Indeed, this golden pig is not a particularly scarce ingredient, but a very precious one of the red pig species. As one of the four heavenly kings of food, Ah Yu has naturally eaten more advanced ingredients than this, but Liu Han uses a method that is not common in this world.

First of all, there is a special roasting method, using pork belly, pork thighs and other parts of the essence, while rotating and roasting, while adding spices, the golden hairy pig’s meat deliciousness is completely set off.

Then, the finest part of the delicate pork belly is cooked in the “shell-style sweet and sour cherry meat” method, which creates a completely new taste.

“So it is… The sweet and sour pork that has been simmered for a long time melts in the mouth with just a sip, and the thick sauce and the fat of the pork itself are really wonderful to cross the throat and this taste ~ Although it only captures the level 2 golden hairy pig, it makes a delicacy comparable to the talent of high-grade ingredients! As he praised, his hands never stopped.

A whole pot of meat was swept away by Ayu at one time. This was not enough, after eating the pot, Ah Yu ate dozens of pounds of roasted meat on the grill again. Rao knew the amount of food he ate, and Liu Han was also stunned for a long time after seeing this scene.

Sure enough, the title of “super eater” is not just casual.

When he saw that everyone had finished eating the barbecue, Ah Yu wiped the corners of his mouth and smiled with a refreshing expression: “Oh, I ate three points full, if only I had another bottle of wine at this time~”

When Liu Han heard this, his forehead turned black, this special hundred pounds of meat has been eaten by you alone, this is only three points full? How much more can you eat! Even elephants are far worse than your diet, right?

Although Liu Han complained like this in his heart, his mind did not stop. Want to drink? It seems that you can indeed exchange a lot of wine in the system mall! And it doesn’t seem that a lot of points are needed….

Then Liu Han took out several bottles of wine from his backpack. A total of 10 bottles of tequila, spending 30 points, 2 beers 2 points, compared with what “hand speed pills” increase speed, this kind of thing is really cheaper.

However, although it is cheap, Liu Han cannot have other ideas, such as exchange to bring back to the real world or something. Even taking it to other worlds to use it can’t be used, and Liu Han also found that the “copy items” that can be exchanged for each world are also different.

For example, this tequila does not exist in the world of China, and the only thing that can be exchanged for is rice wine and the like.

If you think about it, it is not surprising, after all, the two worlds are in different eras, one is the modern world, and the other is the world of extremely developed technology.

“Mr. Ah Yu, I have brought wine~ Do you want to drink?” Liu Han raised the wine bottle in his hand and said to Ah Yu.

Ah Yu is a super big eater, yes, but he is also a big drinker, and drinking alcohol with a high alcohol concentration of up to 50 in one gulp is a common thing. Ah Yu, who had been addicted to alcohol, could resist when he saw Liu Han having alcohol in his hand.

“Wow, Ju… It’s actually a good tequila, it’s great, I want to drink it! Ah Yu ran to Liu Han in a gust of wind, and then picked up a bottle of tequila in each hand.

I saw that he only lightly broke the mouth part of the tequila bottle with his thumb, and then raised his head and poured the bottom of the wine in his left and right hands into his mouth.

In just a few seconds, Ah Yu drank two bottles of high-concentration liquor, and did not blink his eyebrows, not only that, but also showed an extremely satisfied smile on his face after drinking.

Seeing this, the muscles in Liu Han’s face twitched again, and the idea of drinking with Ah Yu with beer was immediately dispelled. He was very sure that even if Ah Yu was just this high-alcohol liquor, he would be the first to get drunk when he drank beer.

In the end, Liu Han could only silently withdraw the beer into his backpack and put a few other bottles of tequila on the ground.

“Whew~ It’s so comfortable, after eating a delicious barbecue, drinking two bottles of tequila in one go, this feeling is really amazing! Are you right, little chef? Ah Yu said and did Liu Han’s face, and casually opened the lid of a bottle of agave on the ground, and drank most of it in an instant.

Drinking liquor is the same as boiled water, and it’s really NB. Liu Han couldn’t help but admire Ah Yu even more, and said at the same time: “I forgot to introduce myself for so long, my name is Liu Han, it’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Ah Yu.” ”

“Liu Han? But then again, what are you doing alone in such a place with few people? These places are not places where you ordinary people should come, and there are often beasts of prey! Ah Yu looked at Liu Han and said with some doubts.

Depend on… Do you think I want to come to this kind of ghost place? Damn, it’s not that pit daddy’s system that sent me here! Liu Han said angrily in his heart.

Although he thought this in his heart, Liu Han rolled his eyes and said, “Ah… It’s to find a certain ingredient. ”

“Looking for an ingredient?”

“Yes, in order to be able to find and capture… What about the Gala crocodile! Liu Han finally said the purpose of this mission.

Sure enough, after hearing Liu Han’s words, Ah Yu couldn’t help laughing: “Ahahaha, I said Liu Han, do you know what a gara crocodile is?” ”

“Of course you know, it’s a precious ingredient.” Gala crocodile is also known as the Gera crocodile, according to the different parts, the retail price will be different, generally speaking, a kilogram is almost 50w price, and often there is no price. Liu Han said the information about the Gala crocodile that the system had learned.

“It seems that you still know something.”

After hearing this, Ah Yu couldn’t help but chuckle and drank the remaining half bottle of tequila again, “But do you know the difficulty of capturing Gala crocodiles?” The ultimate tension of winding the elevator with steel cables around 76 mm of steel bars is about 40 tons, but the Glalla crocodile can split this like disposable chopsticks in two, and now you understand how difficult it is to capture? In my opinion, according to your strength, you will already die before you find the Gala crocodile. ”

Actually, I’m fat tiger, I think so too… I’m saying this just to get you to help, brother!

“So what… Is Mr. Ah Yu interested? I believe that if you are strong, it should be no problem to capture the Gala crocodile! Liu Han also invited directly.

After hearing this, Ah Yu shook his head and smiled: “Although you did invite me to drink just now, and cooked the golden hairy pig so deliciously, you must know that many people want to ask me to do this, and the reward is at least… Billion! ”

After hearing this reward, the corners of Liu Han’s mouth sprayed blood in his heart again, and if he needed a billion dollars, then it was equivalent to needing at least 1W of points.

GG, it is really impossible to let Ah Yu help himself with this cheap meal.

It’s over, it’s really over, and the hope of the whole village is over.

(To be continued.) )

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