Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 1185: 9 candles

Dagan, Lizhen Temple.


   The sky has dimmed, but the people on the square of the temple did not disperse.


   The Queen of Heaven, Wu Kong, and Guo Huairen, who know the truth, still feel heavy.


  No one knows where the monk Shang De has gone with the reincarnation body of Ten Thousand Buddhas. Whether he can survive this catastrophe is still unknown.


   If he fails, there is no guarantee that he will be able to leave enough distance.


   It is very likely that they were still discussing countermeasures here in the last moment, and the next moment they were blown to pieces along with the star world.


   In order to find Monk Shang De, the Queen of Heaven also launched a "Buddha Guangpu Zhao" in the evening to spy.


   But she did not find a trace of Shang De.


   Seeing the sun set little by little, the queen is going to let everyone go back.


   It's meaningless to wait here any longer, it all depends on the number of days.


   I don’t know if people like them can see the sun tomorrow?


   At this time, the sun has completely disappeared, and the night of Dagan is getting darker.


   However, the surrounding environment did not go dark, but became brighter.


   The pet Erha kept by Guo Xiaoru suddenly yelled. As it screamed, everyone saw a golden light falling from the sky, directly covering Guo Xiaoru!


   Everyone seems to have known each other before. It was just like the scene when the ten thousand Buddhas were reincarnated just now.


   It's just that the golden light now is more vast, and the Zen on it is more obscure.


  The golden light shines through the sky, so everything around is illuminated, making the night become day!


"this is……"


   "That's it, it's not over yet! The reincarnation of ten thousand Buddhas is not over yet, there will be more!"


   Before the queen could ask a question, Wukong's voice suddenly rang.


   "What? More?"


  As soon as this remark came out, everyone's complexion changed drastically. The reincarnation of the wave of ten thousand Buddhas just made everyone nervous and frightened. How can I stand it all this time now?


Wukong saw the faces of everyone, and hurriedly added: "There is a fixed number of ten thousand Buddhas. The previous time has already been reincarnated so many. Now it is impossible to come back again. It should be the last few Buddhas Now, Xiaoru will definitely be able to hold on!"


   At this time, Guo Xiaoru was already covered with cold sweat on his face, and his abdominal pain was almost unstoppable.


   But the golden Buddha light that came down quickly noticed her anomaly, and a wave of life energy was transmitted to her body, making her condition quickly improved.


  The golden light shrouded her for a long time before she disappeared without a trace.


   But then, another golden light shone. One after another, a total of eighteen.


   This number is slightly more than Wukong estimated.


   At this time, everyone was staring at Guo Xiaoru nervously, for fear that something unpredictable might happen to her.


   However, Guo Xiaoru's current state is extremely normal, except for the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva that shines upon her with golden light, there is nothing unusual at all.


   Whether it was Guo Huairen checking her pulse, or Guo Xiaoru himself using it to search in the Sea of ​​Soul and Consciousness, they didn't find it at all.


   It seemed that everything just now was just a dream.


   However, no one dared to regard this as a dream.


  Because the anomaly in the sky has not dissipated, I don't know when, the entire sky above Lizhen Monastery was enveloped by layers of golden clouds, and the golden clouds exude the light of Buddha, illuminating everything below.


   Clouds surging above the golden cloud, the coercion exudes endlessly, it seems that there are powerful existences fighting in it.


   The whole Lizhen Monastery is filled with a depressive atmosphere, and there has never been a half-sounding of insects and birds.


   Without knowing what this vision represents, of course everyone present dare not act rashly.


   At this time, in the deepest part of Guo Xiaoru's belly, the newborn fetus is sleeping.


   This child is born with Buddha nature, and even has the embryonic form of the sea of ​​self-consciousness in the mother's womb.


   They are all checking Guo Xiaoru's body for abnormalities, but they don't know that an unexpected guest has appeared in the child's sea of ​​consciousness.


  Because the child's intelligence is still incomplete, the sea of ​​consciousness at this moment is groggy.


   Even the reincarnated Buddha who came here, affected by the environment here, can only probe within a range of less than three feet.


   But thinking has no limits.


   Therefore, although they cannot see each other, they can communicate through mental fluctuations.


   An unknown existence opened his mouth.


"anyone there?"


   The only answer to him was silence, and it took a long time to hear a low voice.




   The first voice continued: "This time Lingshan was robbed, I am afraid that I will be the last survivor, I am Jianglong Arhat, who else is here?"


   Just as he stopped, a somewhat excited voice rang.


   "Jianglong, Jianglong, I am Fuhu! Haha!"


   Hearing that his good brother and good partner were around him, Jiang Long's spirit was a little uplifted, and he couldn't help asking, "Who else is in the eighteen arhats?"


   There is still silence again.


   "Amitabha, I'm afraid it's the two of you!" The voice of Jiang Long was the first to answer before he spoke again.


   "Dare to ask brother?"


   "The trend is to..."


   "It turned out that it was the Bodhisattva in person. I wonder who else is there?"


   Da Shi Zhi Bodhisattva seems to have the means to investigate the situation in the sea of ​​consciousness, so he quickly answered.


   "There are still three others, but they are slightly injured and have not yet recovered their sobriety."


   "Where are the four kings?"


   "There are only broad eyes and many smells!"


   "Where are the others, the Four King Kong, Five Jiefang, Nineteen Jialan, Twenty-Four Heavens?"


   "Each has one ear!"


   The answer of the Bodhisattva made the Dragon Arhat silent for a long time.


   Although the titles and status of the people he asked are different, when it comes to supernatural powers and combat power, they are great supernatural powers that can be counted among the Buddhists.


   I didn't expect this time to reincarnate through time and space, and the loss would be so heavy.


   Finally, he trembles and asks the last question.


   "Then... where is the Buddha?"


   As soon as the voice of Jianglong Arhat fell, there were several Sanskrit sounds around.


   "Om, uh, mi, ba, ni, moo!"


   The way he could feel, which came from six different directions.


   The Bodhisattva's explanation sounded at the same time: "There are only six of them, but it is not convenient to mention their titles, otherwise it may cause unpredictable consequences."


   "Now there are 18 of us, this is our last fire in Lingshan!"


   "That's not right!" Jiang Long Luohan heard the and couldn't help asking: "Aren't we still tens of thousands of Buddhist elites? When we broke up before, they clearly arrived in advance!"


   "Going against the sky, doomed to disasters!" The Bodhisattva's tone was sorrowful: "They just finished reincarnation, they fell into the hands of the demon king, and now they have completely lost contact..."


   "What?" Jianglong Arhat exclaimed: "How can this be, how can this be..."


   He muttered, as if he couldn't believe the news before him.


   After a long time, he roared: "Who is it that is chasing us?"


   This is the news he most wants to know.


   It was precisely because of the terrifying chasers in the time and space channels that the entire Buddhism was almost wiped out.


   Otherwise, they wouldn't have been forced to come down in a hurry, giving the Heavenly Demon King a chance.


   There are even some Buddhism powers that stay in the depths of time and space forever for the sake of the queen.


   Now, he urgently wants to know who caused such a great loss to Buddhism?


   Da Shizhi Bodhisattva did not answer.


   From the depths of the knowledge sea, a Buddha whispered.


   "He is the guardian of the order of time and space-candle nine yin!"



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