Kowloon's return to unity

Chapter 59 Absorbing Light from Feixia Mountain

At night, Lu Chen came to see Sun Song.

Nine high-grade True Essence Pills, in exchange for the useless sword.

Sun Song made a stroke and went back happily to show off in front of others.

This matter spread from person to person, and soon spread throughout the inner sect.

"What? That useless sword is worthless, and you sold it for nine high-grade True Essence Pills? Lu Chen is really a big fool."

"That's right, Sun Song sold his scrap sword for a year and no one took advantage of him, but Lu Chen fell into the trap, haha."

"When Lu Chen discovers that the useless sword is useless, he will regret it and hit the wall."

"I was tricked into using nine high-grade True Essence Pills for nothing. If it were me, I would hit a wall."

"People who are stupid and have too much money refer to people like Lu Chen."

Voices of ridicule and ridicule sounded from various peaks of Feixiamen.

Lu Chen became famous as soon as he bought it, and once again caused a sensation in Feixiamen!

However, Lu Chen didn't know about these slanderous rumors because he was very busy.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Lu Chen sneaked back to the inner gate peak and quietly came to the foot of the mountain.

Not far ahead is the dilapidated house where he lived before. Lai Xiang stayed in the house, waiting for the dragon's veins to awaken.

"Wait, wait, wait until the end of time, the dragon vein will awaken."

Lu Chen looked at the dilapidated house, smiled mockingly, and then swallowed the Hidden Breath Pill.

After taking the elixir, the power of the medicine spreads immediately, and the breath quickly gathers and is suppressed in the body.

Before the power of the medicine dissipates, the breath in the body will not leak to the outside world.

At this time, Lu Chen had no breath at all. Unless he saw him with his own eyes, even a master in the spirit transformation realm would not be able to sense his presence.

Lu Chen reached under the window of the dilapidated house and peeked inside secretly. Sure enough, he saw Lai Xiang sitting cross-legged and practicing inside.

Well, there is a big movement in the Dragon Vein tonight, you are lucky, you can get a lot of spiritual energy.

It's just that from now on, you have believed in this evil and will stay here forever waiting for the dragon vein.

Lu Chen was secretly amused, and then he found a bunch of earth talismans from the memory of the ancient talisman and formed a chain of escape talismans.

Then, guide the escape talisman chain to flow out of the sea of ​​consciousness and bless it on the body.

"Tonight, General Feixia is in shock and cannot sleep!"

Lu Chen sighed secretly, doing so would be detrimental to others, and he felt a little sorry for the Feixia Sect, but there was nothing he could do about it.

His realm needs to be improved quickly, so he has to ask everyone in Feixia Sect to sacrifice a few days of practice time. In the future, he will try his best to make up for Feixia Sect's losses.

Of course, he also has the ability to compensate Feixia Sect. At least Feixia Danyuan was revitalized because of him, and he can be regarded as a major contributor to Feixia Sect.

With a thought, the Earth Escape Talisman was transferred, and Lu Chen's body turned into an earth-type physique, which allowed him to escape from the Earth!

Take one step forward and go straight into the ground.

After walking a few more steps, we reached the bottom of the house.

As the Nine Dragons Return to One Technique circulated, the flame dragon veins became vigorous, instantly absorbing all the spiritual energy in the room above.

Powerful whirlpools were released, and the spiritual energy outside was immediately sucked into the house, into the ground, and into Lu Chen's body.

"The dragon's veins have finally absorbed spiritual energy. This is indeed the dragon's mouth!"

Lai Xiang was surprised and delighted as he watched countless spiritual energy rushing in from the outside and then disappearing underground.

With great joy and strong suction, he walked to the door and looked out.

I saw that the spiritual energy of the entire mountain peak was being sucked in, forming a tide of spiritual energy, rushing here quickly, rushing into the house.

At this time, he was being hit by the wave of spiritual energy. He was in a very strong spiritual energy, and his whole body felt comfortable both physically and mentally.

On the mountainside, countless inner disciples were shocked and came out to watch.

Several figures flew down from the mountain peak and stopped on the mountainside to maintain order.

"The dragon's veins absorb spiritual energy, and there is a possibility of awakening. All disciples are prohibited from going down the mountain, otherwise they will be shot without mercy!"

