Although Liu Han is not bad, he is definitely not the kind of good person in the ten worlds, and he thinks it is better to do less of the good things that deliberately help others.

But the system triggers the task at this time, and the content of the task is to let him use his “super sense of smell” to help others. Well, for the sake of task rewards, Liu Han can only be a good person for a while.

In addition, after this week’s exploration, Liu Han found that the system’s tasks can trigger up to three at the same time, which means that if there are three tasks in the taskbar, no matter how important people and things you encounter, they will not be triggered.

Therefore, to complete a large number of tasks, the tasks in this task bar can be completed in the first time, try to complete as much as possible. This can also be regarded as the experience Liu Han gained this week.

“This student, your tomato is early, and the sweetness of the tomato will be lost.” You scoop up the tomatoes now, and then put in half the amount of tomatoes you just had, and it’s okay…”

Liu Han looked like a good person, and kindly reminded a group of students who had problems in the cooking process.

The trainees in this group were a man and a woman, and after hearing Liu Han’s words, the female trainees glanced at them with disdain and contempt. And the male trainee turned around with a bad personality and sprayed directly: “It’s you? You, the chef who doesn’t listen carefully in class… No, it should be an unscrupulous chef, what qualifications do you have to dictate to us! ”

“I see that he and the crane tail named Tian Suohui can’t pass this assessment, so he simply wants to pull others into the water together, that’s why he said that?” The female trainee said with a look of understanding Liu Han’s conspiracy.

“So that’s the case, you guys are really insidious!”

Liu Han was stunned for a moment, shook his head and sighed secretly: Sure enough, this good person is not good, and he caused a commotion. Well, if you don’t listen, you’re unlucky.

However, this task still has to be completed, let’s look at the others.

Immediately, Liu Han walked around the cooking classroom again, while walking with a super sense of smell, collecting the cooking situation of the students around him, but most of the students’ cooking had some problems.

However, although there was a problem, Liu Han did not speak, because these guys were looking at him with unfriendly eyes.

Until, Liu Han came to a group of very shy students. This group is also a man and a woman, and both men and women seem to be very shy. The two did not have the unfriendly gazes of the others, and seemed to be deliberately avoiding his gaze.

Well, just decide it’s you Pikachu.

Liu Han once again unfolded his keen sense of super-smell, and sure enough… There are also problems with this group!

This time, he did not directly say the lack of cooking, but said tactfully: “These two students, do you think that you put too much salt?” If my nose hadn’t lied to me, you would have put almost two and a half spoonfuls of salt, right? ”

In fact, Liu Han can’t accurately determine the amount of seasoning for each dish, but through the dish of “tomato boiled fish” that has been included in his mind, and the “information” of super-olfactory feedback, he can be sure that there is more salt, and how much he is only a rough guess.

However, after hearing this, the two trainees looked shocked.

“You… How do you know I put two and a half spoonfuls of salt in the pot? The male trainee was surprised.

Liu Han pointed to his nose with a chuckle, and said with a smile: “Because my nose will not deceive, and your tomatoes are put down when the water is boiling, and now the taste may be lost.” ”

“This… You know that? The male trainee was stunned again.

The female trainee tensed up and said, “Then… So what do we do now? ”

“Don’t worry, if there is more salt, you can add a little vinegar wine as a seasoning, which can not only synthesize the problem of more salt, but also play a role in removing the fishy smell of fish…”

“But… But the recipe doesn’t say that you should add vinegar wine as a seasoning? ”

“Don’t worry, it’s just a little more seasoning, it doesn’t affect the whole.”

Liu Han patiently explained and improved for the students in this group, because the mistakes made were not very serious, so there was no need to redo them at all.

After explaining to this group of students, there was a shout from Tassho in the distance, their cooking time was almost finished, and now let him go over for the final evaluation.

“This kitchen knife of yours looks good, classmate!”

Liu Han was about to turn around and leave, but suddenly found that the kitchen knife next to this group of female trainees looked very good.

The blade is flat, the blade exudes a cold glow, and it is a good knife worth a lot at a glance!

Seeing Liu Han’s gaze, the female trainee couldn’t help but hold the kitchen knife in her hand and explained: “This… This is the kitchen knife I left at home, the same as … It was also given to me by my mother when I died… To my relic. ”

“Sorry for bringing up your sadness. I didn’t mean anything else, I just thought this kitchen knife was good. After Liu Han finished speaking, he left this side and came to the cooking table of Tian Suohui.

At this time, many group students had finished cooking and submitted the final finished product to Shapel on the podium.

When a group of trainees passed behind Liu Han and Tian Suohui’s cooking table, Liu Han hugged his hands and raised his head and said, “Your problem has not been solved, the taste of tomatoes has long been lost because they are released early.” And there are 2 more shellfish, which affects the taste, so E bar. ”

Isn’t the trainee in this group the first group that Liu Han is kindly guiding when he accepts the task of the system?

However, this group of male and female trainees, after hearing his words, snorted coldly and disdainfully.

“Unscrupulous chefs are not qualified to dictate to us!”

After leaving this sentence, the two men submitted their dishes to Chappell without listening to the advice at all.

(To be continued.) )

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