“Curry” is a sauce made from a variety of spices and is commonly found in Southeast Asian cuisines such as Indian, Taiguo, and Japanese cuisine, and is usually eaten with meat and rice.

Curry is a variety of variations and specially blended dishes, most notably Indian and Pacific curry cooking methods, curry has become one of the mainstream dishes in the Asia-Pacific region.

Aside from tea, curry is one of the few truly pan-Asian dishes or drinks, but it should be noted that it comes from India. Indian Taste is a curry recipe known for blending styles with exotic dishes.

In general, curry is made with turmeric as the main ingredient and a variety of spices, such as coriander seeds, cinnamon, chili pepper, white pepper, cumin, star anise, cumin and other compound seasonings.

Therefore, the straightforward and understandable point of curry is “mixing spices”.

For curry, Liu Han naturally also has some understanding, what curry rice, curry noodles have also been eaten in the previous life. And he also clearly remembers that in the original plot, the “preliminary round” of the autumn trials was based on the theme of “curry”.

However, now Huan Huan uses this as the theme to test Liu Han’s culinary strength.

Sister-in-law was still holding her hands, looking a little contemptuous of Liu Han, and looked at him and said, “Although you are a student of Yuanyue and a person highly recommended by Isshiki, I will not hire you until I am sure of your strength, so let me see a little strength.” ”

Liu Han nodded and said, “Yes, as long as you make any curry dish?” There should be no restrictions on the dishes. ”

“That’s right, there are no restrictions on the dishes, you can just do whatever you are good at. But…”

Sister-in-law said this, her tongue slightly stretched out and licked her lips, revealing a gourmet nitpicky look: “I have very high requirements for curry, if you can’t make satisfactory dishes, you can only regret leaving.” ”

At this moment, Liu Han’s mind once again transmitted the message prompted by the system, and a yellow exclamation mark was displayed in the taskbar.

The mission is triggered!

Liu Han hurriedly clicked to collect the task from his mind.

[Mission 3: Let the “Queen of Curry” know the strength of the host, and use all her strength to complete a curry dish to impress her. ] 】

A very common task with a font color of “white”, generally speaking, the system will not even inform the reward of this kind of task, because this kind of task is a fixed reward.

And if it is a “chain mission” or an “important task”, you can know the reward in advance.

With tasks, nature is better than no tasks. Liu Han naturally chose to accept….

However, after accepting the task, his head quickly thought about it, and at the same time his eyes fell on the recipes he had learned in his own attribute panel. Looking back and forth at the recipes that I had already learned, I found that there seemed to be no recipes that fit the theme of “curry” this time.

If you take out a dish of “curry rice” and “curry noodles”, not only will you not be full of praise, but you will laugh.

Boiled fish with tomatoes? Improved cherry meat back to pot meat? Or do you mean scrambled eggs with golden eggs… It seems that there is no way to combine it with the “curry” thing, even if it is improved.

After all, if the improvement in the original basic dish is too outrageous, it is not an improvement, but a nonsense.

So what the hell is going to do….

Sister-in-law looked at Liu Han’s look of hesitation, and couldn’t help but chuckled: “Why, can’t you do it?” If that’s the case, sister, I can only let you leave~”

By the way, don’t I still have a recipe that I haven’t learned? Magic Mapo Tofu! Liu Han suddenly thought of the last copy reward without learning the recipe.

This recipe is the “two-star” recipe dropped by the last challenge copy, because Liu Han feels that “indoctrination” requires a life span of 20 days is too much, and wants to wait until he earns more life to learn, so he temporarily put it aside.

And now, it just comes in handy.

That’s right, Mapo Tofu also needs a lot of spices, such as green onion, ginger, garlic pepper, paprika, etc., and then add different seasonings according to your taste.

Among them, Mapo tofu is indispensable Sichuan spicy bean paste, and there are more than ten kinds of spices in it. So, strictly speaking, the spices put in this mapo tofu are mixed spices.

Therefore, Liu Han felt that he could use this recipe to make simple improvements and turn it into another dish with a “curry” flavor.

And the best proof is the “Mapo Curry Noodles” made by improving the original book and modelling the mapo tofu made by the eighth shiro I teruki.

Thinking of this, Liu Han no longer hesitated, and immediately studied the “two-star” recipe “Magic Mapo Tofu” in his backpack.

[Do you pay for 20 days of life to learn the two-star recipe ‘Magic Mapo Tofu’? 】


[Congratulations to the host for learning ‘Magic Mapo Tofu’.] 】

In just a few seconds, this magic mapo tofu recipe has been deeply engraved in Liu Han’s mind, and every cooking project and every detail is clearly known, as if it has been done countless times.

So it looks simple. Then, if it is improved, it only needs to be done in theory….

Liu Han only rose with a confident momentum at this moment, and said to his sister-in-law: “Miss Qiancousin, then you can tell me where the kitchen is, right?” I promise to make curry dishes that will satisfy your heart and say ‘delicious’. ”

This time, it was his turn to be a little surprised, just now looking at Liu Han like that, he thought that he was already afraid. This can’t be helped, after all, her two sisters have grown up smelling and eating all kinds of curry dishes since they were children, and what are the requirements for all kinds of curry dishes?

Therefore, she thinks that a high school student of Liu Han’s age does not even have the courage to make curry dishes in front of her.

However, in just a few seconds of transformation, Liu Han rose such self-confidence.

After a brief surprise, she came back to her senses: “It seems that you are serious?” But one thing I must remind you is that our hob company also has a cooperative relationship with Yuanyue, if the curry you make makes me unsatisfied, or even unpalatable and difficult to eat, cluck~ you should know the consequences…”

(To be continued.) )

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