Kowloon's return to unity

Chapter 486 Really made a fortune



Two angry dragon roars resounded through the mountains, making all the demons and monsters tremble.

In an instant, dragon energy surged, and two giant dragons rose up from Lu Chen's body, one red and one green, one fire and one poisonous, surrounding Lu Chen.

And Lu Chen's eyes have a double dragon pattern!

The fighting body appears, and the strength surges to the extreme!

At this moment, Lu Chen was like a dragon god who was born, commanding the world and ignoring everything.

"Heaven-turning hand!"

A palm grabbed out, grabbing the space and collapsing the void. The grasping force was so heavy that the earth underneath cracked and shattered, stretching thousands of feet.


The grasping force comes into contact with the palm force, which directly breaks the palm force.

The grasping power has not been exhausted, but there is still strength left, and he continues to catch the demon woman.

Lu Chen suddenly flipped his hand, changed from grasping to palm, took advantage of the situation, pushed out, and slapped the demon woman.


The demon woman was caught off guard and was hit by a palm, flying thousands of feet away from the cliff.


The demon woman vomited blood and was angry and angry. She wanted to say something, but found that her feet could not touch the ground and she fell in vain.

There are restrictions on the mountain, so you can't fly, and naturally you can't control the air. She was shot by Lu Chen and flew off the cliff. If she didn't fall, who would?

She was really frustrated to the extreme. A powerful person in the Xuanming Realm was seriously injured by a palm from Tiangang Qiji. Who would believe it?

What's going on today?

He couldn't kill An Yu, and he was almost killed. What a ghost!

"Boy, I remember you, be careful when you go out next time!"

The demon woman's voice of resentment came from under the cliff, and she could hear what she was saying while she was still falling.

"Tch, I didn't slap you to death, so you're just lucky."

Lu Chen was not in the habit of remaining silent when threatened, so he immediately responded coldly, "If you attack me secretly, you will be beaten to death!"

Lu Chen was also extremely depressed. How could a witch come out and attack him for no reason?

His current identity is a demon clan, and he does not know the demon girl, but the demon girl suddenly kills him, which is really puzzling to him.

However, after fighting against the witch, he also gained a deep understanding of his own combat power.

He and the demon girl both struck in a hurry, their combat power was between equals, and there was still room for them to show off.

And that witch is the second refiner of Xuan Ming Realm!

In other words, he has the power to fight Xuanming Erdian!


A cry came from the bottom of the canyon, which was quite miserable.

It can be heard that the demon woman fell into the canyon and had to shed her skin even if she did not die.

The cry of the demon woman attracted several strong demon men to fly into the canyon.

They were the subordinates of the demon woman. They were ordered to capture wild beasts. Unfortunately, there were no sixth-level beasts in this area. They had to go far away to catch them and wasted too much time. As a result, An Yu escaped.

When they came back, they happened to hear the scream of the demon woman. They knew something was wrong and ran straight into the canyon to save people.


Several powerful demon clan men found someone at the bottom of the canyon.

But the demon woman was lying on the ground, seriously injured and unconscious.

Several strong men from the demon tribe quickly fed her with pills, and even lifted the demon tribe woman up and left quickly, going back for first aid.

At this time, in the mountains, Lu Chen was still running for his life. The giant rock lizard seemed to have endless energy and continued to pursue him, determined not to give up until he was killed.

"I've recovered, it's your turn to go back and recover."

When Lu Chen saw that Fire Fox's aura was weakening and his speed was a bit slow, he knew that Fire Fox's energy was almost exhausted and he could no longer hold on, so he knew that he had to rotate with Fire Fox.


Firefox responded quickly.

Afterwards, Lu Chen grabbed the fire fox and stuffed the Chaos Orb back, while he activated the Light Control Step and ran wildly in person.

To be precise, it was Goben who was naked!

He was too lazy to put on his clothes. Judging from the appearance of the giant rock lizard, it would take a long time to chase him, so he could only run for a while. When it was the Firefox's turn to come on stage again, his clothes would be burned off again.

Just like that, Lu Chen ran wildly around the mountain, always chasing a giant rock lizard behind him.

After going around and around for an unknown number of times, until the energy was almost exhausted, Lu Chen switched with Fire Fox, who continued to lead the beast to run wildly, while he continued to recover on Fire Fox's back.

In this way, Lu Chen and Huo Hu took turns to replace each other, took turns to recover, and took turns to run wildly.

I don’t know how long it took, until all the trees in the mountain were burned by the fire fox. The giant rock lizard finally ran out of energy and could no longer hold on. Suddenly, it fell down, breathless and dying. .


The fire fox roared angrily, immediately turned around and pounced on the giant rock lizard.

"Don't, don't, don't bake it. The late-sixth-level beast meat must be kept fresh. It would be a pity to braise it!"

Lu Chen quickly stopped the fire fox and said, "Bite it to death and let it bleed. I want to preserve its fresh blood!"

The fire fox immediately put away its fox fire, rushed forward, bit the throat of the giant rock lizard, and tore it apart with all its strength.

But he kept biting the throat of the giant rock lizard!

Although the giant rock lizard has no resistance, it has a high rank and a strong body, so the fire fox cannot tear open its flesh.

"Let me do it!"

Lu Chen revealed his double dragon fighting form, increased his strength, and revealed his Green Scale Sword, using the holy weapon to break the giant rock lizard's body.

The knife was swung out, and it was indeed effective. The throat of the giant rock lizard was immediately cut open, and the blood of the late-sixth-level beast poured out in large amounts.

Lu Chen quickly took out a huge empty stone coffin to catch the blood flowing from the giant rock lizard, which amounted to a hundred thousand kilograms!

The giant rock lizard struggled a few times and then died, a very painful death.

The majestic late-level sixth-order savage beast actually ran away to death. It would be a ghost if he didn't feel aggrieved.

However, it was only after being seriously injured that it ran like this bird, otherwise it would not have ended up like this.

Lu Chen aimed at the giant rock lizard's head, inserted the knife into it, and then picked out a fist-sized beast pill.

"I got the late-level sixth-level beast elixir and I really made a fortune!"

Lu Chen held the beast pill, raised his head and roared, surrounded by two dragons, like a naked dragon god, smiling at the world.


Firefox suddenly rubbed his head against Lu Chen.

Lu Chen looked down and saw that Fire Fox was holding a black robe, which he probably found from the Chaos Bead.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that he was still naked and alone in the wind.

"Fire Fox, you have made great achievements today. When you go back, I will teach you how to make the Nine Fire Mysterious Beast Pill to help you reach the next level."

Lu Chen put on his black robe and said to the fire fox.

He will definitely teach Fire Fox the Nine Fire Mysterious Beast Pill. This is Fire Fox’s reward!

But the premise is that Firefox has to help him refine elixirs, and the task of supplying mainstream elixirs to the entire fanatical legion falls on Firefox.

If Firefox doesn't refine enough mainstream elixirs, there's no need to learn any Nine Fire Mysterious Beast elixirs!


Firefox wagged its tail wildly in excitement, lowered its head and rubbed Lu Shen's thigh, trying hard to imitate Xiaoyu's coquettishness.

It is very smart and knows that its owner likes this.

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