Kowloon's return to unity

Chapter 690 Not recognized by space

"Heaven-turning hand!"

Lu Chen also suddenly jumped up and passed by the eight-armed golden ape in the air, passing by each other.

The eight-armed golden ape didn't expect Lu Chen to dare to jump up, and immediately stretched out seven arms to catch Lu Chen, but in his haste, he missed.

On the other hand, Lu Chen pointed his sword in mid-air, and hit the eight-armed golden ape's right eye without any resistance, blowing the eyeball out on the spot.


The eight-armed golden ape was in great pain, roaring and furious, but because it passed too far away from Lu Chen, Lu Chen was already dead.


The eight-armed golden ape fell onto the small boat, crushing it to pieces, and then it also fell into the poisonous Wuming Lake.

"Lu Chen!"

Mingyue saw that Lu Chen was still flying in the air and would fall into the lake in a moment, so she couldn't help but stand on the shore and cry.

The cries were so pitiful that the sky was filled with sorrow, as if tens of millions of people had died.

"Silly girl, you have forgotten that I am invulnerable to all poisons and cannot be poisoned to death!"

Lu Chen saw that Mingyue wanted to throw herself into the lake to die for her love, so he hurriedly used his true energy to send a message to Mingyue, stopping Mingyue from doing anything wrong.

Sound transmission requires real energy, but the transmission speed is much faster than sound. If you want to stop Mingyue immediately, sound transmission must be the fastest.

Moreover, there were so many people on the shore, and Lu Chen didn't want his invulnerable secret to be made public.

That is his secret trump card. It would be bad if outsiders knew about it. Otherwise, how can he deceive others in the future?

The eight-armed golden ape didn't have much IQ, so he was tricked by him. It didn't take long for the corpse of an eight-armed golden ape to appear in Wuming Lake.

And he

Haha, after playing for a whole day, my whole body is covered in stinky sweat. It is definitely a good idea to take a swim and wash myself.

Moreover, the weather in the secret place is good, the sky is blue, there is enough light, and swimming is absolutely enjoyable.

Under the exclamations of countless people on the shore, Lu Chen finally fell into the water.


The water splashed high, and Lu Chen fell into the lake, straight to the bottom of the lake, and disappeared on the lake in an instant.

At this moment, Lu Chen felt that his whole body was cold and in excruciating pain. The intense cold poison in the lake was fully invading his body.


A low dragon roar came from the body.

The Poison Dragon Vein is activated!

All the cold poison that invaded the body was swallowed up by the poisonous dragon veins in an instant.

Moreover, as much cold poison as there is in the lake around you, the Poison Dragon Veins will swallow it up, like a poison-eating dragon that is always hungry!

However, Lu Chen felt much more comfortable without the cold poison to disturb him. He did not float when he was immersed in the lake, but looked around to see what secrets were hidden in this lifeless lake.

If there were no secrets, why would the disciples of various sects gather here?

There seemed to be no cure for the poison in the lake, and they couldn't get into the lake. Could it be that they were here for sightseeing?

The secret realm is so big and there are so many opportunities. Wouldn’t it be nice to buy time to find opportunities?

Lu Chen had reason to suspect that there must be a chance in the lake!

Unfortunately, from the moment he arrived at the lake, he fought, fought, and fought again!

There is no time at all to ask Mingyue.

Otherwise, Mingyue will definitely tell him what is in the lake?

He can float up and ask Mingyue again, but he has floated up to the surface now. There are so many people on the shore, so he knows that he is not afraid of poison. He doesn't want to expose this secret. This is one of his trump cards. Often, It’s also a killer weapon!

Since you are already in the lake, you might as well look for it yourself, why expose yourself.

Looking around, Wu Ming Lake is indeed lifeless!

Apart from water, there are no living creatures, not even a single aquatic plant, and those that are there are poisoned to death.

The bottom of the lake is so deep that you can’t see the bottom, and you don’t know what’s underneath?

Suddenly, the water flowed rapidly, as if something had dived down and was coming towards us.

Lu Chen turned his head and saw that this guy, Long Dong, was not dead yet, but he actually wanted to attack him. He really wanted to write a word of submission to him.

That’s right, it’s the eight-armed golden ape!

No, it's the seven-armed golden ape now, one arm was destroyed by Lu Chen.

The eight-armed golden ape was purple all over and was seriously poisoned, but with the powerful blood of the savage beast, he managed to survive until now.

But the eight-armed golden ape was seriously injured. One arm was broken, one eye was blind, and the whole body was invaded by cold poison. The body was severely damaged by the poison, the breath was weak, the combat power was greatly reduced, and it would never be the same again. of virility.

However, the eight-armed golden ape relied solely on its will and held its breath, insisting on killing Lu Chen to avenge its master before it was willing to die.

"Can't you die well?

It's really stupid to torture yourself. "

Lu Chen couldn't help but sigh, leaving the poisonous dragon veins to take drugs in his body, summoning the two dragons to fight, and waited.

When the eight-armed golden ape sneaked closer, Lu Chen opened his big hand and used his Skyshaft hand to grab the eight-armed golden ape.

The eight-armed golden ape was surprised in its rage. It also knew that this was a big poisonous lake. The cold poison in the water had almost collapsed it, but why couldn't it understand that the person it wanted to kill didn't seem to be poisoned and was capable of fighting. Attacking it, it feels like its spirit is about to collapse.

It is almost dead and its combat power is greatly reduced. How can it resist the opponent's full attack?

The eight-armed golden ape's intelligence was limited and he couldn't think too much. He just gritted his teeth, stretched out his seven arms, and grabbed Lu Chen.

It wants to fight Lu Chen for the last time. Either Lu Chen dies or it dies!

Unfortunately, as soon as its arm came into contact with Lu Chen's hand, it knew it was over.

Lu Chen's Heaven-shaking Hand is still powerful and can capture the Immortal Realm Qi Yuan to death!

And its power was no longer accurate to the eighth level. It had already fallen below the seventh level. When Lu Chen casually grabbed it, one of its arms was caught and crushed.

The huge pain caused the eight-armed golden ape to open his mouth and howl. However, due to the weakness of his energy, he could no longer roar. Instead, he swallowed several large mouthfuls of poisonous water.

Poisonous water entering its belly will accelerate its demise.

Immediately, it collapsed, its strength rapidly declining, leaving only dying.

"A quasi-eighth-level savage beast, its whole body is full of treasures, it must not die in the lake, it must not be digested by the lake water, it must be digested by me!"

In line with the principle that no treasure should be wasted, Lu Chen grabbed the dying eight-armed golden ape and threw it directly into the Chaos Bead.

The Poison Dragon Vein immediately left its position, swam into the Chaos Pearl, and sucked all the toxins from the Eight-Armed Golden Ape.

As soon as the toxin was cleared, the eight-armed golden ape became vigorous again. Although it was seriously injured, without the toxin corroding it, its strength would return. It is still the quasi-eighth-level war beast that dominates the world!

However, there are no eggs!

When it was about to rise up and break the enemy's alien space, it found that it couldn't use all its strength.

A terrifying force suppressed it!

That strange power is so incredible that it can plunge it into deep fear and be unable to extricate itself.

It is the beast master's battle beast. It has stayed in the beast master's space for a long time and understands the secrets of the space.

This space does not belong to its owner, but to its enemy!

Therefore, it does not belong here, is not recognized by space, and can only be rejected by space!

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