Kowloon's return to unity

Chapter 591 Very energetic

The Fat Dragon used the art of shield group, holding up thousands of shields to form a huge defense line, blocking the air waves for all members of the Fanatic Legion.

The air wave hit the shield group, and the powerful impact made the shield bang. However, it never broke through the shield group's defense line, and the impact gradually dissipated.

With the protection of the fat dragon's shield group, everyone in the Fanatic Legion has nothing to do and is as calm as a dog.

Those in the Cangyu Sect were not having it so easy. They could only use their true energy to resist, but they could not withstand the impact of the air waves. They were instantly lifted up by the air waves, and were thrown into the air like toys and blown away. Thousands of feet away.

After the storm, the Cangyu Sect's people ran back. There were many injured and they were in a very embarrassed state.

In the battle formation, Lu Chen's knife struck Xiahou Wangcheng's fist, but it did not cut down. Xiahou Wangcheng's fist also touched the blade of the knife, but did not hit it. The two sides were in a stalemate.

The power of the fist and the power of the knife are equal, cancel each other out, and break apart at the same time. No one can take advantage of the other.

"How can it be?

How do you have so much power? "

Xiahou Wangcheng's eyes widened in vain, almost not believing the fact that Lu Chen was evenly matched with him.

You must know that his punch was a punch with all his strength. It almost swept through the same level. Even Ye Wu couldn't bear it. Only Lu Chen, who was trained in the Xuan Ming Fourth Forge, actually cut off his punch power with one knife. It was really too much. It’s evil.

Although the power of his fist also defeated Lu Chen's sword power, this result was difficult for him to accept.

How could there be a tie?

In his expectation, the correct way to open it was to blow up Lu Chen's long knife with one punch and directly kill Lu Chen.

Not only was he shocked, his fellow seniors were also shocked and unbelievable.

High in the sky, countless inner disciples were stunned, feeling extremely shocked and incomprehensible.

Is this the boss of the Fanatic Legion?

That Lu Chen who didn't enter the inner door but ran to the outer door?

Xuan Ming's fourth forging, slashing half a step to the Immortal Platform with a sword, and drawing a draw with one sword. This fighting power far exceeds that of Ye Wu, the first disciple of the inner sect!

The eyes of all the inner disciples moved upward, landing on the person higher up in the sky: Ye Wu!

Ye Wu has no expression, and there is no sign of any mood swings. If anyone pays attention to his eyes, they can see that his eyes are very complicated, ranging from shock to joy, and the most common one is envy!

Ever since he became the first disciple of the inner sect, he has always been unable to rank well in the rankings. He has always been bullied by Xiahou Wangcheng and has been unable to make a comeback.

However, his talent was limited and his combat power was not high, which made him very helpless and tolerant of Xiahou Wangcheng.

But compared with Lu Chen today, he felt like he was nothing.

Putting aside his combat prowess, he was ashamed of Lu Chen's courage alone.

Back then, Lu Chen dared to make an appointment with King Xiahou to fight when he was still at Tiangang Qiji. Did he dare?

Before, he thought that Lu Chen was just trying to fool Xiahou Wangcheng and would not really fight Xiahou Wangcheng, but he didn't expect that when the day of the battle came, Lu Chen came out to challenge him without any hesitation.

Although Lu Chen's combat power does not match his realm, he is not a sure winner against Xiahou Wangcheng. Xiahou Wangcheng has not yet deployed his weapons. Lu Chen is risking his life to fight Xiahou Wangcheng. How courageous is this!

Above Ye Wu, higher up in the sky, hidden among the clouds, was a figure, who was the chief elder of the outer sect!

His eyes flashed with surprise. He originally thought he would come to protect Lu Chen, but it seemed that he was no longer needed. Lu Chen might not be able to defeat Xiahou Wangcheng, but self-protection shouldn't be a problem.

In the past few years, the outer sect has only cultivated one naturally powerful person, Ruhua, and has no other disciples with great potential.

I didn't expect that Lu Chen was the disciple with great potential, and the potential of Ru Hua was much greater. Fortunately, Lu Chen was very weird. He didn't enter the inner door or the outer door. He really picked up a treasure while lying down!

It is said that the inner goalkeeper Lu Chen has been blacklisted and will never be admitted!

But is this useful?

Can you attack Lu Chen?

Can it hinder Lu Chen's future?

Absolutely impossible!

When Lu Chen first came to the outer sect, he was clearly in the Xuanming realm. In less than two months, he was already in the Xuanming fourth realm. This shows that Lu Chen's training in the outer sect is still effective. Maybe Lu Chen will control the entire Xuanming realm in the outer sect. After completing the process, you can go directly to become a core disciple.

Lu Chen didn't even bother to enter the inner door!

If Lu Chen were directly promoted from an outer sect disciple to a core disciple, as the chief elder of the outer sect, he would be really proud of his face.

The senior members of the sect didn't know what was going on. They let a disciple with such great potential like Lu Shen go and ignored him. I really don't know if the senior leaders did it on purpose or if they really didn't know?

However, this is fine. If the top management decides to cultivate Lu Chen, then nothing will happen to him.

"Senior brother, you are mighty!"

Feilong took the lead in shouting, cheering for Lu Chen.

"Boss is mighty!"

Thousands of people from the fanatical legion chanted in unison, and their voices resounded in all directions, with great momentum and high-level force.

At this time, Lu Chen had no expression on his face and said nothing. He just secretly drank a drop of Spiritual Essence Liquid when Xiahou Wangcheng was not paying attention.

With the support of the powerful vitality of the Spiritual Essence Liquid, the emptied physical energy was restored, but the emptied true energy

Lu Chen grabbed a handful of the Nine-Line Spiritual Energy Pill from the Chaos Orb and swallowed it in one gulp, without even chewing it.

He took a handful, grabbed another handful, and drank hundreds of Nine-Line Spiritual Energy Pills before he recovered the empty essence.

That is to say, the Nine-Line Spiritual Qi Pill is powerful enough, so you only need to take a few hundred pills. If you take the previous Three-Line and Five-Line Spiritual Energy Pill, if you don't take tens of thousands of pills, it will basically have no effect.

"Is it useful to take elixirs before battle?"

Xiahou Wangcheng laughed.

"It's useful. Take one pill and you'll feel refreshed and active. Take a hundred pills and you'll be very energetic!"

Lu Chen said this.

"Okay, I'll chop off your head and see if you're still very energetic?"

Xiahou Wangcheng snorted, retracted his fist, stepped back ten steps, and revealed his weapon.

A large sword more than ten feet long!

The blade of the broadsword is sharp, and the majestic sword energy has an ancient aura that has accumulated over time.

This is an ancestral artifact!

The ancestral weapon is not worth showing off in front of Lu Chen's holy sword!

However, Lu Chen's expression became solemn, and Xiahou Wangcheng showed his weapon, indicating that Xiahou Wangcheng was going to use his big move with all his strength.

But what about him?

He suddenly took action and used Zhantian, but he didn't kill Xiahou Wangcheng, it just offset Xiahou Wangcheng's punch.

Now, Xiahou Wangcheng wants to use weapons and combat skills. How can he resist?

Not only Lu Chen felt threatened, but others also felt it, and they were deeply worried about Lu Chen and sweating.

Because everyone could see that Lu Chen's sword blow just now was Lu Chen's strongest blow. Xiahou Wangcheng followed it with his bare hands. Now that Xiahou Wangcheng even showed his weapon, it means that Xiahou Wangcheng is going to make a big move, and Lu Chen will definitely Can't bear it.

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