Liu Han stood on the deck and looked at the Baron Islands that was already in front of him, and couldn’t help but shiver. It’s noon, but the Balon Islands feel gloomy.

And around the Balon Islands, there are layers of rocks blocking the way, layer after layer is very spectacular, as if refusing all invaders around the entire Balon Islands, no matter the ebb and flow, there is only one route through this reef, and this is the one who knows this time… Ah no, the old driver who drives the boat has ten dreams.

“Sit tight, hold firm, have entered the reef group, and the next thing may be very bumpy.” Ten Dreams reminded.

As soon as Liu Han heard this, he dared to snub, and hurriedly grabbed the guardrail next to him, but even so, because the boat was moving fast, it almost made him fall.

After driving for about ten minutes, Ten Dreams finally stopped the boat, and the place was at the entrance of a forest, and the sea followed this unseen, forest-like forest tunnel to the interior of the Balon Islands.

“This is the only entrance to the Baron Islands, commonly known as the Forest Tunnel of the Ghost’s Mouth. I can only send you here, and then it’s up to you. Ten Dreams said to Ah Yu.

Ah Yu nodded: “Trouble you ten dreams, then you come to pick us up when it gets dark, and I will give you the reward when I go back.” ”

Later, Liu Han and Ah Yu, together with Ayu, began to use small boats along the forest tunnel to explore the interior of the Balon Islands.

Although Liu Han has been comforting himself in his heart, this is only a copy world, not the real world. But the gloomy and cold aura coming from all around, as well as the cries of wild beasts from time to time, made him swallow his spit with difficulty.

This feeling… It’s like going to hell!

Not to mention that Liu Han, an ordinary person without gourmet cells, would be afraid, even those professional gourmet hunters, few dare to come to such a dangerous place.

“By … If I could, I would rather let the system give myself powerful gourmet cells than this food luck, and I wouldn’t have to be so scared! Liu Han couldn’t help but complain in his heart.

The two slowly walked forward in small boats for about 20 minutes, and finally they could see the land on the shore. After placing the boat in a position that could not be easily damaged by wild beasts, he slowly headed towards the interior of the Balon Islands.

When entering here, Liu Han also “equipped” the steel helmet and powder gun prepared in advance, although he also knew that these things were useless even against the captured level 1 beasts, but he comforted himself psychologically, thinking that he could more or less protect himself.

“Hahaha~ Liu Han, you have to follow me now, this place is much more dangerous than yesterday~” Ah Yu said to Liu Han.

Of course, Liu Han also knew, nodded, and did not dare to relax behind Ah Yu for a moment.

But along the way, the howls and roars of various beasts are endless.

“My day, the sound of these beasts is really ugly, how many beasts are there on this island?” Liu Han scratched his uncomfortable ears that were shaken by the sounds of these beasts and asked.

A Yu, who was walking in front of Liu Han, did not look back and said, “Although this island also has a short dry season, it is basically a tropical area with a wide variety of organisms. According to incomplete statistics, there are about 200,000 creatures in this Balon Islands, and above these is undoubtedly the Gala crocodile. ”

“So, where is this Gala crocodile? This Baron archipelago is so big, when are we going to find out? Liu Han couldn’t help but sigh.

“I think with your ‘luck’ you should be able to find it soon.” Ah Yu stopped and looked at Liu Han with a smile.

Liu Han couldn’t hear the meaning of Ah Yu’s words, and couldn’t help but smile faintly: “So that’s the case, I think that’s why Mr. Ah Yu suddenly changed his mind and helped me, right?” Do you already know that I have ‘food luck’? ”

As the “Four Heavenly Kings of Food”, it is impossible for Ah Yu not to know the existence of “Food Luck”, and he also knows the importance of Food Luck to a food hunter, and once his father Igo’s president Ichiryu also said.

Finding a chef with a strong food luck as a partner will surely be able to achieve twice the result on the road of exploration and growth. And there are also rumors that the “chef of God” Flozer is a person with a strong “food luck”.

“At first, I thought that you found the golden hairy pig just by accident, but it was not until you were attacked by a five-tailed vulture with seven mutated tails that I knew that it was not an accident, but your ‘appetite’, and just now on the way there, you could catch salmon that has been hiding golden fish eggs on the sea, which once again proved your luck.”

Ah Yu couldn’t help but smile and said, “It seems that the person Dad once said that he had ‘food luck’ and was liked by rare ingredients is a person like you.” ”

After saying this, Ah Yu stopped again, turned around, pointed to the forest in front of him on the right and smiled: “Look, this should be looking for you again…”

Liu Han looked in the direction of Ah Yu’s finger, and at this time he saw another huge beast appear in front of him. The appearance looks like an ordinary tiger, but it has sharp teeth that ordinary tigers do not have tens of centimeters long, this body is at least 4 meters high, and it is completely a land tank vehicle blocking the front.

Liu Han, the muscles of his face twitched again: “So… What is this big brother? ”

Ah Yu looked at the huge tiger in front of him, not panicked at all, but smiled: “This is the Balong tiger, a kind of tiger living on this Balon Islands, it can be said that it is the head snake here, but the ordinary Balong tiger is orange in color and golden in the belly.” However, this Balong tiger not only raised 4 meters, but also had fiery red fur all over its body, which was obvious…”

Although Ah Yu did not finish speaking, Liu Han already understood what he meant, and the muscles in his face continued to twitch: “So… Is it a mutated variety that is very difficult to encounter? ”

“Congratulations on your correct answer, there will not necessarily be such a one in a thousand Balong Tigers, he is also the king of Balon Tigers, the general Balong Tiger capture level is 3, and it is at least level 4 or so, so it turns out that you are really a person with super ‘food luck’!” Ah Yu grinned, with a look of schadenfreude.

Now Liu Han began to wonder whether this “food luck” was good luck or bad luck. This Nima, although the beasts encountered are all “sought-after goods” and mutated species, but the capture level is generally higher.

It’s good to have the thigh of Ayu now, but what if it’s alone in the future? That’s a bird egg.

(To be continued.) )

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