Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 1174: The world is going to explode? I'll go buy some food first!

"Boa, why don't you eat it? Is it because the food doesn't match your appetite?"


   At the dinner table, Mother Wu saw that Qian Baoer had eaten a few bites and stopped moving her chopsticks, so she couldn't help but ask.


   Since Qian Bao'er gave birth to Wu Chen, Wu's mother never let Wu Hao go to the Zongmen Canteen to eat dinner.


   Every meal is not tired of eating fine and fine, at least four dishes and one soup, delicious and nutritious.


  Mother Wu takes care of the food most of the time, and sometimes Wu Hao will show it off when he has time.


   With his current comprehension, he doesn't need krypton promotion, and he can reach the level of a chef with little effort.


   It’s just that sometimes he doesn’t know whether he eats a real body or a projection every day. It’s a little lack of motivation to cook.


Wu Hao was still wondering whether the Qian Baoer in front of him was the real body or the projection, and he saw her shaking her head and saying: "I don't know why, there is always a little restlessness in these two days, as if something big is going to happen. My husband, you afternoon If it's okay, go and check the guarding formation with the elders of the formation hall."


"I also checked. Have I checked it a few times in the past two days?" Wu Hao was a little dissatisfied: "Others don't know, don't you know? Now our strength can suppress everything in this realm, and it can suddenly fail. ?"




   Qian Baoer stood up suddenly.


   "That's how it feels, it's this feeling! It's even more intense! Xianggong, you guys eat first, I have to project the world to see where the source of the danger is?"


   said, she was leaving, and by the way, she had to pull Xiaobai up.


   "Little Bai, come and help!"


   But Xiaobai didn’t know what he had done today, so he rolled his red eyes and looked at Qian Baoer: "No time!"


  嘭! A slipper smashed at her. Wu Hao scolded: "How do you say it?"


   Rabbit knocked off Wu Hao's slippers with a wave of his paw, and then ran away.


   still humming in his mouth: "I want you to be widowed!"


   Qian Baoer saw Xiaobai run out, and hurried to keep up.


   Only Wu Hao was left behind, shouting angrily: "Hey, hey, return the shoes to me!"




   Wu Hao is about to get used to Qian Baoer's occasional fidgeting and feeling dangerous.


   This is not the first time this happened.


   At the beginning, Wu Hao still attached great importance to it. With great fanfare, Xingshi mobilized all the people to cooperate with Qian Baoer to check and investigate the source of danger.


   But there have been several times when Qian Baoer vowed to describe the crisis of extinction, and after investigating it, Wu Hao himself was the source of the danger.


   Sometimes the **** pulled by the Wu family after eating the spicy ghost queen ant would be sensed by her as the source of danger, and she had to dig the sewer in the middle of the night to check if there were any live eggs left.


   There are many experiences like this, and he believes with reservations about the danger Qian Baoer said.


  Wu Hao also understands Qian Baoer's unfounded worries. In his opinion, she is too sensitive. Although it is possible to clearly perceive the real danger when it comes, it is also prone to some misjudgments.


   Anyway, Qian Baoer has a projection to drive him, but he doesn't need Wu Hao's help every time. She looked for Wu Hao because it was more of a psychological need.


   Most of the time, Xiaobai was helping Qian Baoer with these things.


   However, Xiao Bai seems to be awkward too recently.


   Everyone is stunned, like adolescent syndrome.


   Wu Hao also asked Qian Baoer what was going on. Qian Baoer explained that she used Xiaobai to practice the magical powers of "The End of the World", which hurt her several times and made the little guy upset.


  Qian Baoer is further improving Tianya Mingyue's supernatural powers, Wu Hao also knows.


   last time borrowed Xiaobai's body projection, she found that the true essence consumption was much less than the projection of herself. As long as the two of them can improve their mutual understanding and resonate in harmony with their spirits, Qian Baoer's projection range can skyrocket several times.


   can even be in the red lotus sect, projecting above the starry sky of the star realm.


