Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 1194: If you know, you can rest in peace.

Wu Hao quickly contacted Zhou Hang and passed on the information he got from Qian Baoer.

Let him act on his own, find a way to investigate, and see if he can catch the poisoner.

Although Feiyuhua is one of the world's infinite poisons, this poison can only be contaminated by direct contact with the body.

If you start from where you traveled before getting sick, you might be able to find some clues.

In fact, Qian Baoer's projection has already conducted a secret investigation after confirming the poisoning situation of Zhou You.

After all, traveling more or less has something to do with her.

God knows if dealing with people traveling around is a crazy cold-blooded demon who can kill the whole family at every turn. If she wants to kill the whole family, Qian Baoer also has a share!

So of course she has to investigate and eliminate hidden dangers.

Because the time was too short, and he was unfamiliar with the situation on Dagan's side, Qian Baoer did not find any results.

However, she did offer a few guesses.

This is her analysis based on the motives of the poisoners.

One of the most important suspects was the other two large families in Changle County that were of the same size as the Zhou family.

Originally, Changle County was a triad of three families, with the prefectural government in the center to adjust the balance of all parties. Although secretly there was no discord, they were generally harmonious.

Not enough since Wu Hao punched the dragon and ruined Zhou's family land. The prestige of the Zhou family was greatly lost, and the other two groups were suppressed, both overtly and secretly, and their influence was reduced by more than half.

The gang of scholars who worked hard, who looked like five people and six people, were actually worse in their minds than the people in Lingnan Magic Way.

Maybe someone from the family secretly started to attack the Zhou family further.

Wu Hao felt somewhat reasonable after hearing this. Feiyuhua is a poison in the world, and most people can't use it at all. It must have come from the hands of the great sect or the sect forces with deep roots.

It may not be impossible for the aristocratic families in Changle County.

You must know that the land of Changle County is almost comparable to the entire Yue Kingdom. The three aristocratic families there, at least have the background of the Lingnan sect.

Except for the aristocratic families in Changle County, candidates from this session of the imperial examination and Zhou Hang's subjects as well as the forces behind them are all suspected.

Because of the filial piety rules and the death of Zhou You, it meant that Zhou Hang could not participate in the imperial examination for two consecutive terms. Suddenly changed from worry-free future to worrying future.

He is this year's Yangzhou Jieyuan, who can be said to be a big fan, and people force jealousy. It may not be that no one would use their brains from other places in order to cut his future.

And he is also a popular candidate for the top pick. If you get him down, won't you lose a rival?

There is also a possibility that the poison came from inside the Zhou family, or even collusion between inside and outside.

Grandpa Zhou wanted to train Zhou Hang to be the next Patriarch, mainly because he wanted to see his future. One of his collateral children suddenly became the core figure of the Zhou family, and there must be many dissatisfied people. Traveling around poisoning is the most convenient way for insiders to commit crimes!

Of course, it is also possible that it was directed at Wu Hao.

After all, Wu Hao still has a special relationship with Zhou You.

As Wu Hao emerges in Lingnan, there are no one thousand or eight hundred people who are dissatisfied with him or even hate him.

"Can't get you, can't I get you Lao Tzu?"


Listening to Qian Baoer's analysis of the possible motives of the murderer, Wu Hao nodded.

This tour is not worrying, because there are so many people who want him to die.

I had known that when he went to work last time, he slapped him more and wiped out the Zhou family. The province now has to worry about things over there.

In Wu Hao's view, whether he was fighting for hegemony in the family, or arrogant, or the dog biting the dog in the Zhou family had nothing to do with him. But if it is really aimed at him, Wu, then it must be clear.

At this moment, he still missed the child called "Legacy Wolf" very much. If the "nothing to do" is still there, where does it take so much effort.

Qian Baoer reminded Wu Hao that if you want to find out the details of Zhou You's death, it is best to ask her sister Wu Qing for help.

Because it is Wu Qing's special skills to take the cocoon, investigate and collect evidence.

Even if she puts forward any effective suggestions, it can save them many detours.

But Wu Hao didn't want to alarm his sister.

He knew that their siblings had the same attitude towards the Zhou family. If that's the case, why bother to take this kind of messy disgusting sister.

Anyway, there are so many people in this world who can investigate the case, and Zhou Hang should be able to detect the clues as well.

What's more, the characteristics of Feiyuhuatoxin's death state are very obvious, Zhou Hang can completely let Old Master Zhou call the shots as the master of suffering. And he can also report to the official!

He is Yangzhou Jieyuan, and now he has a certain influence in Shilin. It is even possible to write a letter to Yangzhou pastoralist on the grounds that someone maliciously broke his road to the imperial examination.

If you make a big mess, don't you get closer to the truth?

During this process, Wu Hao could completely watch the fire across Lingnan, waiting for things to ferment.

Wu Hao thought of this plan and felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

But because it was too safe, it made him a little uncomfortable.

More than safe, less enterprising.

Who is he, the uncrowned king of the star world!

Does he need to look forward and backward in doing things like this?

He should fly to Yangzhou overnight, kick open the door of Yangzhou Mu’s Mansion, then point to Yangzhou Mu’s forehead and say: “You are limited to hand over the murderer within three days, otherwise, you will be at your own risk!”

Well, this is not good enough, you should say: "If you don't give me an explanation, I will give you an explanation!"

But this way, it's too cheap to travel around.

It seems that Wu Hao really cares about this wild father so much.

People die as big, and if it's cheaper, then it's cheaper.

If he really died and left Wu Hao with hundreds of millions of inheritance, even if he was put on the line and filial piety, he should not be considered.

Thinking of this, Wu Hao suddenly stunned, and a flash of light flashed in his heart.

Yes, he won't keep it, but I can take it myself!

Of course, Wu Hao was not greedy for the Zhou family's wealth, he was interested in Yangzhou as a whole!

To implement the Juetian Business Circle plan, he must have a stable sphere of influence around him. Among them, the Zhennan Army in Yangzhou has always been a safety hazard.

The Yangzhou area was originally the domain of Wu Hao's Xingling Linggen, and sooner or later he would be included in the transformation plan.

Rather than make a clever attempt at that time, it's better to find an excuse to take Yangzhou right now!

The excuses are readily His father Wu Hao was murdered in Yangzhou, and the murderer was a big insider.

He wants to swear to avenge his father!

Thinking of this, Wu Hao suddenly felt a little enthusiastic.

Isn't this a legend in the storybook?

Rushing to the crown, bleeding and drifting, the hero rises up and destroys the city and the country!

Then, this sentence should be called "Recovering the injustice of Qi and Qian Bao to settle the case, avenge Wu Hao and revenge the army!"

"Boa, Boa, let someone choose a spacious place under Red Lotus Peak and build a mourning hall!"

"Take some more white cloth!"

"Also, are there any onions in Xiaobai's kitchen? Get two slices for me!"

Wonderful book house

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