Kowloon's return to unity

Chapter 428 Stormy Sky

"I only have two pots!"

Feilong was very confused. It was really strange that his senior brother asked him how many pots he had.

He comes and goes with just two big pots, doesn’t Senior Brother know?

"I'm not referring to your quasi-sacred cauldron, but when you were casting the pot, did you leave any failed pots?"

Lu Chen said.

"No, not one."

Feilong shook his head and pretended to be cool, "My skills in casting are so high, how could I fail?"


Lu Chen was suffocated and his expression turned a little ugly.

Shouhu, Gaohai and Aoshan can all contribute their professional skills, but when it comes to Feilong, why can't they contribute?

If there were more pots, the city wall would have more defense.

"Let's put it this way, the pot I used is very special. It requires two pots to form a round ball, so the concavity is very deep, making it more complicated to cast."

Fat Dragon licked his lips and said, "If it's a shield, I can cast it in batches regardless of level!"

"Batch casting? What do you mean?"

Lu Chen's eyes lit up and he asked quickly.

"That is to say, I can cast the shield on site and use it immediately!"

Fei Long said.

"We don't have much time. By the time you cast the shield, the day lilies will be cold."

Lu Chen raised his head and looked up at the sky. The two strong men negotiating became more and more fierce. They refused to give in to each other. Their faces were red and their ears were red. It looked like they were about to start fighting.

"As long as I have enough of what I need, I can cast a hundred shields in one stick of incense, and they are at the level of treasures!"

Fei Long said.

"Great, what do you need?"

"One hundred mid-level fifth-level beast pills!"

"No problem, I have it!"

"Senior brother, I need you to help me light the furnace fire. Your animal fire is very strong and can melt the ore quickly. My real fire is not strong enough and cannot melt quickly."


Just as he was told, Fei Long opened a space ring and took out some casting tools, including a huge casting furnace weighing at least one hundred thousand kilograms.

Lu Chen followed Fei Long's instructions, lit the beast fire, burned the forge, and then increased the beast fire to the extreme, and soon the forge was burned red.

Fei Long called Shou Hu over to help. As a mechanical engineer, Shou Hu also had certain attainments in casting. Without Fei Long's instructions, he directly poured the black iron ore that Fei Long took out into the casting furnace, and cast it at extremely high temperatures. The furnace instantly melts the ore and turns it into molten iron.

Feilong took out a large shield mold, opened the water outlet of the casting furnace, filled the mold with molten iron, put in a beast elixir, and let the molten iron melt, decompose, and absorb the beast elixir on its own.

Immediately afterwards, Feilong injected a caster's unique soul power into the molten iron, then closed the mold and placed it in an ice bucket to cool down.

Then, Feilong took out another shield mold, filled it with molten iron, beast-throwing elixir, and spirit power. After closing the mold, he placed another ice bucket to cool it down.

Then, Feilong took out the third shield mold

Since Fei Long has practiced diamond casting, his skill in casting has improved countless times. His skills are so skillful, his movements are so fast, his energy is so powerful, and his molds are numerous. Moreover, all the procedures are done in one go, which is breathtaking.

"I said Fat Dragon, how many shield molds do you have?"

Lu Chen asked in surprise while burning the furnace.

"No more, no less, exactly one hundred!"

Fat Dragon responded while casting a shield, his movements smooth, without any pause for speaking.

"Let me go, you don't usually make shields, why do you keep so many shield molds?"

"Be prepared for a rainy day. Look, it just came in handy today. Am I smart enough to prepare for a rainy day?"

"Then do you have any precautions for your cauldron mold?"


"You also saved a hundred?"

"No, ten thousand!"


Soon, one hundred shield molds were filled with molten iron, animal elixirs, and soul power were poured into them, and they were all placed in one hundred ice buckets to cool down.

Feilong casually opened the first mold where the ice bucket was placed. The molten iron had already cooled, and a round shield half as tall as a man had been formed. The shield was filled with energy and emitted a faint light.

The fat dragon took out the round shield and placed it on the anvil. He stretched out his right hand and grabbed it into the void.

A huge hammer appeared out of thin air!

The hammer looks ordinary, but it exudes a strange metallic atmosphere, as if it is a magic hammer from the nine heavens!

Lu Chen recognized that hammer at a glance, because Feilong's martial arts was that of a hammer, which was exactly the same as this hammer!

Lu Chen couldn't help but open his eyes wide. Could it be that

This is not a real hammer, but the martial arts of Feilong?

Is it possible that Feilong's martial arts also left his body and was then used by Feilong to cast weapons?

Lu Chen rubbed his eyes and shook his head again, feeling that his brain was a little exhausted.

The world of the caster is really incomprehensible!


The fat dragon swung the hammer and hit the shield, making a concave shape in the flat shield.

Once the concave shape is formed, a complete round shield is successfully cast!

The round shield is shining with light, filled with shield energy, and weighs 50,000 kilograms. It is a treasure of average quality!

The fat dragon threw the shield to the thin tiger, then went to get the second mold, cast the second shield and threw it to the thin tiger, and then took the third mold.

And Shouhu added a handle to the buckler and completed the last step!

When the fat dragon finished casting the hundredth shield and the thin tiger installed the last handle, it was exactly the time it took to burn an incense stick!

"Senior brother, I will live up to my expectations and build a hundred shields!"

Fei Long wiped the sweat from his forehead and immediately asked Lu Chen for credit, without being polite at all.

"Well done, I'll give you a credit first!"

Lu Chen patted Fei Long on the shoulder and smiled. This guy has such a high level of skill in casting, the legion will be blessed in the future.

"It's a pity that time is limited, so we can only cast treasure-level ones, and the quality is still average."

The fat dragon sighed.

"Treasure weapon level is enough. If the enemy is too strong, even the sacred weapon level cannot stop it."

Lu Chen said.

"You have the shield, how do you plan to use it?"

Fei Long asked.

"I don't use it, you use it."

Lu Chen said.

"Scared? How can I use a hundred shields?"

Feilong was stunned.

"I've seen the sky-shading combat technique, and I remember one of them is very special, called Wind and Rain, which can use countless shields to support countless small defenses."

Lu Chen said this.

"I've never practiced that style before!"

Feilong's face suddenly turned into a bitter one. He knew that the Stormy Sky move could hold up countless shields and form a shield group. It mainly acted on groups and was an auxiliary combat skill that could cover the sky!

However, the defensive power of the auxiliary combat skills is not high, far less powerful than Zhetian's main combat skills, and they are for others to use. Feilong feels that they are of little value, so he simply gives up and concentrates on practicing Zhetian's main combat skills.

"Practice now. Even in times of crisis, you have to practice for me!"

Lu Chen was angry.

This fat guy is really too lazy. Although Stormy Sky is an auxiliary combat skill, it is a magical defensive skill for team combat!

It’s really unreasonable for the fat guy to have never practiced before and fall off the chain at the critical moment!

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