Kowloon's return to unity

Chapter 44 The Alchemy King cannot be insulted

Although mid-level soldiers are good, they must have lives to get them.

Jiang Yao has already made up his mind. In the martial arts competition, he will suppress his strength and make a tie with Lu Chen. If he doesn't kill Lu Chen, Lu Chen can't kill him. Then everyone will be safe and happy!

"This war weapon was given to you by the Grand Master. What are you afraid of?"

Zhou He said with a gloomy face.

Is it the Grand Master’s intention to kill Lu Chen?

It is impossible for the Grand Master to have any conflict with Lu Chen.

Could it be that there is a conflict between the Grand Master and Zhu Feichen?

Or is the Grand Master dissatisfied with the Xuantian Sect?

If he has the support of the Grand Master, then he doesn't need to be afraid of Zhu Feichen.

Because the power of the current Grand Master is no less than that of the Xuantian Sect!

Jiang Yao's head was spinning rapidly, and his face was uncertain.

"Zhu Feichen has a good relationship with the fourth prince Minghao."

Zhou He said calmly.

Jiang Yao suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Master Zhou ordered him to kill Lu Chen.

The Yongming Dynasty is a vassal state of the Ruifeng Empire. There is no emperor, only a king!

The current ruler of the country is King Mingze!

King Mingze was injured in his early years and has been in poor health and is about to expire.

Who will inherit the throne has become the top priority of the Yongming Dynasty.

Master Zhou has always supported the eldest prince and suppressed the influence of other princes.

Now, Zhu Feichen supports the fourth prince, which is in opposition to Grand Master Zhou.

Grand Master Zhou asked him to kill Lu Chen at the Martial Arts Tournament, intending to slap Zhu Feichen in the face and give Zhu Feichen a warning.

Do you want to participate in the royal family's struggle?

Jiang Yao hesitated. Once he stepped into that vortex, there was no way back.

"You are the true disciple of Ziyun Sect. The Grand Master admires you very much and will not let Zhu Feichen hurt you. The Grand Master promises that after the matter is completed, he will let you enter the Grand Master's Mansion and train you to become a talented person and become the Grand Master's right-hand man in the future. ”

Zhou He said.

Enter the Taishi Mansion!

Jiang Yao's eyes lit up.

The Taishi Mansion was one of the strongest forces in the Yongming Dynasty, many times stronger than the Ziyun Sect.

If you can enter the Taishi Mansion, your future will be bright.

"Then Lu Chen is dead!"

Jiang Yao laughed, slowly picked up the sword, and hung it on his waist

Dengzhou City.

It is the state capital of Dengzhou, hundreds of times larger than Shuangmu City, and hundreds of times more prosperous than Shuangmu City.

Even the Great Alchemy Pavilion is a building one hundred feet high, a thousand times larger than the Small Alchemy Pavilion in Shuangmu City.

The Great Alchemy Pavilion was crowded with people, and many warriors came here to buy elixirs.

Lu Chen was caught in the crowd and slipped into the lobby.

The lobby is very large, at least a thousand feet wide, and tens of thousands of people can stay there without feeling crowded.

The goods in the lobby are dazzling, mainly elixirs and medicinal materials.

Lu Chen searched for a long time before he saw the alchemy furnace for sale in a container in a corner.

When I asked about the price, I frowned.

A mid-grade alchemy furnace costs one million silver coins, which is so expensive!

The last time he made 10,000 silver coins from selling elixirs, he gave them all to Wan'er.

Now I only have a thousand silver coins that the Lu family gave me when I left, which is not even a fraction of the alchemy furnace.

It seems that I have to make alchemy and sell it to make money.

"Master Lu."

A familiar voice sounded.

Lu Chen turned around and saw that it was his old acquaintance Chen Yuanliang.

"Hey, Master Chen, why are you here?"

Lu Chen asked in surprise. Meeting an old friend in a foreign country felt particularly cordial.

What's more, Chen Yuanliang had helped him a lot and received a lot of kindness from him.

"With your support, my alchemy skills have improved, so I was favored by the Great Alchemy Pavilion and transferred me here to serve."

Chen Yuanliang looked happy. Thanks to Lu Chen giving him a copy of the Alchemy King's experience, he had learned a lot in a short period of time. His alchemy skills had improved by leaps and bounds, and he was valued by the Great Alchemy Hall, and he was promoted to the Great Alchemy Hall.

"So you've been promoted, congratulations."

Lu Chen then discovered that Chen Yuanliang had three red lines on his alchemy robe, indicating that he was already a third-level alchemy master.

"You gave me all this, and I haven't repaid you properly yet."

Chen Yuanliang said quickly, and then asked again. "Do you want to buy an alchemy furnace?"

