Kowloon's return to unity

Chapter 800 The Abyss

The Demon Clan's Immortal Realm troops were already crippled by Lu Chen, and all the elites in the Half-Step God Refining Realm were wiped out. How could they be the opponents of Beiming's Immortal Realm disciples?

In addition, the Demon Clan's ground troops and Xuanming Realm troops were also very weak. They were messed up by Lu Chen and were already in a mess. They could no longer form a combat effectiveness.

The disciples of Beiming came out, and the three groups of demon clan were immediately defeated. There were countless casualties and they were fleeing everywhere.

The three groups of troops below were defeated and Lu Chen was missing. The morale of the Demon Clan's God Refining Realm troops was also greatly reduced and they retreated one after another.

"Northern Ming is vast, that's it for today, let's fight again next time!"

When Yan Tuo saw the rout of his troops, he became panicked and had no intention of fighting anymore. He jumped out of the battle with a feint and flew away.

Beiming Haohan did not pursue Yan Tuo, but directed Beiming's children to hunt down the demon army and regain the lost area outside the city.

The demon army fled thousands of miles away, and then escaped the pursuit of Beiming's disciples and retreated to the depths of the demon cave.

Yan Tuo descended from a high altitude and saw that the demon army had lost two-thirds of its strength. The remaining defeated generals were all dejected and demoralized, and he couldn't help but be furious.

"That damn genius of the human race, if he hadn't suddenly appeared, how would he have been defeated today?"

Yan Tuo unleashed his anger on the troops at the God Refining Realm and shouted, "It's all because of your stupid incompetence. If you had broken through the enemy's defense line earlier, would that Lu Chen have been able to escape?"

"Chief, there is nowhere to hide in the sky. Where did Lu Chen hide?"

A demon asked.

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

Yan Tuo came out without a breath. He suddenly thought about it, glanced at all the Xiantai realm warriors with his eyes.

Nothing unusual was found!

This group of remnants are all full of demonic aura, all of them have strange looks, and all of them are frightened. No human race has gotten in.

"Take your troops back, rest for a while, and then go out to fight!"

Yan Tuo had no choice but to wave his hand and led the remaining troops to retreat deeper into the Demon Cave.

After walking about a hundred thousand miles, we arrived at the end of the Demon Cave!

At the end, there is a huge crack, which is endless, at least tens of millions of miles long.

And that gap is the Devil's Cave Abyss!

The demons live under the abyss, the deepest part of the earth.

There is a continuous bunker built at the crack of the abyss here. There are many demon sentries in the bunker, watching everywhere.

Those bunkers are the forward outposts of the demons, preventing humans from sneaking into the abyss of the demon cave.

In fact, the human race does not know much about the Demon Cave Abyss. They have never made a sneak attack on the abyss, and there is no need to make a sneak attack on the abyss.

This remnant passed through a bunker, approached the chasm, and jumped into the abyss one by one.

Yan Tuo jumped down first, followed by the troops in the Refining God Realm, and then the troops in the Immortal Stage Realm.

Among the Xiantai Realm troops, there was a Xiantai Realm first-level warrior with an unnatural expression on his face. He was following the Xiantai Realm team at the back, looking left and right.

This Demon Clan Immortal Realm One Yuan Warrior is none other than Lu Chen in disguise!

Seeing the demon in front of him keep jumping into the abyss, Lu Chen felt panicked.

He is not a real demon. He doesn't know what the Abyss has. Does the abyss exclude non-demon people?

If you jump down and get rejected by the abyss, that will be a big deal!

"Hey, jump quickly, everyone is waiting to go home!"

An urging voice came from behind.

Only then did Lu Chen realize that he was walking too slowly. All the troops in the Immortal Stage in front had finished jumping, and he blocked the troops in the Xuanming Realm behind from jumping into the abyss.

"go home?"

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, then turned around and saw the demon urging him.

"Of course we are going home. Do you want to go back to the military camp?"

That was a young demon who responded in this way.

"Come on, come on, I have something to ask you."

Lu Chen looked at the demon and showed a kind smile. He reached out and pulled the demon aside to make way for the demon behind to jump.

"What's the matter? Can't you just jump down and ask again?"

The demon was very helpless. He was only at the ninth level of the Xuan Ming Realm and was just an ordinary member of the Xuan Ming Realm troops. However, Lu Chen's more advanced members of the Immortal Stage Realm troops, although only one-level, had a higher status than him. He did not dare to offend Lu Chen.

"The battle with the human race just now, my brain was so shocked that I can't remember some things."

Lu Chen opened his mouth and deceived the devil directly.


The demon was stunned.

"I only remember that the aftermath of the battle came over, and all my friends around me were shocked to death. Fortunately, I escaped by hiding behind them, but my brain was still damaged by the shock, and some of my memories were wiped out."

Lu Chen said, "So, I can't remember when I see the abyss. I wonder if I will fall to my death if I jump?"

"I see, you are really unlucky. The attack between the powerful man in the God Refining Realm and the genius of the human race even involved you!"

The demon suddenly understood, so he said, "Just jump into the abyss. You can fly and I won't be able to kill you if I fall!"

"But, I forgot, where should I go after I get down?"

Lu Chen asked again.

"Just go home!"

The demon smiled and said, "Every time after a battle, we can go home and rest. Whenever there is a summons from above, we can return to the military camp."

"But I can't remember where home is?"

Lu Chen continued to pretend to have amnesia.

"Is that so?"

Seeing Lu Chen's stupid look, the demon thought that Lu Chen might have really been shocked to the brain, so he thought for a while and then said, "How about you go home with me for a few days and wait until you recover your memory. "

"Thank you very much, brother!"

Lu Chen showed joy.

"My name is Sadan, what do you call me?"

The demon also showed a smile. He was also very happy that a strong man in the Immortal Stage called him a brother.

"My name is Lu Qi!"

"Hey, is there anyone in our demon clan named Lu?"

"Yes, I have a special surname!"

"What special method?

Is there anyone else named Lu? "

"I seem to remember that I have clansmen, and one of them is named Lu Dan!"

"Uh, you have the same name as me!"

"I still remember that people called Dan are very lucky. My tribe encountered several dangers and managed to avoid them. I think you will be the same!"

"Yes, that's right. It's just luck that I survived today. I also hid behind others, so I wasn't killed by the shock wave."

"It turns out that we are of the same mind!"

"Hehe, he is not a member of the same path, but a member of the devil's path!"

"That makes sense!"

"Brother Lu, you see the troops are almost done dancing, why don't we jump down and talk again."


So, the two stopped talking and walked towards the edge of the abyss.

"Brother Lu, dance with me!"

Sadan said.

"Brother Dan, how about we hold hands and dance together?"

Lu Chen said.


Sadan reached out, took Lu Shen's hand, and jumped

Then, Lu Chen followed a throwing egg and jumped into the abyss!

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