Kowloon's return to unity

Chapter 538 Everyone has their own agenda

Lu Chen happily accepted the invitation from the Lord of the Alchemy Hall.

How could you not be invited?

The palace wanted to have a private chat with him, and he was eager to do so.

It's not that good to talk about Firefox in public.

After all, a fox testing Alchemy Lord is an alien to begin with, and Alchemy Palace might not be able to accept it.

What's more, above the Lord of the Alchemy Palace, there is the Lord of the Great Alchemy City, and above that there is the Alchemy Sect, all obstacles!

The palace master is under so much pressure, and it is not easy for Huohu to get the Alchemy Robe.

Only by chatting privately can we have a chance to convince the palace master!

The palace master took Lu Chen to an unoccupied side hall. After he sat down, he asked Lu Chen some basic information such as his name, age, alchemy experience, and the martial arts sect he belonged to.

Lu Chen also answered them one by one. This information is not a secret.

After the palace master finished asking, Lu Chen pointed the topic at Huo Hu and bluntly told the palace master that Huo Hu did not seek fame or fortune, but only wanted an alchemy robe.

"Historically, the Alchemy Sect has never granted alchemy robes to barbaric beasts, and it has never been imagined that one day a barbaric beast will come to test the status of the alchemy path. It is really an ancient anecdote! All this time, the barbarian beasts have not yet developed their spiritual intelligence and cannot speak human words. , and you don’t know how to follow the alchemy path, you, the fire fox, are really an anomaly.”

The Palace Master smiled and asked, "I, the Palace Master, have one thing that I can't figure out. You are a majestic ninth-level alchemist. There must be countless people who want to learn alchemy from you. Why do you accept a fox as your apprentice?"

"Because this fire fox's intelligence has been awakened and it helps me do things!"

Lu Chenyan gave a concise and concise explanation.

"You should know that even if Firefox passes the assessment and gets the best score, he may not get the Alchemy Robe."

"Palace Master, there is no rule in the Alchemy Sect. Alchemy robes cannot be awarded to barbaric beasts."

"Friend Lu Dan, our Danzun Palace will not accept your method of taking advantage of loopholes."

"Or, the palace master can make an exception!"

"This matter is actually very serious and involves the reputation of the Alchemy Sect. Once the Fire Fox Alchemy Robe is awarded, the Alchemy Sect may be laughed at by the world. This palace master has no right to make this exception and cannot afford it!"

"Then let me take the responsibility!"

"If you are willing to take the responsibility, then we have to discuss it!"

The palace master then smiled, and Lu Chen finally stepped into the hole he dug.

But who is Lu Chen?

That’s the king of pits!

How can one fall into a trap and not know the truth?

As soon as the palace master said these words and showed his fox-like smile, Lu Chen realized that he had fallen into a big pit.

It’s true that life is full of pitfalls!

As long as there are people, there will be a trap!

It’s not important to enter the trap, but what is the important trap?

Some pits are related to some interests and have to be entered.

"Master, why don't you tell me more specifically, what do I need to bear?"

Lu Chen asked.

"Lu Danyou is only eighteen years old and already ranks at the ninth level of alchemy. He is truly a genius in alchemy!"

The palace master then officially entered the topic and said, "In the Eastern Barren Territory, there has not been an Alchemy genius for hundreds of years. If Lu Danyou joins the Alchemy Palace to serve, integrates the Great Alchemy City, and directly belongs to the Alchemy Sect, he will be able to bear all the consequences."

"The Dan Sect has always been kind to the geniuses of Dan Dao. If we pursue the case of Huo Hu, for your sake, we may not let it go."

Hearing this, Lu Chen's face darkened.

He understood clearly that the palace master wanted to abduct him into the Alchemy Palace and let him stay in the Great Dan City through Huohu.

Then, the Alchemy Palace will report to the Alchemy Sect, saying that it has cultivated a genius in Alchemy, and the Alchemy Sect will definitely pay attention to it.

Then, he will be taken away and trained by Danzong, and Danzundian will receive generous rewards for his great contributions.

This has nothing to do with commitment or not!

This was a good trap dug by the palace master who wanted to abduct him!

If he wants to take the alchemy path, that doesn't matter, it's actually a good thing.

But he wants to take the martial arts path, so he won't concentrate on the alchemy path.

However, looking at the palace master's expression, it was clear that if you didn't agree, you wouldn't give Fire Fox the Alchemy Robe as an exception, so Lu Chen knew that he had no choice.


You dug a hole for me, right? Then don't blame me for digging one for you too!

Let's see whose pit is big enough?

See who buried whom?

"If I enter the Alchemy Hall, what position will I be given?"

Lu Chen had no expression on his face and stated the conditions calmly, "I am a ninth-level alchemy master, and my superiors cannot be lower than me!"

"This is necessary. The status of Alchemy is very strict. Your position will never be lower than that of the eighth-level Alchemy Lord!"

The palace master was overjoyed when he saw that Lu Chen was interested, and he quickly said, "The palace master has made arrangements, and you will be the deputy master of the Alchemy Palace!"

"Am I the same level as that deputy palace master?"

Lu Chen asked.

"It's impossible for him to be at the same level. He will never be at the same level in this life, unless he reaches the ninth level."

The palace master waved his hands repeatedly and said with a smile, "You can have two deputy palace masters. Deputy palace masters also have levels. If you are ninth level and he is eighth level, you must be the oldest and he is the youngest. He has to listen to you. ”

"Well, that's pretty much it!"

Lu Chen agreed.

"However, I have a request. I have many affairs in the sect and cannot fulfill the duties of the deputy hall master for the time being. Can I?"

Before Lu Chen could finish his words, he was interrupted by the palace master, "You can take a temporary post and come back to work when you are free!"

Hearing these words, Lu Chen was happy. It didn't matter if he took temporary positions. It wouldn't be a problem to take a few more positions. Anyway, he didn't have to stay in Dadan City.

Although this palace master likes to dig holes, he can still be cute. The more he looks at him, the cuter he becomes!

Anyway, don’t worry about him. When Fire Fox gets the Alchemy Robe, I will slap my butt and leave!

It’s okay, I definitely won’t come to Dadan City!

The master of the palace looked at Lu Chen with a smile, and the more he looked at him, the cuter he became!

I just give you a false position, what do you enjoy?

I'm really dumbfounded, I've never seen him before.

You are a ninth-level Alchemist. You have reached the top level. Even the Alchemy Palace can’t train you. You are on the same level as the master of this palace. You will be a trouble if you stay.

Danzun Palace only wants your name, not your person.

The Alchemy Palace has not produced an Alchemy genius for too many years, and it is almost too hard to hold your head up. As long as you, the Alchemy genius, are reported to the Alchemy Sect, the rewards from the Alchemy Sect will be huge, and the various praises will also be huge.

As for you

Danzong will send someone down to take you away, so you can go without worries.

That fox?

It’s a headache indeed!

The alchemy robe must be given, otherwise this stupid young man will stop working.

Of course, you have to do it skillfully and hide all the alchemy sect directly.

That fox is called Firefox, right?

When the time comes, on the record of awarding the Alchemy Robe, fill in the name Fire Fox and the race in the Human Race!

Then various kinds of seals were sealed and the matter was suppressed. After a long time, who still remembers that a fox once took the Alchemy Robe?

Ha ha!

Concealing the truth!

Even if the information is reported to Danzong, Danzong will not know about it.



The two reached an agreement, with smiles on their faces, but they had their own agendas.

Returning to the assessment hall, all candidates have finished practicing the elixir and the assessment has ended.

However, the assessment results of thousands of quasi-alchemists can be described as unsightly!

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