Kowloon's return to unity

Chapter 416 Trapping the Firefox

"Do you like alchemy?"

Lu Chen asked Huohu curiously.

Firefox has a high IQ and a high beast level. Although it cannot speak, it can understand human speech.

Fire Fox nodded immediately and looked at Lu Chen with a pair of narrow fox eyes, with a look of desire in his beast eyes.


What do you desire?

Desire to make elixirs?

Or do you want to become stronger?

Lu Chen still felt that the element of desire was mostly there!

The primitive desire of savage beasts is power and becoming stronger!

No matter how high the Firefox's IQ is, it is still a beast, and its original desire will not change.

The Fire Fox was originally at the peak of the fifth level, with an extremely high degree of evolution. If he hadn't cut himself into the beast fire and suffered a severe loss of vitality, he might have broken through long ago.

In fact, Lu Chen had a way to push Huohu and let him break through.

The problem is, Firefox is already very strong. If it gets stronger, it will be level six!

The sixth-level savage beast is equivalent to the realm above the Tiangang realm!

By then, the fire fox has become very scary. Can Xiaoyu still suppress it?

If even Xiaoyu can't be suppressed, then there will be a big problem!

Once the Firefox rebels and starts killing people, everyone here will die!

If Firefox doesn't rebel and is very obedient and obedient, that will be his terrifying trump card!

The sixth-level savage beast also has fire attributes. Once it is released to bite people, even Elder Liao may not be able to withstand it.

Can you help Firefox break through?

It will depend on whether you can control Firefox!

In other words, after Fire Fox becomes stronger, can Lu Chen still be able to control it?

It should be possible, right?

Lu Chen and Huo Hu looked at each other. Seeing the confusion in Huo Hu's eyes, he made a decision in his heart.

With my method of trapping people, wouldn't it be easier to trap a savage beast?

No matter how high Firefox’s IQ is, is anyone else’s IQ high?

No matter how cunning a savage beast is, it is impossible to compare with a human being!

Firefox, Firefox, when you meet me, just accept your fate!

I will cheat the sky, the ground, and the air. I will cheat everything except my father. I will definitely cheat you without any negotiation.

"How about I teach you how to make alchemy?"

Lu Chen showed a fox-like smile.

Fire Fox stared at Lu Chen blankly, without nodding or responding.

"There is a kind of elixir called the Purple Fire Mysterious Beast Pill. It is not for humans, but for beasts. It is not for ordinary wild beasts. This is an exclusive elixir for fire beasts. It is only for those with fire attributes. The beast works!”

After Lu Chen said this, he glanced at Fire Fox.

Sure enough, the fire fox became energetic, his eyes were wide open, and his ears were raised high.

"The Purple Fire Mysterious Beast Pill is a sixth-level elixir that is of great benefit to fifth-level fire beasts, especially the peak fifth-level fire beasts. After taking the Purple Fire Mysterious Beast Pill, their own evolution will speed up and it will be easy to break through. ,"

Lu Chen spoke matter-of-factly and formally brainwashed the Fire Fox, "However, the Purple Fire Mysterious Beast Pill is difficult to refine because it has a characteristic that it must be refined by the Fire Beast himself using his own beast fire, so that the Purple Fire Mysterious Beast Pill has this The breath of the fire beast, the elixir refined in this way is suitable for this fire beast to eat. "

"If someone else helps you refine it, the Purple Fire Mysterious Beast Pill will not have your breath, and it will have no effect if you take it."

Lu Chen rubbed the fire fox's head and tricked it patiently.

In fact, the Purple Fire Mysterious Beast Pill is not a sixth-level elixir, but a fifth-level elixir that Lu Chen can refine. It is said that it must be refined by the fire beast himself to be useful. That is just to trick the fire fox.

Lu Chen had long found the function of this elixir and the method of refining it in his alchemy memory.

The Purple Fire Mysterious Beast Pill is a fifth-level elixir for fire beasts, which promotes the evolution of fifth-level fire beasts.