"too expensive."

Lu Chen shook his head.

"Whichever one you like, just take it."

"Is this okay?"

"I am now the lobby supervisor, and I have the final say here."

"No matter what happens, you still have to pay in advance."

"This little money is a drop in the bucket to me, so why should you be polite to me? Not to mention just one pill furnace, even if it's a hundred, if you want it, just take them all."

Chen Yuanliang waved his hand and said very grandly.

Lu Chen thought about it, and it was right. There was really no need to be polite to Chen Yuanliang.

Chen Yuanliang has been the owner of the alchemy hall in Shuangmu City for so many years. He has been scraping the land and making an unknown amount of money. He has long been the top rich man in Shuangmu City. Even the original city owner Zhou He is not as rich as Chen Yuanliang.

Lu Chen felt that even if it cost 10,000 pill furnaces, Chen Yuanliang could probably afford the money.

"I also want some medicinal ingredients."

Lu Chen is not polite.

"It doesn't matter how much you want."

Chen Yuanliang said quickly, his attitude always respectful, it was a great honor to be able to serve King Dan.

Lu Chen issued an order, and Chen Yuanliang quickly brought the medicinal materials and handed them to Lu Chen along with a middle-grade pill furnace.

It's a pity that there is no better alchemy furnace here, otherwise Chen Yuanliang would definitely give it to him.

Just when Lu Chen was about to leave, an angry voice came from his ears.

"Lu, if you dare to come to my territory, you are dead!"

The person who spoke was none other than Lai Ren, followed by three palace guards.

He came to the Great Alchemy Hall to find his father, and happened to see Lu Chen as he passed by the lobby.

"Oh, it turns out it's you. Didn't you become a eunuch?"

Lu Chenwei smiled angrily. Enemies really meet on a narrow road, it's not that enemies never get together!

I had known that the Great Alchemy Pavilion was owned by the two Lai brothers, but I didn’t expect that there were thousands of people in the Great Alchemy Pavilion, yet they still met like this.


Lai Ren was choked by Lu Chen and turned blue with anger, "Eunuch, I have no fate with me, but I have fate with you. Today you fall into my hands. If I don't castrate you, my name will be reversed!"

"Then prepare to call him Ren Lai."

Lu Chen sneered, and then asked curiously, "By the way, you said that the eunuch has no fate with you, have you cured him?"

"Yes, I am the most powerful alchemist in Dengzhou, so this little injury is nothing."

When Lai Ren mentioned his father, his expression immediately lit up.

Originally, his place had been burnt to ashes by Lu Chen. His father spent a huge amount of money to refine the Jinchuang Muscle Pill, which finally allowed his little ancestor to grow back.

"So, there's something to burn again."

Lu Chen chuckled. The smile was quite weird, and Lai Ren shrank back in fear.

The two palace guards stepped forward and blocked Lai Ren from behind.

"You guys go up and castrate this kid for me."

Lai Ren pointed at Lu Shen and shouted angrily.

"Second Young Master, this is not the right place to take action."

Standing next to Lai Ren was a young palace guard, who frowned and said.

Only then did Lai Ren wake up, it was true that this was his territory, but this was also the largest alchemy hall in the entire state, and the slightest movement would spread throughout the state. Therefore, his father has a strict order that no one is allowed to hit anyone in the alchemy hall, otherwise no matter who it is, they will be severely punished.

If you want to rectify Lu Chen, you can only do it outside, not inside.

Lai Ren rolled his eyes, stared at Chen Yuanliang, and asked, "Do you know him?"

"Yes, Second Young Master, I met him in Shuangmu City."

Chen Yuanliang answered quickly, looking a little panicked.

Chen Yuanliang didn't know much about what happened between Lai Ren and Lu Chen, but he heard that the two had a grudge, and that Lai Ren had suffered a loss at the hands of Lu Chen. Lai Ren wanted to seek revenge from Lu Chen, which was troublesome.

"Is he here to buy an alchemy furnace?"

Lai Ren moved his gaze and stared at the alchemy furnace in Lu Chen's hand.

"No, I gave it to you."

Chen Yuanliang said.

"It's not even possible to give it away. Without my permission, he can't even think of taking anything from here."

Lai Ren snorted coldly and sneered at the corner of his mouth, "He wants the alchemy furnace, right? Hehe, ask yourself to pay for it. I want to see if the poor guy from Shuangmu City can afford it. Something from the Alchemy Hall?”

"Second Young Master, please be careful what you say!"

Chen Yuanliang's expression changed, Lu Chen was the Alchemy King, and the Alchemy King should not be insulted.

If Dan Pavilion in the imperial capital knew about this, Lai Ren's father would probably be punished.

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