er!

In fact, there was naturally another reason why Lu Chen refused Zhu Feichen and insisted on going to Dengzhou Wumen.

Back then, his father Lu Zhengru left the Lu family. Others thought he was going on a long journey to gain experience. But only Lu Chen knew that his father was not going to gain experience, but instead went to Daji Mountain to look for an extremely important item!

Five years have passed, and there is no news from his father. His life and death are uncertain. Lu Chen is going to find his father!

Daji Mountain is located in Dengzhou and is the training ground for the three major martial arts schools.

Lu Chen needs to enter a martial arts sect to easily enter the Great Fierce Mountain.

"Feixiamen welcomes you!"

Pan Qingyan beamed and was very happy.

In the past admissions ceremonies, we always followed the Purple Cloud Sect and Broken Sand Sect to pick up the slack, and the admitted disciples were not the best. Today, I was able to receive the candidate who ranked first in martial arts, and I was finally proud of myself.

"I'm going to Feixiamen too."

Wan'er said quickly.


Pan Qingyan was extremely surprised and very happy.

However, Wu Qugong and Sha Haifei's expressions were extremely ugly.

"Elder Pan, I want to recommend someone to you."

Lu Chen knew that except Ziyun Sect, the other two martial arts sects had three admission quotas, and he wanted to win the last quota for Feixia Sect for one person.


Pan Qingyan was still immersed in excitement and responded without thinking.

"Zhang Chengbin, second level of the True Yuan Realm."

Lu Chen pointed at a young man in the crowd, which immediately caused a sensation.

Zhang Chengbin is indeed well-known in Shuangmu City, but he is quite old and has passed the age of joining the martial arts sect. Will Feixia sect accept him?

Pan Qingyan glanced at Zhang Chengbin and immediately agreed: "Admit!"

It is a fact that Zhang Chengbin is not qualified, but it depends on who recommends him.

She was afraid that she wouldn't agree, so Lu Chen turned around and led Wan'er to Shaman Shamen, which would be bad.

Sha Haifei is a guy who can't afford to be early for no profit. In order to compete for good disciples, he dares to agree to anything.

"Thank you Brother Lu."

Zhang Chengbin burst into tears with gratitude. He never dreamed that he would one day enter the martial arts sect.

Tens of thousands of warriors at the scene stared at Zhang Chengbin with jealousy.

No one can understand why Lu Chen recommended Zhang Chengbin instead of recommending others?

There are many people who are better than Zhang Chengbin!

"You're welcome."

Lu Chen smiled and finally returned Zhang Chengbin's favor.

That day at Baixiang Tower, Zhang Chengbin defended the last level and tied with Lu Chen, which could have prevented Lu Chen from passing the level.

However, Zhang Chengbin was a kind man and felt that his level was higher than that of Lu Chen. A draw was a loss, so he let Lu Chen pass.

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen would take this matter to heart and repay it today.

"In half a year, I will be waiting for you in the imperial capital to participate in the martial arts competition."

Seeing that things were over, Zhu Feichen was ready to leave, "If you still can't solve anything, you can tell me."

Lu Chen took a deep breath. There was probably a reason why the dignified leader of the Xuantian Farewell Sect, the Weizhen Fang, was so enthusiastic about helping him.

As for the reason, he couldn't think of a reason and didn't bother to study it.

In short, he just knew that Zhu Feichen had no ill intentions.

However, he still had one curious thing that he wanted to ask Zhu Feichen.

"Sect Master Zhu, there is something I still don't know about, and I would like to ask boldly."

"Ask boldly."

"Who has the courage to burn Sect Master Zhu's hair and robes?"


Zhu Feichen choked and scratched his forehead, feeling a little embarrassed.

Who else?

It’s you boy!

That unknown martial vein evolved from the talent stone, and suddenly a fire dragon shot into the sky, hitting my hiding place, catching me off guard.

After the enrollment ceremony, Lu Chen and others must arrive at Feixiamen on time within ten days.

The Lu family held a big banquet for three days to congratulate Lu Chen!

Lu Chen also arranged the affairs of the Lu family, entrusting the eldest elder to take charge of the family, and then passed the position of young master to the eldest elder's grandson Lu Shaoqi.

If the head of the family is not here, the young master cannot be here too, otherwise the Lu family will have no cohesion.

Lu Shaoqi was loyal and reliable by nature, but his talent was average and he could not excel in martial arts.

Before Lu Chen left, he gave Lu Shaoqi a blessing as a way of repaying the great elder's kindness.

A martial art and a combat skill, both of which are incomplete and high-grade Xuan-level, are of good value. As long as Lu Shaoqi practices diligently, he will become the strongest man in Shuangmu City in the future, and he will be more than enough to lead the Lu family to glory.

The Lu family said goodbye to the Lu family, and then rode out of the city with Wan'er, leaving the place where they grew up.

As soon as they left the city gate, they saw Zhang Chengbin, who had been waiting for a long time.

Zhang Chengbin was very grateful to Lu Chen. He took good care of Lu Chen along the way and rushed to do any work. Lu Chen felt a little embarrassed.

Zhang Chengbin is more than ten years older than Lu Chen. He often travels all over the country. He is relatively knowledgeable and knows a lot about Dengzhou.

And Lu Chen just wanted to know the forces of all parties in Dengzhou and the situation in Daxi Mountain.

Zhang Chengbin didn't know much about Daji Mountain, which was a training ground for the three major martial arts schools and was not open to the public.

As for the forces in Dengzhou, Zhang Chengbin knew a lot about them and explained them to Lu Chen eloquently.

There are five major powers in Dengzhou, namely the Prefecture Lord's Mansion, the Great Alchemy Hall, and the three major martial arts sects. The other big families cannot come to the fore at all.

Among them, the State Lord's Mansion is in charge of secular affairs, and the Great Alchemy Hall is in charge of elixirs. These two forces have good relations with the three major martial arts sects, and there is not much conflict of interest.

However, there is a conflict of interest among the three major martial arts sects, which has become a fire and water situation. If it were not for the oppression of the Xuantian Sect, they would have annexed each other long ago.

Among the three major martial arts sects, Ziyun sect is the strongest, Shasha sect comes second, and Feixia sect is the weakest.

Even the weakest Feixia Sect is the martial sect that most warriors in Dengzhou Ninety-nine City aspire to.

The sect leader of Feixia Sect is a woman, and she prefers women when accepting disciples, so there are more female cultivators than male cultivators under her sect.


Feixia Mountain has mountains and mountains stretching for thousands of miles, and the aura of heaven and earth is very rich.

Then, the entire Feixia Mountain is within the scope of Feixia Sect!

At the entrance of Feixiamen, hundreds of young men and women were queuing up, waiting to register.

Lu Chen and the others finally arrived here after a long journey.

"so many people?"

Wan'er looked at the long queue and couldn't help but ask.

"Dengzhou's ninety-nine cities have admitted three people in each city, so there are almost three hundred people, and they all started today. Of course there are many people."

Lu Chen replied.

The three of them got off their horses and lined up behind the dragon.

Not long after, someone came again.

He was a young man, well-dressed, wearing gold and silver. He walked with his nostrils pointed in the sky. You could tell at a glance that he was a playboy.

He didn't line up and walked directly to the front. When he passed by Wan'er, he suddenly stopped walking and stared at Wan'er with blank eyes, as if he had discovered something.

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