Kowloon's return to unity

Chapter 50 Dragon Veins Change Position

Chen Yuanliang is here to report on the situation of Feixiamen Courtyard.

Feixia Sect has always had a complete alchemy courtyard plan, and has already built a backup alchemy courtyard on a mountain peak. What is missing is a third-level alchemy master who can take charge of it alone.

Chen Yuanliang's arrival directly activated Feixia Danyuan, and it was about to open.

What Chen Yuanliang discussed with Feixiamen's senior officials were all specific issues that were relatively easy to solve.

For example: purchasing medicinal materials and equipment for alchemy, and selecting disciples with alchemy talents to enter the alchemy academy, etc.

Even the senior officials of Feixia Sect will hire several first- and second-level alchemists to serve as Chen Yuanliang's assistants.

Feixia Sect cannot afford a third-level alchemist, but it can still afford a first- and second-level alchemy master.

From now on, Chen Yuanliang is the person in charge of Feixia Danyuan, and his status is second only to the sect leader Miao Yan.

"I'm about to refine the divine water pill, you can watch."

Lu Chen was not very interested in the affairs of the Alchemy Academy. After Chen Yuanliang had finished talking about it, he started refining the alchemy.

Chen Yuanliang stood nearby, concentrating and looking very excited.

Divine Water Pill is a very special elixir. The recipe is very advanced and requires soul fire to be refined. An alchemist cannot do it at all. It requires an alchemy king.

It is very beneficial for him to watch the Alchemy King refining high-level elixirs, and he can understand the way of alchemy from it.

Sure enough, the refining method of the Divine Water Pill is different from that of ordinary pills. Some procedures need to be performed in reverse, and there is even an additional procedure: injecting fire!

That is, between purification and liquefaction, open the furnace cover, inject soul fire into the furnace, and conduct a substantial burning of the medicinal materials in the furnace, allowing the medicinal materials to be stained with the power of the soul.

Such a complicated refining process was extremely smooth in Lu Chen's hands, which made Chen Yuanliang dazzled and benefited immensely.

Chen Yuanliang has already learned a lot from Lu Chen's alchemy process.


After the alchemy is completed, the furnace lid is opened, and the fragrance of the elixir overflows, exuding the heart and spleen.

A plump, round, bright and translucent elixir appeared before his eyes.

Top grade divine water pill!

"A priceless divine water pill was born."

Chen Yuanliang's eyes almost popped out of his head when he looked at the high-grade divine water pill.

He had read the historical records of the Dan Pavilion. Hundreds of years ago, there was a Dan King who refined the Divine Water Pill in the Dan Pavilion. He failed in two furnaces and succeeded in refining it in the third furnace.

The third furnace was also very risky to succeed. Eight of them failed and only one succeeded.

The successful divine water pill was only of low quality!

Despite this, the divine water pill was still competed for by various major forces, and was finally purchased by the royal family at a sky-high price.

The lower grade is already like this, but the top grade is even more priceless.

Chen Yuanliang knew that he was unlucky. Giving up everything and following Lu Chen was the most correct choice in his life!

He even had a premonition that as long as he followed Lu Chen for a period, his alchemy skills would be improved to a terrifying level.

"There is too little spiritual water. I can only refine one, but I don't know if it will be enough. This alchemy furnace is not good either. If there is a high-grade alchemy furnace, I can directly refine the top-grade divine water pill."

Chen Yuanliang was marveling over there, but Lu Chen was complaining over there.

Later, Lu Chen wrote a prescription for elixir and threw it to Chen Yuanliang.

Chen Yuanliang held the elixir recipe as if he had found a treasure, with a fanatical look in his eyes.

This is an elixir recipe belonging to the Alchemy King level. The refining techniques are complicated and cannot be accessed by Chen Yuanliang's level.

However, there is a special thing about this elixir recipe, that is, the quality of the elixir fire is not high, as long as it is not firewood.

In other words, true fire is the minimum requirement, and what the alchemist can create is true fire.

Of course, if an alchemist uses an alchemy recipe at the Alchemy King level, he will definitely fail because he is not capable enough.

But it doesn't matter if you fail, this prescription can be used for practice.

When an alchemist practices alchemy prescriptions at the Alchemy King level, he or she is destined to benefit endlessly regardless of success or failure.

Chen Yuanliang believes that while understanding the experience of the King of Alchemy and practicing the Alchemy recipe of the King of Alchemy at the same time, his attainments in Alchemy will be improved very quickly.

