Kowloon's return to unity

Chapter 565: Show mercy

"Want to leave?"

The six-forged demon was angry and angry. Lu Chen killed all his accomplices, and he also wanted to kill all Lu Chen's accomplices, otherwise it would be difficult to calm down his anger. However, he was about to pursue him, but the way forward was blocked by Lu Chen.

"Come on, let's fight to the death!"

Lu Chen smiled brightly and looked at him with contempt, as if looking at an idiot.

"Kill you!"

The six-forged demon became more and more angry. He swung his sword and slashed it down, locking onto Lu Chen.

Lu Chen's soul power surged out of his body, breaking the lock of the sword's edge. He took a step towards the light and ducked away from the sword's edge.

At the same time, Lu Chen's heaven-shaking hand came out and grabbed the six-forged demon.

The six-forged demon returned his sword to block, blocking Lu Chen's grasp, and then stabbed Lu Chen's abdomen with his backhand sword.

Lu Chen turned his paw, slapped it down, and slapped the long sword away, while using his other hand, he grabbed the Six Forged Demon's face.

The six-forged demon drew his sword and returned to defense, slashing the hand that Lu Chen was grabbing with his sword.

Lu Chen noticed that the opponent's sword was not strong, so he immediately changed the direction of his hand and grabbed it with his backhand, catching the edge of the sword just in time.


The grip and sword force shattered at the same time, causing a loud bang.

Lu Chen grabbed the edge of the sword and punched the opponent with his back hand.

The other party was not a vegetarian, and since he couldn't withdraw his sword, he also used his other hand to slap it with Lu Chen's back.


The fists and palms collided, evenly matched, and the two powerful forces shattered together, causing a loud explosion that shook the surrounding areas.

In the blink of an eye, the two fought for dozens of rounds. The strength of both sides was almost the same. They were both evenly matched and it was difficult to tell the difference.

When the balance is balanced, if a little boost is added to one side, the balance will be unbalanced and tilt to the side with the boost.

If the boost is not one point, but three points, the scale will tilt faster.

The combat power of Lu Chen and the Six Forged Demons are equally matched, as if the balance of the battle is being balanced!

But Lu Chen has three major powers in his hand that can make the scales unbalanced, so he will never keep the scales balanced?

"You can take action now!"

Lu Chen gave an order, and the mechanism, magic circle and Fu Yan appeared, all aiming at the six-forged demon.

"You and I are equally powerful, why don't you have a good fight with me and don't you feel ashamed to ask for help?"

The six-forged demon man not only had to deal with Lu Chen, but also had to deal with the interference from the mechanism, the magic circle and the Fu Rong, and roared angrily.

"Idiot, you are from the Sixth Formation of Xuan Ming and I am from the Nineth Level of Tiangang. You are seven realms higher than me. Can this be called equal strength?

This means that you bully the small and have no sense of shame. Your sentiments are shattered to pieces. Tell me about shame. You can't even get through the door of shame! "

Lu Chen just yelled at him

"you you you you"

The six-forged demon was choked to the point of being speechless.

"Shouhu, Gaohai, and Duoshan, keep going and kill this shameful dog!"

Lu Chen said while taking action.

"You shame me!"

The six-forged demon was extremely angry, his eyes were covered with anger, and he allowed himself to be attacked by the agencies, the magic circle, and Fu Yan. He waved his sword desperately, regardless of it, and he had the momentum to perish together with Lu Chen.

"You want to die with me. The ideal is beautiful, but you are not qualified!"

Lu Chen laughed disdainfully and avoided the opponent's sword edge. He waited for the sword edge to be completely gone before he calmly made a move and grabbed the opponent's shoulder.

The six-forged demon hurriedly returned his sword to defend, but the edge of the sword was caught by Lu Chen again, and the sword power could not be used.

However, the mechanism, the magic circle, and Fu Yan did not rest. He ignored them and made him pay a huge price.

The frost formation caused ice to form on his body, slowing down his speed.

Fu Han kept exploding on him, but the level of the Fu Han master was not high, so the Fu Han he created did no harm to him, but the dazzling flames of the explosion somewhat affected his sight.

Countless machine arrows were shot at him. Although they could not penetrate his body, the poison on the arrows stained his skin. When he had no time to take the detoxifying pill, he actually became a little dazed.

These three small disturbances add up to become a big disturbance, which is very fatal to him at this time. It can be said to be his death talisman!

Before, when he was disturbed by these things, Lu Chen took the opportunity to kill his accomplices without taking action against him.

But now

Lu Chen was waiting for this opportunity, how could he be merciful to him?

Just when he was distracted, Lu Chen's hand arrived, grabbed him from an incredible angle, and caught his demon head.

“Be merciful!”

In an instant, he was so horrified that he would rather die than surrender, so he immediately begged for mercy.

"For you, no!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, grabbed his demon head and blew it up on the spot.

"Let's go to Shangguan Jin!"

Lu Chen said hello to Shouhu and others, then took a step forward and ran in the other direction, where Shangguan Jin and Feilong were still fighting bloody battles.

Ruhua and the others retreated, but Shangguan Jin and Fei Long were entangled by several powerful enemies and could not retreat at all.

Shangguan Jin was besieged by three six-forged monsters. If Fei Long hadn't fought tooth and nail to protect him, he would have been killed long ago.

Fei Long's two pots were already of high quality. Some time ago, he worked hard to improve the pot's defense and secretly added ingredients to the two pots.

Lu Chen gave him a batch of beast pills for safekeeping and would later use them to build weapons for the legion. However, he took a hundred sixth-level early-stage beast pills from them and used a special casting method to set one hundred beast pills on two sides. On a pot.

I just raised the defense power of the two pots by a small level, and it could barely be regarded as a small level upgrade for the double pots.

With two such high-quality cauldrons in hand, they can cover the sky and have extremely strong defense. They can withstand countless attacks from three demons.

However, the fat dragon who was the pot operator was so shocked by the power of the three demons that his internal organs were damaged and his orifices were bleeding.

Shangguan Jin was not having a good time either. He was already injured. Although the three demons could not break through Fat Dragon's cauldron, some of the powerful aftermath of the impact passed through Zhetian's defense and shocked his body, making him more injured. .

Originally, he could cut the sword with six forgings, but now his injuries have become more serious, and even the Nine-Pattern Healing Pill can't suppress it. His fighting status is getting worse and worse, and every time he draws the sword, he has to accumulate power instead of instantaneously.

Not in peak condition, injured on his body, and affected by the opponent's shock wave, Shangguan Jin's sword power was much weaker, and he could no longer kill the six-forged master.

Of course, when the two of them were about to lose their support, Lu Chen appeared in time.

"Senior brother is here, we are saved!"

Fei Long was so excited that he cried with joy.

A magic circle landed, and the three enemies were immediately enveloped in the circle, and frost formed in vain.

A wave of talismans surged forward and exploded around the three enemies, affecting their perception.

Countless poisonous machine arrows were shot from all directions, forming a rain of arrows.

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