Kowloon's return to unity

Chapter 435 Everyone’s Attention

There were more than a thousand people under Jin Qian, and these more than a thousand pairs of eyes were all dumbfounded.

To be honest, although Wan Lei was ruined by Lu Chen, they never took Lu Chen seriously, and only regarded Lu Chen as an ant.

Among them, the lowest level is Tiangang's two poles, most of them are in the middle stage of Tiangang, and many have reached the late stage of Tiangang.

Lu Chen?

What qualifications do they have to look up to a boy who is not even in the Tiangang realm?

Wan Lei was deposed. It was Lu Chen's battle pet who did it. Otherwise, how could Lu Chen have the strength to touch Wan Lei?

But Lu Chen's powerful performance just now almost turned them all to stone, which was extremely shocking.

Lu Chen's abnormal combat power can defeat them all!

Without Tiangang Qiji, there would be no way to resist Lu Chen's sword!

No, not even Qiji!

Lu Chen's sword killed thousands of demons, and his combat power had long surpassed Tiangang Qiji!

It would take at least Tiangang Baji to compete with it!

Even if Baji is hanging, he may not be able to defeat Lu Chen!

Only their boss, Jin Gan, could suppress Lu Chen!

In other words, when Lu Chen refused to let go of his pet and took action himself, Wan Lei could not escape the fate of being deposed!

This kid who is half-stepping into the Tiangang realm, his combat power does not match his realm, and he is extremely hidden. It is really terrifying!

The person who followed Wan Lei to trouble Lu Chen that day was sweating profusely and terrified.

They were really lucky. Lu Chen only sent his men to fight them. They were slightly injured and suffered some losses, but they were fine.

At that time, if Lu Chen took action, the style of painting would be absolutely bloody, I can't even imagine it!

As for their boss, Jin Qian, his expression at this time was so wonderful that it was indescribable.

Anyway, Jin Qian's mouth was so wide that it would be difficult to put a goose egg in it.

At this moment, Jin Qian realized that he was wrong, very wrong. He had previously thought that Lu Chen liked to show off and was definitely a weakling!

Now I know that Lu Chen is definitely not a weakling, but a deep-water crocodile!

A warrior who can hold up a vision, and a rare dragon-shaped vision, is he an ordinary person?

He also keenly discovered that the sword technique used by Lu Chen was of a very high level and should be the most advanced earth-level combat technique in the Eastern Wasteland!

He could also see that the green scale sword in Lu Chen's hand was not simple, it seemed to be a holy weapon!

A warrior who has opened up the vision uses a holy weapon to perform high-level combat skills. If those demon clan warriors do not die, it will be unreasonable!

He doesn't have anything Lu Chen has!

His combat skills were only low-level, far inferior to Lu Chen's.

He has weapons, but they are only at the level of treasure weapons. But compared to Lu Chen's holy weapons, they are just trash!

Even visions are the patent of martial arts prodigy, something he can only dream of obtaining.

So, at that moment, he turned into a red-eyed dog.

In addition to envy, jealousy and hatred, there is also a deep murderous intention to kill Lu Chen and seize the holy weapon!

Anyway, Lu Chen cannot be allowed to grow up, otherwise he will not have a good life.

At this time, Lu Chen had already stepped out of the city, standing in the air, surrounded by two dragons. He was holding a green-scaled sword, his Xuantian robe was floating, and his black hair was fluttering. He was like a sword god coming to the world, looking down at the world, invincible, and making all directions surrender. !

This appearance is absolutely perfect, making him the most handsome guy in the audience!

And successfully attracted the attention of the high-end combat power of both the enemy and ourselves from high altitude.

Support the vision, the genius of the human race!

The strong men of the demon clan immediately started to murder and wanted to kill him quickly, but they were all restrained by the true disciples of Xuantian Dao Sect and could not do anything.

The true disciples of Xuantian Dao Sect all glanced at Lu Chen one more time, with a hint of joy in their eyes.

The core disciples looked at Lu Chen a few more times, with slightly complicated expressions on their faces.

The inner disciples were staring at Lu Chen, each with their own thoughts.

The fanatical legion was in jubilation and extremely excited. They all felt that they were absolutely right to follow Lu Chen wholeheartedly.

They were all people from the branch sect. They had seen Lu Chen shine in the Small Demon Cave, but the Small Demon Cave was a low-end small battlefield, and the Tiangang Erji had super high-end combat power, which was similar to that of the Big Demon Cave. Bi, Xiaoyao Ku is a scumbag.

But here Lu Chen still showed off his brilliance, killing everyone in all directions. Their unbeatable opponents instantly became Lu Chen's dead soul. How could he not be proud of following such a thing in martial arts? How not to be proud?

The most important thing is that Lu Chen is not even in the Tiangang realm. His potential is huge, like the vast sky, boundless and difficult to estimate!

If Lu Chen grows up, just think about how terrifying it will be!

Even Quan Sheng, Ma Jia and Niu Ding are shocking.

They didn't go to Beiyuan, West Desert and Nanman with Lu Chen. They didn't know that Lu Chen showed his prowess in those three places. They didn't know that Lu Chen had an extra poisonous dragon vein separated from his body and his combat power became stronger.

Their memories still lingered on that battle in the Little Demon Cave, where Lu Chen fought against the strong demon clan An Yu!

At that time, Lu Chen had a tie with An Yu from Tiangang Liuji, which was not long ago now.

Now, with one strike from Lu Chen, countless strong men from the Six Extremes of Tiangang perished on the spot. It was really...

Senior brother, you are so perverted!

As for Shangguan Jin and the four tall, short, fat and thin people, they all looked calm. There was nothing surprising. They knew how powerful Lu Chen was in battle.

"Specialize your defense zone to attack. Do you think I'm a soft persimmon? It's easy to control, right?"

Lu Chen glanced at the demon army below the city and said with a cold snort.

The demon clan suddenly adjusted its tactics and focused on attacking weak defense areas. Everyone could see this, let alone Lu Chen?

"kill him!"

The commander of the Demon Clan's ground forces didn't waste any words. He pointed at Lu Chen and pointed out the target to his subordinates.


There were at least hundreds of thousands of demon warriors in this area, and they went straight to kill Lu Chen.

"Well done, let's see if I can kill you all?"

Lu Chen shouted coldly, descended from the air, activated the Light Control Step, took one step out, and suddenly appeared among the dense enemy group.

He held one side of the blue-scaled sword flat to his waist, swung it hard, and swept Pingyue away with a thunderous move.

The blade roared, the wind and clouds surged, the space was continuously broken, and the void was cut off by the blade, with constant explosions.

The force of the sword was so heavy that the entire demon cave trembled, and the earth could not bear it, and cracks spread for hundreds of feet.

A radius of ten feet was within the cutting range of the blade. None of the densely packed demon warriors could resist and were cut in half in an instant.

In an instant, more than two hundred people died under the blade.

Thunder Ping Yue is a group killing move, not Lu Chen's ultimate move, and it is not as powerful as Sword Pointing to Climb Mountains, but it has one of the best advantages.

The sword is fast, sweeps over a large area, and can sweep continuously. It can kill the most enemies in a short period of time!

The sword was swept out. Just as the castration was gone, Lu Chen took another step and appeared among another group of enemies. In an instant, he struck out with another sword.

The blade was so powerful and the killing area was so large that the demon army suffered heavy losses!

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