If the fifth-level peak Fire Fox takes the Purple Fire Mysterious Beast Pill, it will be very easy to break through.

This kind of elixir is not common. It is usually needed by beast masters to improve their fire-based battle pets.

And Lu Chen didn't want to let Fire Fox get the Purple Fire Mysterious Beast Pill casually. In that case, it would be difficult to control Fire Fox.

Lu Chen had an idea. Since Huo Hu was interested in refining elixirs, he might as well trick him into helping him make elixirs.

Although no barbarian beast has ever made an elixir, it doesn’t mean it’s impossible!

Miracles arise from the impossible!

The fire fox has such a high IQ. Once the fox fire is restored, if you give it more medicinal materials to practice, and only let it refine a single Tiangang Dan, if you practice too much, you may not be able to succeed?


The fire fox made an urgent cry, and it looked like it was about to fall into a trap.

"The Purple Fire Mysterious Beast Pill is a sixth-level pill, very advanced. If you don't have the foundation to make pills, you won't be able to make it at all."

Lu Chen continued, "If you really want the Purple Fire Mysterious Beast Pill, there is a way, and that is to refine the pill diligently. It is not about refining the Purple Fire Mysterious Beast Pill, but about refining other pills to lay the foundation. For example, refining the Nine Marks Tiangang Pill, Once you get the hang of it, I’ll teach you how to make the Purple Fire Mysterious Beast Pill.”


Firefox responded eagerly and nodded hurriedly.

"In the first step of refining alchemy, you must first have animal fire. When will your fox fire be restored?"

Lu Chen asked.


Firefox responded eagerly again, which sounded like it was very fast.

"Then you quickly return to Chaos Pearl, restore the fox fire, and then find me."

Lu Chen said.

The Fire Fox immediately crawled back into the Chaos Orb, desperately sucking in the innate Chaos Qi inside, and completely fell into the deep pit tailor-made for it by Lu Chen.

As long as the fire fox became superstitious about the elixir, everything would be easy, and Lu Chen would dare to make it stronger.

Because, in addition to the Purple Fire Mysterious Beast Pill, Lu Chen also has a more advanced Nine Fire Mysterious Beast Pill!

The Nine Fire Mysterious Beast Pill is a true sixth-level elixir. It is difficult to refine, but it is aimed at sixth-level fire beasts. It is of great benefit to sixth-level savage beasts.

After the Fire Fox takes the Purple Fire Mysterious Beast Pill and breaks through, he will be even more eager for the Nine Fire Mysterious Beast Pill!

From then on, Fire Fox will be out of control and become Lu Chen's alchemy coolie!

Of course, Firefox must learn to make alchemy in advance, otherwise there is no need to talk about it.

Lu Chen packed up his things, got up and went out. He successfully refined five hundred furnaces and thousands of Nine-marked Tiangang Pills, which he wanted to distribute as soon as possible.

There weren't many elixirs last time. I guess the brothers have all finished taking them and are waiting for dinner.

If we want to increase the overall combat strength of the Fanatic Legion in a short period of time, we must eat the Nine Patterns Tiangang Pill!

Lu Chen came out to distribute the elixirs, and more than a hundred people were all happy and excited.

Nine Patterns Tiangang Pill!

It can be said that it is a top-notch mainstream elixir. It is almost impossible to buy it outside. I wonder if it is available in Daozong?

If the resources were important, Lu Chen would easily take out thousands of them, and everyone would be given dozens of them.

Just for the last batch of Nine Marks Tiangang Pills, everyone broke through and entered the three poles of Tiangang. And this time there is enough elixir, it is estimated that the strength of the entire fanatical legion will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Lu Chen came out of seclusion, Shangguan Jin and others also came after hearing the news, and the high-end combat power of the Fanatic Legion also gathered together.

Lu Chen looked at the surging breaths of Shangguan Jin and others, feeling surprised, happy, and emotional at the same time.

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