Kowloon's return to unity

Chapter 613 Four Weird People

After arriving at the mall, Lu Chen naturally wanted to visit Duan Xin and his wife.

He was intercepted by King Xiahou on the way. If Duan Xin and Yingying hadn't arrived in time, Lu Chen might have been doomed.

But when he found Duan Xin's residence, he found that Duan Xin was not in the mall and neither was Yingying. Lu Chen had to give up and prepare to go home.

At this time, Fei Long suddenly spoke up: "Senior brother, since you are in the mall, why don't you go to the auction house to have a look?"

"When you come to the mall, do you have to go to the auction house?"

Lu Chen squinted his eyes at Fei Long, knowing that this fat guy was going to steal the money in his crystal card.

"The auction house in the mall is the best auction house in the Eastern Wasteland. The best treasures are all auctioned here. If there is something suitable for you and others don't need it, and you take it at a cheap price, then you can sell it, right? "

The fat dragon has a rich smile, a lotus-like mouth, and talks incessantly, just like a river overflowing, it is out of control and he encourages it to the end.

"You hope that when you find something that suits you, you ask me to pay you to take a photo of it, and then you post it, right?"

Lu Chen half-smiled but stared at Fei Long closely, as if he was staring at a liar.

Last time at the auction house, Lu Chen spent a lot of effort to get the gold and steel book and gave it to Fei Long.

Unexpectedly, Feilong tasted the sweetness, and even wanted to make money from the auction house. He was really convinced by this fat boy.

"Uh, what, if everyone posts it, then it is really posted!"

Lu Chen saw through Fei Long's wishful thinking, and Fei Long blushed and laughed to resolve the embarrassment.

"Shang Zong is really awesome. There are shopping malls and auction houses in every major region. This business is done all over the Yuanwu Continent."

Shouhu smiled and said again, "The auction house in the mall usually has good things for auction. Since we are here, it doesn't hurt to go and take a look."

"Yes, if you come across a suitable product and it's not expensive, you might as well take a photo of it."

Ai Shan also said the same.

"Ordinary auction houses don't matter, but things in mall auction houses are expensive, and only rich people can afford them."

Gao Hai said this, obviously not very interested and didn't want to go to the auction house.

Because among the four major families, the Beiming family is the poorest.

Among the four princes, tall, short, fat and thin, Beiming Liehai was the only one who had little money. He was the kind of down-and-out prince with nothing in his hands and a hole in his trousers.

There is no way, the Demon-Suppressing Mountain guarded by the Beiming Family only has an abyss, and the genius treasures produced are all under the abyss and are not easy to obtain.

In addition, their Beiming family is rich in formation mages, and all of them are rich in resources. The Beiming family is full of ghosts.

With no money in his trouser pocket, Gao Hai naturally didn't want to go to the auction house, so as not to panic when he saw the treasure he had no money to buy.

"Let's go and have a look. Maybe there are some treasures for free."

Fei Long patted Gao Hai on the shoulder and said meaningfully.

"Babies are given for free?

Who sends it?

Are you sending it? "

Gao Hai disagreed and didn't quite believe Fei Long's lies.

"I'm not a wealthy person, so I can't give it away, but there are people who can."

Feilong chuckled and said sarcastically, "Let me tell you, senior brother has a great background in the mall. Last time I went to the auction house, the mall owner had to come over to accompany me. You know my gold and steel casting, right? A gift from the mall owner!”


Gao Hai's eyes widened instantly. He had seen Feilong's gold-steel casting. It was a very rare casting book, and its value was definitely higher than imagined.

Moreover, no matter in which large domain, the lord of the mall is a high-ranking figure.

Even such a big shot has to be humbled and come to stay with Lu Chen. You can imagine how scary Lu Chen's background in the mall is.

"You can tell if it's true or not by asking your senior brother."

Fei Long made a gesture towards Lu Chen, but Lu Chen glared at Fei Long angrily and had no choice but to nod in recognition.

However, he didn't explain that the mall owner came to accompany him mainly to confirm the Holy Pill's experience!

"Then we have to go to the auction house. If the mall owner sends something again, we will send it."

Gao Hai immediately showed joy and had an urgent desire to go to the auction house.

The auction house building in the mall is located in the center of the mall. It has a large building area and a height of thousands of feet. It is the tallest building in the entire mall.

The appearance of the entire building is made of black crystal stone and is extremely luxurious.

Inside the auction house, the floor is paved with countless crystal coins, and the decorations hanging from the ceiling are all kinds of precious treasures. They are magnificent, absolutely luxurious and high-end!

Lu Chen also arrived by chance, as there was an auction going on. There were a lot of rich people coming to participate in the auction, and there was a huge flow of people.

The auction house is not for casual entry. The entry fee of one million crystal coins is enough to scare away countless people.

After entering, you have to pay a deposit of one billion crystal coins. At this level, countless fake rich people have been dismissed.

Lu Chen, on the other hand, didn't pay anything and just flashed a gold and copper coin, which was the top VIP money specially made by the mall.

When the staff of the auction house saw it, they immediately became respectful and let Lu Chen go directly. Even the people around Lu Chen also enjoyed the same treatment.

The staff also personally guided Lu Chen to a top-level VIP box, where everything was free to use.

This was not the first time for Lu Chen to come to this kind of box, and he was already familiar with it. He sat down on the comfortable leather carpet bench and overlooked the entire auction hall through the floor-to-ceiling glass window in front of him, looking directly at the auction table below.

In this top-notch VIP box, there are not only various delicacies and spiritual wines, but also ten beauties waiting on them.

Fei Long picked up a plate of spirit beans, sat on the left side of Lu Chen, and started eating while looking at the auction hall outside.

The thin tiger picked up a plate of wild beast meat and sat on the right side of Lu Chen, chewing and devouring it like a thin ghost who had been hungry for a hundred thousand years.

Gao Hai picked up a bottle of spiritual wine, sat down next to Fei Long, and started drinking like an alcoholic who hadn't had a drink in hundreds of thousands of years.

Lu Chen felt very puzzled. These guys were already in the Xuanming realm. They had already passed the inedia stage and could no longer eat the fireworks of the world.

But why are these three weirdos so hungry?

Are they here to see the baby, or are they here to eat?

There is really no normal one!

No, there was another person who didn't find anything to eat or drink, so he was finally normal.

"Oh, oh, oh, harder, a little harder, a little harder."

Suddenly, there was a distorted groaning sound coming from behind. The sound was like a screaming pig, and it seemed like it had been hit a hundred or dozens of times.

In short, it sounds so disgusting and makes people's skin crawl all over the place.

Lu Chen couldn't help but look back. Come on, it turned out to be Ai Shan, an old woman, moaning and groaning alternately between pain and pleasure.

Ai Shan was lying on his back, comfortably lying on a big fur chair, while ten beauties were massaging his malleus.

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