Liu Han said that this person was so familiar, it turned out to be Shao’an when he was a teenager, and he was not a one-eyed dragon at this time, so he didn’t recognize it just now.

But the look of the underweight remained the same, and this opening made people want to go up and slap him twice

However, now Liu Han did not have time to pay attention to Shao’an, who was forcing him with a gorgeous and fast knife overall, because he was thinking about how to pass this assessment.

Although I exchange the “super sense of smell” that is awesome, I can distinguish the quality of the dishes that others need to eat with their tongues just by using their noses.

But… However, now it is the assessment of knife work, and “super smell” is completely useless.

If Liu Han was given an hour, he felt that it would be possible to cut 80 potatoes, but if it was only half an hour, the time would not be enough.

“Anyway, let’s give it a try first.” After thinking like this, Liu Han picked up a potato and took the lead in peeling the potato as quickly as possible.

However, it took about ten seconds just to peel the potatoes, and then it took more than 20 seconds to cut the potatoes into evenly sized shredded potatoes.

In this way, it takes about 40 seconds to cut even the fastest speed, and it takes about 50 minutes to cut 80 potatoes.

No, the proficiency of knife craftsmen is too far behind others, and it is impossible if you do not increase your speed!

Shit, did the virgin quest fail like this? And it’s just the simplest 1-star mission, and I’m not convinced. Liu Han shouted in his heart.

However, just as he was complaining, Shaoan and his skilled knife worker cut several potatoes and cast him a disdainful and defiant look.

And looking at others, they are also starting to peel the potatoes and then cut them into shredded potatoes at different speeds.

Seeing that everyone around had not given up, Liu Han felt that it was too early for him to give up now, and only a few minutes had passed.

So with the mentality of not admitting defeat or luck, he picked up a kitchen knife and cut it seriously.

When a person devotes himself to doing something, time always passes quickly, and before you know it, almost 10 minutes have passed, and when the time is here, the basket where some examiners put shredded potatoes is already piled up with a lot of shredded potatoes.

Especially on Shao’an’s side, shredded potatoes have been piled up into a hill, not to mention the amount of forty or fifty shredded potatoes.

And Liu Han was looking at his side, and this was just more than ten potatoes.

Then Liu Han shook his head and put down the kitchen knife, he decided that he had given up, this is simply impossible to accomplish.

It’s not that he doesn’t know how to persevere, but the facts are in front of him. Although Liu Han ran a restaurant in his “last life” family and did a lot of work such as chopping vegetables, it was too difficult to achieve such exaggerated knife skills in this world.

“System, I’m going to abandon the task.” Liu Han helplessly called out the system in his mind.

[Do you abandon the mission?] Abandonment is considered a failure and should be considered by the host carefully. 】

“Think about a hammer, let me be a rookie to do the impossible.” This simplest task can’t be completed, go back and enjoy the 2 months, and then wait to die. Liu Han said angrily to the back of the system in his mind.

[Tips: Some dungeons can allow the use of ‘quest items’, and the ‘quest prop’ host may be able to complete the task.] 】

“Quest items?”

Liu Han was stunned, and then remembered that before entering the copy, there was indeed a hint of something like “copy props”.

“How do I get this copy item?” Liu Han grabbed the straw to save the people and hurriedly asked.

[Quest props: can be exchanged in the system mall and exchanged with points. In addition, one-star dungeons can only be used once, so please use them with caution. 】

Without saying a word, Liu Han clicked on the “System Mall” in his mind, and then selected the “Copy Props” column.

Then props were lined up.

There are all kinds of copy props in it, and they are varied, and finally Liu Han’s gaze is fixed on a “5x Hand Speed Pill”.

【5x Hand Speed Pill】(Dungeon-specific item).

Points required for redemption: 100

Effect: Can increase the movement of the hands by 5 times.

Duration: 10 minutes

Although it is only the speed of the hand that increases, the speed of the rest of the body cannot be improved, but it is completely enough for Liu Han now!

Of course, there are also [Acceleration Pills] that make the entire body speed change quickly and can reach up to 10 times, this effect will be better to use, but the points are more expensive, and he doesn’t need them now.

Liu Han chose to exchange it without hesitation, and when he was about to use this thing from the system backpack, there was a sound of ridicule in his ears.

“In 10 minutes, 13 shredded potatoes were cut, and this knife technique dared to embarrass people, it was really laughing!”

Liu Han turned his head and saw that the person who laughed at him was not Shaoan or anyone.

Shaoan saw Liu Han turn his head, and couldn’t help but continue to laugh: “Ju doesn’t need waste like you to go downstairs, give up and get out early.” ”


(To be continued.) PS: Keep asking for favorites. In addition, the points of the protagonist are the 100 points initially given by the system. )

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