When Liu Han opened his eyes again, it was no longer the dormitory of Polestar Liao, but the retro-style Chinese restaurant in front of him. There is no doubt that this is definitely Ju downstairs.

However, at this time, the hall where Ju went downstairs to eat was already a mess, many tables, chairs and benches were knocked over to the ground, and some dishes that had not yet had time to eat were also scattered on the floor.

The diners who had been dining also fled to the outside of the Juxia Downstairs because of the fight here, but did not leave, but poked their heads out of the gate or outside window to look inside.

And Liu Han is also temporarily mixed in with these melon-eating masses.

At this time, whether it was everyone in the hall or the melon-eating masses outside, their fearful eyes fell on the man in the middle of the restaurant wearing a black cape.

This man in a black cape originally had a fierce face, and with an eye patch on his left eye, it added a bit of villain to him.

This person is not Shaoan, who else?

In front of Shaoan, a man and a woman were sitting on the ground at this time. The woman is in her 20s, wearing a yellow horse coat and long brown hair, draped behind her head.

In the arms of the little girl in the yellow horse coat was a little boy only 12 or 3 years old, with light blue hair and wearing a red dress.

Needless to say, these two siblings are naturally Liu Aling and Liu Pianxing. However, at this time, Liu Pianxing, with a bandage on his right hand, was obviously injured not lightly.

At this time, Liu Han, who was in the crowd, secretly looked at the current situation.

“It seems that it is indeed the plot where Shao An came to find fault, but Liu Pianxing’s right hand was actually injured? It seems that Shao An didn’t do it, so he also started to say…” The muscles in Liu Han’s face twitched.

Isn’t it, really this is to let himself replace Liu Pianxing to defeat Shaoan!

And at this time, Liu Han suddenly felt that his chin was a little more something… Whiskers?

Then Liu Han found that the original system had “plastic surgery” for himself, and his appearance seemed to have changed. But then I didn’t feel strange, more than 10 years ago, it was like to come downstairs, and it is still a look after more than ten years, are you practicing the art of immortality?

However, Liu Han did not get too entangled in this issue, and was soon attracted by the arrogant Shaoan in the field.

“Hmph, so you feed me all this feed to pigs, isn’t this an act of looking for death?” Shao An was very arrogant, and regardless of the resentful eyes of others, he crushed the dishes on the ground fiercely.

Liu Pianxing was not afraid of Shao’an at all, even if his right hand was injured, he pointed at Shao’an and yelled: “It’s really hateful, Ming only ate one bite, just said that our restaurant cuisine is…”

“Little ghost, are you questioning my abilities? I’m just telling the truth, and… It’s really hard to eat! Shao An said and was ready to raise his foot and kick at Liu Pianxing in front of him.

Seeing this scene, Liu Han, who was in the crowd, knew that there was no way to calm down, quickly rushed into the door, picked up a teacup on the ground and threw it towards Shaoan.

The teacup hit Shao An’s right foot impartially and wanted to kick towards Liu Pianxing, and Shao An, who was in pain, subconsciously took his foot back.

“Who… Who, actually dares to sneak up on me, a superior chef! Shaoan looked back and immediately saw Liu Han’s “familiar” face.

Shaoan’s face flashed with horror in an instant, and after “recognized” Liu Han, a face became resentful: “It’s you… It turns out that you bastard is still downstairs with Ju! ”

Seeing Shao An’s gritted teeth and having a deep hatred with himself, Liu Han was stunned for a moment.

“So what… Do we know each other? Liu Han asked weakly.

The reason why he asked this was because he felt that these copies should be separate and unrelated, at least he, the only challenger who challenges the copy, should be.

“Bastard, don’t think that after 10 years, I won’t forget your appearance, you humiliated me in public in the Juxia Knife Examination!” Shao An gritted his teeth.

After Liu Han heard this, he had an epiphany. It seems that there is still a connection between this copy and the copy? That is to say, in the same copy world, whatever you have appeared and done will have an impact on the subsequent story development.

This copy is really interesting, it is so “smart”.

After learning this, Liu Han was even more not afraid of Shaoan.

“Oh, I didn’t expect you to actually know me? Have you forgotten the fear of being dominated by me in the knife examination? Liu Han looked at Shaoan and smiled.

“You…” Shao An obviously took a step back after hearing this, naturally feeling palpitating about the fear of being dominated by Liu Han back then.

In particular, Liu Han’s terrifying knife work has remained in his mind to this day, lingering. However, Shaoan also thought of something afterwards, and couldn’t help but feel relieved.

And Liu Aling and some of the old employees who went downstairs back then, after knowing Liu Han’s identity, all surrounded him.

“Liu Han, are you finally back! That’s wonderful! ”

“You’ve been gone for ten years, where have you been all this time?”

The group of people downstairs seemed to see a savior, especially Liu Aling’s eyes flashing with excitement and… The color of adoration?

“Ah, I’ve been for ten years… I went to a place called Far Moon to study. What, is everyone doing well? Liu Han could only say this.

However, Liu Han complained in his heart, I have not changed much in the past ten years, don’t you all feel abnormal? Sure enough, the copy needs ah….

“Sister, who is this big brother?” Liu Pianxing obviously didn’t know Liu Han, after all, he was only three years old back then.

“Little Dangjia, this is what I mentioned to you before, Brother Liu, who won the first place in the assessment of Juxia’s downstairs knife work ten years ago, he is recognized by his mother as the first chef in Juxia’s downstairs knife work.” Liu Aling introduced.

Liu Pianxing’s face was excited after hearing this, and he couldn’t help but look at Liu Han and said, “Good… It’s so powerful, I’ve heard my sister and mother say that Brother Liu, it took you less than ten minutes to complete the cutting of 80 potatoes, which is twice the speed of Shaoan! ”

The previous sentence was okay, and the latter words made Shaoan’s face on the side suddenly become gloomy.

“I said you have leisure to catch up? But you’re about to be kicked out of the streets and sleep on the streets, check this out! Shao An said and pulled out a scroll from his arms.

(To be continued.) )

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