   But above the starry sky, it is more dangerous than in the wind of Nine Heavens. The mere bunny projection wants to explore basically nine deaths.


   Xiaobai is not Qian Baoer after all. Once there is a problem with the projection, she will be affected a bit, and she will be fainted for at least one night.


  So, it's no surprise that she has a little temper.




   Honglianzong's back mountain, seeing Wu Hao's slippers float in the water, Xiao Bai's three-lobed mouth showed a smile.


   "I don't know the good things!"


   She is indeed arguing with Qian Baoer, but it is not all about projecting injuries.


   Because Qian Baoer's power is closely related to the moon, after having the ability to project the starry sky, she chose to project it on the moon the first time.


   As a result, they discovered that there is a secret on the moon.


   There is a safe area that is not shrouded in overcast air, but there are traces of man-made construction in the safe area.


   There are three palaces, two of which are tightly sealed off, while the other is empty, apparently abandoned.


   can exist in the treasure house of the Moon Palace, which makes Qian Baoer very interested.


   What makes her even more interested is that one of the treasure houses has an inexplicable attraction to her.


   Later Xiaobai learned that it was because she had the qualification to enter it.


  Because she has the inheritance of Buddhism, "the wise man has no worries".


   For practitioners of the Tao, it is almost the iron law that the divination is hard to divination. However, the inheritance of "the wise man has no worries" has taken a different approach, which can directly refer to the original heart.


   I have my family, my country, and the world, and what I know is the general trend of the world. If you want to be successful in your practice, what you have is your chance.


   But when Qian Bao'er was here, her divination naturally mutated into a divination of her own safety.


   In addition to the characteristics of divination, the most important feature of the wise man's careless inheritance is the word "wisdom". On the road that conforms to the original mind, the inheritors have amazing insights and extraordinary understanding.


   Because of this, Qian Baoer was able to create all kinds of life-saving thaumaturgy, and even create his own magical powers.


   But in Xiaobai's view, these are not the main points.


   The point is that in the treasure house of the Moon Palace, the inheritance is matched. She even personally heard descriptions like "destined" and "a match made in heaven" last time.


   Qian Baoer has found the person who can cooperate to open the treasure house. She has even decided to project the Moon Palace again to contact the other party.


   However, Wu Hao still knows nothing about all this.


   Qian Bao'er told Xiao Bai not to tell Wu Hao about this for now, lest he overreact, Xiao Bai also agreed.


   But her heart is still uncomfortable.


   I always feel like something is holding back.


   She felt like she was going to explode!


   Tonight is the day when Qian Baoer and her make an appointment to project again, but Xiao Bai has been fidgeting since yesterday.


   She stayed up all night and now her eyes are red like a rabbit.


   She thinks Qian Baoer's current state is a bit dangerous.


   In the past, as long as Wu Hao derailed, Xiao Bai was able to spot the signs the first time, and then gave a small report.


   But when things turn around, she can’t double-label either!


   Xiaobai felt that he had to do something.




   "Hey, Xiaobai! Bo'er has been looking for you for a long time, where did you go?"


   In the evening, Wu Hao, who had just finished studying the "Sun Moon Seal", suddenly found Xiao Bai sneaking home. UU Reading suddenly stopped her.


   "I..." Xiaobai suddenly took out a large vegetable basket: "I went down the mountain to buy vegetables!"


   "Let me take a look at what I bought. It just happens that I will cook some delicious food for you in a while." Wu Hao said, he pulled the basket.


   "Hey, I bought a lot!"


   "That's" Xiaobai nodded and said: "I bought carob, cucumber, kohlrabi, loofah, celery, broccoli, lettuce, spinach, zucchini, green pepper..."


   "That's it!" Wu Hao took the basket over and said, "Even if you are a rabbit, you don't have to buy so many vegetables. You have to consider other people's feelings. Let me see what else is there?"


   said, he turned out a large group of white bean sprouts: "Finally, something is wrong!"


   Xiaobai: "That's...mung bean sprouts!"


   Wu Hao: "..."

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