The topic of “meat cuisine”, whether subjective and guest conditions, is beneficial to Mito Yumei, and in turn, it is a great disadvantage for Liu Han.

But Liu Han was not at all flustered, and slowly took out the ingredients he prepared, but the dining car covered with a white cloth over there did not move.

I saw him put a few eggs on the cooking table, and then…


At this moment, not only the other people in the audience were stunned, but even the people in Polar Star Liao looked at Liu Han’s side with a confused expression.

“Only eggs? Isn’t it a ‘meat dish’ showdown? Where did this meat go! ”

“Even if his meat hasn’t been taken out yet, in the dining car. But that’s just eggs? Is this ready to do, egg fried rice? ”

“Hahaha, the tail of the crane for three years of junior high school is not an opponent at all, and it really broke in the broken can!”

And Mito Yumei heard such a remark, couldn’t help but turn around and glance at Liu Han with disdain, and after snorting coldly, turned around and came to the dining car where he put the ingredients.

Then Yu Mei uncovered the cloth, and saw a piece of beef that was the best and even complete appeared in front of everyone.

The firmness of the meat, the luster of the fat, the slaughter time, the preservation and transportation means, no matter in all aspects, it is the most perfect A5 grade beef!

Just putting the beef there is enough to make people crave and make people swallow.

The audience suddenly became shocked again.

“Wow, this level of beef… It’s the first time I’ve seen it, it’s amazing! ”

“I’ve never seen such a delicate ‘frost fall’, fat and lean meat are shining!”

The surprise of everyone in the audience also became the worry of everyone in the Polestar Liao.

“Fruit… Sure enough, he took out A5-level beef, although he reminded Liu Jun before, I don’t know if he was prepared. Yoshino spoke again worriedly.

“In this situation, if you don’t come up with the same quality A5 beef, I’m afraid there is no way…” Aoki Daigo couldn’t help but waver.

Yu Mei quickly hung a large piece of A5 superb beef upside down in the dining car, and then took out a very large knife.

“I said, let you a little character see the high-grade ingredients that you can’t see in your life, this high-grade meat…”

After Yu Mei finished speaking to Liu Han, he held a huge cutter in his right hand and began to swing the knife at the whole piece of beef that was hanging more than half a person’s height.

It seems that the knife technique is very large, but it is actually delicate, because Yu Mei carefully cuts down each piece of beef to be used, and there is almost no error in the middle.

This kind of strength is indeed a real thing, worthy of the “Mito Yumei” of the class master.

“Hey… That’s a meat cutter for disintegration, right? ”

“It’s really terrifying to use just one hand to cut off the meat with such a bulky kitchen knife!”

And Jun Takesaki, who walked in the last row of the audience, frowned under his eyes covered by long hair: “It’s even more difficult to deal with than expected, Isshiki-senpai, right?” ”

Isshiki did not speak, the fox looked at Liu Han in the field with a smile, and after watching for a while, he dropped his gaze to the opposite side.

I don’t know when, Ruishan has already left the place just now.

“Eizan…” whispered Isshiki.

Inside the cooking room

Liu Han looked at Yu Mei, who cut the beef so easily with a disintegration knife, and couldn’t help but praise: “Powerful, really powerful, this arm strength is rare even among boys, right?” Yes, it seems that in the future, our ‘Molecular Cuisine Research Association’ will have another good hand for handling bulky equipment! ”

“Until now, you are still playing tricks, you are really just a weak opponent, and you dare to say that you want to use ‘meat cuisine’ and eat halberds with me!”

Yu Mei held the huge disintegration knife in her right hand and pointed at Liu Han: “To be honest, I hate you the most as a man who can only play lip service and has no strength.” Hey, let me see your strength, before you admit defeat? ”

“Throw in the towel? Maybe…”

Liu Ha turned around and broke all the prepared several eggs, then put them in the container and began to beat them up with a whisk, and then took out a large basin of … Overnight meal.

“White rice with eggs, you… Shouldn’t you…”

Yu Mei’s eyes were still wide, and she scanned the white rice and beaten eggs back and forth incredulously: “Do you want to make egg fried rice?” ”

“Oops, was it seen? It’s really weird and embarrassing. Liu Han said with a “shy” look.

Yu Mei’s words were very loud, and the audience around naturally listened to it.

After hearing these words, the laughter of everyone in the audience suddenly came again.

“Ahahaha~ egg fried rice, do you hear? This crane tail is going to make egg fried rice! ”

“Hahahaha~Hiccup~ Does the crane tail make egg fried rice? Do you want me to remind you that egg fried rice must be made with overnight rice to be delicious~~”

At this time, the title of “crane tail” is imprinted on Liu Han’s body.

Seeing this, Mrs. Wen Xu, who was sitting in the audience, couldn’t help but muttered a few words: “I just said where so many leftovers went yesterday, it turned out that this kid took it to the scene.” ”

However, Liu Han turned a blind eye, hummed an unknown ditty in his mouth, and began to make egg fried rice according to the method of “golden egg fried rice” set by Liu Pianxing from the “copy world”.

Seeing that Liu Han was determined to make egg fried rice, everyone in Polar Star Liao completely began to waver.

“It’s over, the research will be abolished, and Liu Jun will be expelled from school, which is a foregone conclusion.” Shoji Sato couldn’t help but cover his forehead.

Yoshino is a person who does not admit defeat, and when he heard Shoji Sato’s words, he couldn’t help but say: “What are you talking about, now that the halberd has just begun, how can you make a conclusion with others?” We have to cheer Liu Jun up! ”

Saying that, Yoshino shouted into the field.

“However, how to use egg fried rice to win Mito’s A5 beef, this is impossible.” Daigo Aoki said the same.

However, at this time, Chuangzhen, who had a mentally retarded look on his face, couldn’t help but speak, “But it’s strange, since it’s a ‘meat dish showdown’, why haven’t you seen Liu Jun take out the meat until now?” ”

“Wouldn’t it be forgotten?” Tashoe whispered.

“Impossible, how could such an important halberd be forgotten, and the theme of this duel was proposed by Liu Jun himself.” Marui calmly denied the speech.

Then there is only one possibility… Everyone couldn’t help but fall their eyes on the dining car that had not been opened.

(To be continued.) )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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