Most of the freshmen in the Grand Ballroom were amazed to see these talented graduates who had beaten single-digit achievement rates.

Most of the members of the Molecular Cuisine Research Association were overjoyed after a brief surprise.

“Too… Great, as the Lord General expected, the graduates in charge of this ‘residential training’ assessment are all on the materials sent! ”

“Lord Liu Han really didn’t lie to us, the previous news was true.”

“Haha, my efforts have not been in vain, I have done all the dishes they are good at, and it will definitely be no problem to pass now.”

That’s right, some members of the Molecular Cuisine Research Association who believed Liu Han’s words before are now glad that they wisely believed Liu Han’s words at that time, and took the materials that Liu Han gave them to their graduates at that time and “reviewed” in advance.

However, the so-called people are happy and some are worried, and the few members who previously disdained and did not believe what Liu Han said are now repentant.

“But… Damn, the previous information and news are true, I… I didn’t even look at it after I took it back! ”

“That Liu Han is actually so capable, he actually knows that ‘accommodation training’ is known to those lecturers who take the assessment? I knew this was the case, and I believed his words in the first place. ”

“What’s the use of saying this now, let’s think about how to pass their assessment later.”

“Do you still have the face to say? If you hadn’t deliberately taken Liu Han’s rhythm and told us not to believe what he said, now that I have mastered the information of these graduates, the assessment must be much easier! ”

“Don’t panic, with our strength, even if we don’t want those materials, we can still get by!”

The group of people who led the rhythm before are now repentant, and they all regret why they didn’t believe Liu Han’s words in the first place?

Of course, there are also people who forcibly calm down and think that their strength can pass horizontally even if they don’t need any information. I also have to admit that among the freshmen in this class, there are indeed first-year students who can pass horizontally and vertically, such as Erina, Ryo Hayama, Kurokiba Ryo, Alice and other powerful people.

But these people are only a minority, and most of the students have no bottom in their hearts, and they don’t know what the next assessment will be.

However, after listening to Liu Han’s words before, the members of the Molecular Cuisine Research Association, who had “reviewed” the materials of several graduates who had been sorted out, at least had a bottom in their hearts and were much more confident than others.

Moreover, the importance of the data was immediately highlighted in the next assessment, and because of this small information, the pass rate of members of the Molecular Cuisine Research Association increased by more than 30%!

In addition, the graduates in charge of the assessment this time are not only the ones counted on Liu Han’s information, plus Shinnomiya, Kanhyugako, Mizuhara Fuyumi, etc., a total of 11 students.

Looking at the graduates who were world-glorious even after graduation, many students cast adoring and awe eyes towards them.

Of course, more students felt unprecedented pressure.

Just when many graduates were on the stage and everyone was nervous, the sharp eyes of Shinomiya Kojiro on the summit stage fell on a trainee in the crowd below.

“Well… The top ninth column over there, the boy with a scar on his eyebrow! ”

At this time, the boy standing in that row with a scar next to his eyebrows was just a real person, so after hearing this, he pointed to himself suspiciously.

“Me?” Sojin asked suspiciously.

Shinomiya Kojiro hesitated for a moment and said, “Ah, sorry, sorry, which teenager next door to you, drop out of school.” ”

The orange-haired boy who was designated by Shinomiya Kojiro was still a little unresponsive, and said, “Retreat… Dropped? ”

“Yes, you can go back.” Shinomiya Kojiro confirmed again.

At this moment, the orange-red boy and the people around him reacted one after another.

This… What’s going on here?

With a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, Shinomiya Kojiro explained: “Your styling water is mixed with the smell of citrus, this taste will cover the aroma of the dish, it is necessary to dress up as a chef, and if the people who want to cook are too earthy, the dishes will be overshadowed.” Next time, remember to choose fragrance-free shaping water. ”

The trainee who was designated by the fourth palace to withdraw from the school could not believe that he asked to be expelled because of this little matter, and said: “Open… What kind of joke, just because of this little thing to make me drop out of school? You…”

However, before he finished speaking, Shinomiya Kojiro’s slightly smiling face suddenly became gloomy, and a powerful momentum added “Four Eyes” threatened: “Little things? You think this kind of trifle will also make you lose guests, do you want to ruin my restaurant? ”

“This… This…”

The orange-haired trainee was so shocked by Shinomiya Kojiro’s words and the momentum on his body that he couldn’t speak, and finally left the banquet hall very frustrated.

Then everyone gradually realized that these graduates are nitpickers, and even a little flaw will be ordered to withdraw from school.

“Four… Kojiro Shinomiya, I heard that it is not only the first seat of the 79th graduate, it seems that I heard that he is also the first Japanese to be awarded the Order of Prussia Bohr! ”

“Very powerful… But it’s also strict. ”

Because of this episode, some people in the Molecular Cuisine Research Association who did not believe Liu Han’s words regretted it even more.

And the members who “reviewed” Liu Han’s information secretly liked the accuracy of Liu Han’s information. Because Liu Han specially asked Ryoko Sakaki to add a sentence in front of Shinomiya Kojiro’s information: “A graduate with a disgusting tone and a bad personality, he must be more careful in his assessment…”

After these graduates, Dojima Gin, who is also a graduate, appeared on the summit stage, but in addition to the graduate, he also has another identity, that is, the chief chef of “Far Moon Resort” and a member of the board of directors of Far Moon.

Dojima Silver is the first of the ten masters of the 69th period, and the highest-scoring graduate in the history of Yuanyue, after graduation, he turned down the invitation of 800 major restaurants across the country and chose to work at Yuanyue Resort and became a sensation.

His appearance on the ceremony stage put a lot of pressure on the students below.

Then Dojima Silver took the microphone from Chapel and began to speak…

(To be continued.) )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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