Kowloon's return to unity

Chapter 499 The world has changed

The sky collapses!

The middle-grade hammer-type combat skill of the heaven level is missing the last half and is very valuable!

Ruhua is a strong man to begin with. Even if he can only practice the first half of his combat skills, his combat prowess is terrifying!

"Mid-grade heaven-level combat skills?"

Ruhua received the inheritance of combat skills and was completely shocked. She fell into a dream and murmured, "Am I developed? Am I dreaming? Who, give me a slap in the face and see if you can wake me up." ?”

"Senior Sister Ruhua, you are not dreaming. The core figures of our Fanatic Legion all possess a heaven-level combat skill, and so do you!"

Yu Li said with a smile.

"Great, I knew it would be right to follow your advice!"

Ruhua came back to her senses and said to Li, "Sure enough, joining the Fanatic Legion is the wisest choice in my life!"

"It must be a wise choice!"

Yu Li smiled.

"Lu Chen, you are so good to senior sister, senior sister must give you a reward!"

Ruhua turned around and said to Lu Chen. Lu Chen ran away immediately and threw back a sentence from afar, "If there are any rewards, let Fei Long receive them on his behalf!"


Ruhua suffocated, curled her big mouth, and said disdainfully, "It's that fat guy again, with a lot of meat but no texture. He screams like a ghost even when he kisses her. It's not fun at all."

Xuantian Dao Sect.

Outer Disciple Academy.

Millions of outer disciples blew up the camp, all clamoring to go outside and join Lu Chen's fanatical army.

The reason is simple. Someone heard that joining the Fanatic Legion can bring huge benefits!

This matter quickly spread among the outer disciples, and there would be ghosts if the camp was not bombed.

Even a strong man like Ruhua would not hesitate to condescend to join the low-status fanatic army. There must be something fishy!

Is it possible for Ruhua to go without great benefits?

It’s definitely impossible!

Since Ruhua dares to go, who else dares not to go?

But what they don't know is that Ruhua joins the Fanatic Legion not entirely for the benefits, but mainly because she admires Lu Chen!

Along the way of martial arts, the strong respect the strong, and the strong admire the strong!

Needless to say, Lu Chen's combat prowess and potential are definitely a genius in martial arts!

Moreover, Lu Chen is very strong-minded and will not be wooed by any force, which means he has to go it alone!

Although Lu Chen's men are few, they are all elite and strong, and they will become great talents sooner or later!

The Fanatic Legion is currently small, but very united, and with the leadership of Lu Chen, a soul figure, it is only a matter of time before it rises.

Ruhua wanted to help Lu Chen, so she decided to join the Fanatic Legion!

But most outer disciples have very realistic ideas. They want to join the Fanatic Legion first and reap the benefits later.

Therefore, the nominal disciple academy, which was usually relatively calm, suddenly became lively.

Countless outer disciples came and blocked the small nominal disciple courtyard.

The peak where the Fanatic Legion is located is full of human heads as far as the eye can see.

Countless outer sect disciples crowded up the mountain to join the fanatical legion, and the mountain was almost overcrowded.

Seeing the seriousness of the situation, Lu Chen ordered the mountain to be closed.

Those who are older than twenty and whose realm is lower than Tiangang Qiji are not eligible to join the Fanatic Legion.

The Fanatic Legion is not a nursing home or a kindergarten. It only accepts elites, not mediocre people.

Despite this, there are still tens of thousands of qualified young disciples lining up, hoping to join Lu Chen's legion.

There is a registration office on the top of the mountain, and Yu Li is responsible for the admission of new people.

Lu Chen, along with a group of core members, held the line at the back to prevent accidents.

"There are too many people, what should we do?"

Yu Li felt that one head was as big as two.

"Collect them all, the fanatic army will grow stronger soon!"

Ruhua said cluelessly.

"No, this mountain cannot hold tens of thousands of people, and we don't have many resources to supply that many people."

Quan Sheng immediately objected.

"Don't accept too many people. I still have to practice and don't have much time to forge weapons for them."

Feilong was anxious.

"Although our Fanatic Legion has a small number of people, we don't need many talents. We can only accept martial arts geniuses."

Shangguan Jin said.

"I think most of them come here for the welfare. No matter how high their level is or how talented they are, don't take them in."

Lu Chen spoke and then ordered Yu Li, "Can you set a few questions to test their true purpose of joining the Fanatic Legion?"

"This is possible. I can set nine questions for them, and each one is a trap. I guarantee that I will test their inner thoughts."

Yu Li smiled.

"Also, our Fanatic Legion is a united group. Everyone has a high degree of loyalty. When we go into battle to kill the enemy, we leave our backs to other brothers. No one is allowed to have different intentions, otherwise it will harm the entire Legion. ”

Lu Chen looked serious and ordered, "Therefore, those with bad character will not be accepted!"

Yu Li responded and started to do it, setting up nine examination questions to assess the applicants.

After strict screening at all levels, most of the tens of thousands of applicants were eliminated, and 500 outstanding newcomers were admitted.

The realms of these newcomers are different. The lowest is Tiangang Qiji, and the highest is half-step Xuanming.

The talents of these newcomers vary from mediocre to martial arts geniuses.

However, these newcomers have passed nine demanding examination questions and can be determined to have no problems with their character and high loyalty.

In particular, the purpose of joining the Fanatic Legion was all because of admiration for Lu Chen, not purely for the benefits.

Lu Chen's brilliant performance in the Great Demon Cave was admired by even strong men like Ruhua, let alone other outer disciples?

With five hundred new members, the number of Fanatic Legion has reached over a thousand!

Among these five hundred new members, there are more than sixty in the Half-step Xuanming realm. Together with those brought by Ruhua, the entire legion has a total of hundreds of Half-step Xuanming members, which is considered a considerable force!

Within the sect, there is the Foreign Affairs Academy.

In the meeting hall, hundreds of elders were sitting discussing matters.

These elders mainly come from three departments, the Foreign Affairs Court, the Outer Sect, and the Inner Sect.

These elders are not the top leaders of Xuantian Dao Sect. Most of them are at the grassroots level, and only a few are at the middle level.

Although their status is not high, they still have great power in the departments under their jurisdiction.

Today, they have only one topic, and that is how to solve Lu Chen's problem!

If this guy is not dealt with, the millions of disciples in the outer sect will become unstable, and it will even affect the disciples in the inner sect.

Of course, the solution is not to kill people, but to let Lu Chen officially enter the school, accept the control of the sect, and stop doing so many things in the nominal disciple academy.

During this period of time, countless outer disciples were vying to join Lu Chen's forces, which really made the elders of their group have their three views turned upside down.

Throughout history, nominal disciples have always broken their heads, wanting to formally enter the ranks and become a proud outer disciple!


Nowadays, the world has changed, and the outer disciples are actually breaking their heads to become nominal disciples. This is really a ghost sword.

Even some disciples from the inner sect are ready to make a move.

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