Liu Han drank loudly, temporarily letting some people who were dissatisfied with him obediently shut up, although they closed their mouths and did not complain for the time being, but they were still disdainful in their hearts.

And Liu Han also knew that it was impossible to convince these people with just three words.

“I know you are disgusted by this sudden emergency meeting, and I am very upset that you are called here on the weekend, but in order for everyone here to pass the ‘residential training’ test smoothly, I must do this.”

Liu Han said and picked up an instruction manual for accommodation training, and said: “I won’t say much about the start time and end time of accommodation training, and what precautions are nonsense, read the instruction manual if you are literate, and ask others if you can’t read.” And then I’m going to talk about the point…”

Saying that, Liu Han took the information of several graduates that Ryoko Sakaki spent most of the day to sort out, and took it in his hand and said: “These materials, you take it back and read it well, it introduces the dishes that these graduates are best at and like, if you can, it is best to try to make the dishes they have announced, so that even if you meet their assessment in accommodation training, you will not be too panicked.” ”

After saying this, Liu Han put down the information in his hand again, and said: “I know, some people below must be complaining now, whether these graduates will be the assessment lecturers of this ‘residential training’.” If this is the question, I can clearly answer you, there must be several of them in this assessment! ”

After Liu Han said this, some people below came from disdainful voices.

“Are you so sure? Don’t tell us if this news is from Hob or some Ten Masters, if that’s the case, the other first-year ones would have learned the news long ago.”

“That’s right, so it’s just your boring speculation, send these boring information, do some boring things, it’s better to go back to sleep when you have this time!”

Liu Han couldn’t help but sigh, so the management research will be the most special trouble, if it is not the task of the pit father, who will be so troublesome?

“Since you don’t believe it, I can only say this… Have a phone to turn on the recording, lest you think I’m kidding you. ”

Liu Han said seriously, “If these graduates do not appear in the residential training, I will dissolve the entire research association, and then divide the remaining funds of the research association equally among everyone, can you believe this?”

After saying this, the people below who were singing the opposite tune were stunned, and the people next to Liu Han, such as Ryoko Sakaki, Marui, and Alice, were also stunned.


Everyone didn’t expect Liu Han to say this so domineeringly, they were all a little confused. Although the people below are also some rich second generations, but casually solve the small research society, they can’t at least do it.

In fact, to put it bluntly, at the beginning they did not completely say each other, he was subconsciously a little resistant to being pointed at. Which one can enter the far moon does not have a little strength, they feel that they are led by the nose like this.

Now that Liu Han has said this, if they continue to sing the opposite, they will not be able to get by with themselves, because after all, they are still members of the Molecular Cuisine Research Association, and Liu Han is their main general after all.

So the emergency meeting for “residential training” ended, and it is unknown how many people believed what he said today.

Liu Han can only do his best, he does not expect everyone to believe what he says, but to increase the pass rate of members of the Molecular Cuisine Research Association in residential training as much as possible, to ensure that the number of members who pass is more than 50%, and complete the “chain mission”.

Of course, for this group of people in Polar Star Liao, Liu Han was very relieved. I am also sure that they can pass this residential training, after all, they are all people with a skill.

It is also worth mentioning that after this “emergency meeting”, Ryoko Sakaki and others were also asking where Liu Han got the news from, knowing that these graduates would definitely serve as the assessment lecturers for this “residential training”.

In this regard, Liu Han did not explain too much, but smiled lightly, emphasizing that this “news” was extremely reliable, and once again reminded everyone to use these materials to prepare well, and it was absolutely easy to use it well to study through accommodation.

In the following week, all the freshmen of the first year of Far Moon High School spent their time in intense preparation. This finally ushered in the morning of the start of the residential training.

Departure Day Morning (Polestar Liao)

Liu Han looked at the 4 ingredients prepared in the space of his consciousness backpack, and couldn’t help nodding secretly.

Almond cabbage, hairy crabfish, salmon, swamp snake.

These four ingredients from the gourmet captives are all ingredients swept up from the “One Star Difficulty” copy “Capture of the Gala Crocodile”. That’s right, the three challenge dungeons this week, plus the two last week, all five times Liu Han used to sweep this dungeon.

The purpose is to obtain these ingredients and prepare for residential training.

The ingredients that can almost be dropped in this copy are already here, and with these ingredients, Liu Han is more confident about the next challenge! It is also worth mentioning that Liu Han’s luck is very good. Of the five sweeps, only one was devoid of ingredients, and the other four were ingredients of varying preciousness.

“Everything is ready, so now is the time to go.”

Liu Han said as he picked up his prepared baggage, joined everyone in Polestar Liao, and then went to the starting point of this accommodation training together.

When Liu Han and the people of Polar Star Liao came to the gate of Yuanyue, dozens of luxurious buses had already stopped here, and the number of buses parked almost exceeded the buses in the parking lot, which caused passers-by on the side to exclaim.

“This is, the travel bus, right? What kind of big club contest are you going to participate in! ”

“No, it’s the big bus of Yuanyue, anyway, this number is too outrageous!!”

“Nope… It is the number one culinary school in Japan, and it is really spectacular. ”

Under the gaze of everyone, all the students of the first year of the 92nd high school appeared one after another, and boarded the special travel bus of the Far Moon Gakuen and headed towards the destination of this residential training.

Because the school organized such a trip, Liu Han did not organize the members of the research association together.

In this way, the “hell training” that everyone expected but feared was announced.

(To be continued.) )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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