Maybe it won't be long before he can join the ranks of great alchemists.

Such a high-level special elixir must be hidden away by other elixir kings. How could it be given away casually?

However, Lu Chen gave it to him casually.

He was so moved that he shed tears, King Lu Dan is such a good man!

At this moment, he was even more determined and vowed to follow Lu Chen to death!

However, if he knew what Lu Chen was thinking, he would definitely be disappointed and heartbroken.

Lu Chen gave him a hand on the alchemy path. That was the reward he deserved, not asking him to follow him.

An old man with low combat power and low alchemy skills, why is he following you around?

If it is a great beauty, then

Let’s talk about it then!

It was already late at night when Chen Yuanliang, who was crying bitterly, was finally sent away.

In Feixia Mountain late at night, the richness of spiritual energy reaches its peak.

The Inner Gate Peak, after a day and night of spiritual energy replenishment, has almost returned to its original concentration.

Lu Chen sat down and performed the Nine Dragons Returning to One Jue, and the Flame Dragon Veins immediately became active.

Powerful suction vortices were released, and countless spiritual energy was sucked into the house, and the flame dragon veins devoured it.

The spiritual energy of the entire inner mountain peak began to flow abnormally, and gradually the spiritual energy tides aimed directly at the mountainside.

"The spiritual energy on the inner mountain peak is flowing again. Is the dragon vein going to absorb the spiritual energy again?"

"The direction of the flow of spiritual energy is a little wrong. It seems to be going halfway up the mountain instead of the foot of the mountain two nights ago."

"This dragon vein is really weird."

There are countless people watching here on the major mountain peaks.

Many people were surprised and were wondering whether the dragon vein had changed its position?

At the foot of the mountain, there was a head sticking out of the door of the lonely dilapidated house.

Lai Xiang!

He looked at the direction of the flow of spiritual energy tides, feeling extremely nervous.

Is this the rhythm of dragon veins changing positions and awakening?


He spent a lot of money in exchange for this dilapidated house. If the dragon vein changes its position, wouldn't all the money he paid be in vain?

Lai Xiang panicked and prayed with all his strength!

However, the waves of spiritual energy were still pouring into a house halfway up the mountain right under his nose.

It was a big house, located on the left side of the front row halfway up the mountain. It was the one where Lai Xiang lived before.

Now, the owner of that house is Lu Chen!


Lai Xiang's face was dark and desperate, and his eggs were broken all over the floor.

how so?

Is Dragon Vein playing tricks on me?

No, it is impossible for Dragon Vein to play tricks on people, only people can play tricks on others.

Who's kidding me?

Lu Chen!

It must be Lu Chen.

This guy must have used some means to deceive me!

Me, me, I'm extremely smart, why did I fall for this guy?

Lu Chen, I want to kill you!

Lai Xiang was furious, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, but when he thought of Lu Chen's fighting power, the murderous intent suddenly disappeared, and he was extremely helpless.

Now, he is no match for Lu Chen, so why bother killing him? Being counterattacked is not bad.

On the inner mountain peak, all the inner disciples came out to take a look, and they were all shocked.

The position of the dragon vein has actually changed, from the foot of the mountain to the middle of the mountain. What is going on?

"All inner disciples must obey the order and are not allowed to leave the room, so as not to disturb the dragon's veins!"

A stern voice sounded.

All the inner disciples who came out returned to their residences, and then stuck their heads out of the windows to watch.

Three figures came over and stopped a hundred feet away from the big house, not daring to move forward.

"Isn't the mouth of the dragon's vein at the foot of the mountain? Why did it change its position? It's really unheard of and extremely weird."

An inner sect elder said in confusion.

"I also feel something is wrong. Could this be man-made?"

Another inner sect elder was also skeptical.

"That big house originally belonged to Lai Xiang, but I heard that he and Lu Chen changed houses."

Elder Fang narrowed his eyes, and a cold look flashed in his eyes, "Then, the Dragon Vein changed positions. Lu Chen stayed there, and the Dragon Vein followed there. Is it such a coincidence? There is something fishy about this matter. Even if the Dragon Vein is alarmed, we will not Go and check it out!”

Just when Elder Fang and others were about to take action, something strange happened.

The waves of spiritual energy stopped flowing and no longer poured into Lu Chen's house, but slowly dissipated.

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