In the distance, Elder Fang's stern voice came.


A low dragon roar sounded.

Countless Feixiamen disciples became excited.

Once the Dragon Vein is awakened, the aura of Feixia Mountain will increase several times, and everyone will benefit greatly.

"Haha, once the dragon vein is awakened, I will practice in the endless spiritual energy, and my realm can be improved at will. I will be the biggest beneficiary!"

Lai Xiang raised his arms to the sky and laughed wildly, as if the whole world belonged to him.

Lai Xiang turned around and entered the house, sat cross-legged on the ground, and practiced in the rushing tide of spiritual energy.

After one stick of incense, the aura of the inner mountain peak was swept away.


There was a weak explosion in Lu Chen's body.

Finally a breakthrough!

The fifth level of the True Essence Realm!

With a basic strength of 50,000 kilograms, the Yanlong martial arteries have been doubled. Without using any combat skills, Lu Chen can exert a force of 100,000 kilograms with a casual move, which is enough to fight against ordinary ninth-level warriors of the True Essence Realm!

If you use the Yanyang Finger, this high-grade earth-level combat skill will double your own strength, which means you will have one hundred thousand more kilograms of power.

If the finger power is released, the Qi Talisman Chain blessed on the Yanyang Finger will be activated immediately. As the Yanyang Finger increases in power, the Qi Talisman Chain will increase by the same amount, adding another hundred thousand kilograms of power.

In other words, when Lu Chen hits Yan Yang's second finger, he has at least 300,000 kilograms of force.

If you add in the various small increases such as the refining of true energy, peak condition, extreme performance, etc., it is estimated that you can reach the limit of 356,000 kilograms of force.

The power is so terrifying that it can defeat a master who has transformed into a spirit in half a step!

Although the Half-Step Spirit Transformation Realm is not the true Spirit Transformation Realm, it is still outside the scope of the True Yuan Realm. Its basic strength is as high as 200,000 kilograms!

But in Dengzhou City, or even in the entire Yongming Dynasty, no one's power increase could match Lu Chen's, or even half.

The approximate increases in basic strength for the four levels of Heaven, Earth, Xuan, and Huang martial arts are: 40%, 30%, 20%, and 10% respectively.

I don’t know what level Lu Chen’s Flame Dragon Vein is, but it is very abnormal. The increase is doubled, that is, 100%!

In terms of the power increase of combat skills, Lu Chen is also far ahead of others, because the Yongming Dynasty does not have earth-level combat skills, and the highest level only has mid-level Xuan-level combat skills.

The increase in Xuan level mid-level combat skills is about 30%.

The Yanyang Finger is a high-grade earth-level combat skill, and its increase rate is doubled, that is, 100%!

As for the increase in the talisman chain, that is Lu Chen's exclusive patent and no one else has it.

Therefore, even the strongest half-step spirit transformation master's maximum strength is only about 320,000 kilograms, which is still lower than Lu Chen.

"Another half-step towards spiritual transformation, but there is still a long way to go and we still need to work hard."

After a burst of joy, Lu Chen secretly sighed to himself. The Nine Dragons Guiyi Jue continued and the suction vortex increased.

Feixia Mountain's dozens of peaks are swept by wind and clouds, and their spiritual energy is moving.

The rich spiritual energy of those mountain peaks was strongly absorbed, forming a stream of spiritual energy tides, which quickly flowed into the inner gate peak like hundreds of rivers converging into the sea, and then poured crazily into a dilapidated house at the foot of the mountain.

"The spiritual energy of each mountain peak has been sucked away. What's going on?"

"The dragon's veins suddenly absorbed a large amount of spiritual energy, and I'm afraid it's about to awaken!"

"Haha, suck it, suck it, absorb all the spiritual energy!"

Voices sounded from various mountain peaks.

One after another figures flew over from various mountain peaks.

Suddenly, experts gathered on the inner mountain peak.

The senior officials of Feixiamen, headed by Miao Yan, all had happy faces, staring at the dilapidated house at the bottom of the mountain, waiting eagerly.

No one thinks there is anything wrong with sacrificing the spiritual energy of the entire Feixia Mountain. Anyway, it will be replenished in a few days, so why not practice for a few days less?

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