Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 1198: Wu Hao Borrowed Soldiers

Li Yu's arrival was just an episode, but the big movement of Wan Jian Chaozong still entered the eyes of some caring people.

For example, Zhong Shenxiu, who was silently writing the military strategy, soon came to Wu Hao and Qian Baoer to explain.

Wu Hao didn't care about her explanation, but was very interested in the war strategy she had already transcribed.

The expedition is about to go soon, so he has to hug the Buddha's feet temporarily.

At least he must understand the most basic military command methods, such as the use of scouts, camping, military morale, logistics management, siege deployment, and so on.

Tens of thousands of people are boundless. This is a battle for the army to conquer the country, so you can't go directly to A.

Wu Hao's confidence in hitting Yangzhou came from Yangzhou being within the scope of his fairy apricot field. He can even change the aura and celestial climate in this area through Xianxing.

What's more, he still has eight thousand red lotus soldiers, eight absolute heavens.

The strength of the entire Juetian Eight Departments, even the most elite Zhennan Army and Yangzhou Army in the Yangzhou area combined, is slightly inferior.

What's more, Wu Hao can roll up his sleeves on his own at a critical moment.

With his strength, with one enemy ten thousand, beheading the flag is no problem.

All that needs to be considered is the support that may exist.

However, Suntech had returned to Yuanheng City, knowing that Dagan was in an unstable period when the new emperor had just ascended the throne. Moreover, Zhong Shenxiu also confessed that the Kyushu Legion of the great leaders was overdrawn for thousands of years when Ji Lianshan used the Brave Fearless Suit.

Also, according to the latest news, Haizhou, in the southeast of Dagan, seems to have suffered an extraordinary flood that has not happened in a century. Now the letter requesting relief is drifting to Dagan's court like snowflakes.

Dagan is the time to take care of yourself.

At that time, Wu Hao contacted Huaxingzong Wengqian to encourage the rebellious prince to launch a wave of offensive in the north.

In this way, with the right time, right place, and right in his hands, Wu Hao couldn't think of any reason why he couldn't win Yangzhou.

The only thing that needs to be considered is...In the future, this matter will be known to Huo Wu, and it may cause some emotions.

However, she is just a princess who is not very favored, and she is not the Queen of Da Gan, so she should not be so empathetic to what Da Gan does.

Speaking of this, Wu Hao is also the legal heir to the throne of Da Gan!

In the Great Xia period of the ancient times, when the throne implemented the renunciation system, wasn’t there a precedent for renunciation to son-in-law?

As for the precedents of son-in-law rebellion, there are even more.

That's how the Great Zhou Dynasty came.

Even if it is the great ancestor Longji Lianshan, at the same time that he destroyed the great Zhou dynasty, he still shamelessly wanted to marry the real Huanglong and incorporate the five-color gods?

Only with the intervention of the Huaxing Sect and Zhong Shenxiu's secret destruction, the matter finally ended without a problem.

With Yan Jiuding by his side, Wu Hao's historical knowledge has increased, and he can already cite the classics to prove his justice.

Of course, these are things that need to be considered after the defeat of Yangzhou.

Now he only needs one thought of "avenging his father".

There is a big difference between the siege of the city and the PK of the practitioner, and the content involved is inexhaustible, and Wu Hao has a headache.

Fortunately, the Five Lotus Sects have always maintained the ambition of looking north to the Central Plains. Many disciples of the Red Lotus Sect have also experienced in the Vietnamese army and can serve as the backbone of the Northern Expedition.

During this expedition, Wu Hao of Juetian Babu only planned to arrange three thousand people to stay behind, and all the remaining five thousand soldiers, including the Yasha tribe, would go out with the army.

Also use the sect to recruit Vietnamese sergeants in the Yue court.

According to Qian Bao'er's estimation, about 30,000 troops can be deployed, as well as 20,000 to 30,000 auxiliary troops such as civil servants, villagers, servants, and death row prisoners.

You can also issue sect missions and recruit some disciples, elders, deacons, and law protectors who will go to war...

Re-release missions to offer rewards and recruit a large number of rangers and casual repairs.

In this way, there are nearly 70,000 people in all.

At that time, it will be known as a hundred thousand army!

With the war potential of Vietnam, it is the limit to be able to organize such a team, and no matter how much it is, the rear will be unstable.

This is also due to the bumper grain harvest this year, and the logistical pressure has eased.

It's simply incomparable to the situation of Da Gan who can recruit a million troops or 100,000 elites at random in one state.

It is precisely because of this that Wu Hao is determined to win Yangzhou.

Winning Yangzhou, the potential of the Red Lotus Sect can be increased by hundreds of times, and after a hundred years of operation, it may be possible to accumulate the background of dominating the star realm.

Rather than being like this, there are a few top-notch ones, and the remaining disciples of the elders are basically all scum.

Binggui is fast, when Wu Hao is here for funerals. Sister Wu Qing has already taken the Red Lotus Sovereign Order to the capital of Vietnam.

Soon, the King of Yue will post the emperor's list and mobilize for the nationwide war.

At the same time, the Red Lotus Sect also recruited all the disciples who had been practicing abroad to return to Beijing, and arranged for envoys to send some good sects or affiliated sects, and asked to send disciples to assist.

The entire sect was in intensive preparation, and the morale of the Red Lotus Sect was fairly high.

The cultivation of the blood and fire Shura Dao was originally the most suitable in the war, not to mention the war mission this time, the sect also released two true disciples.

The disciple who performed best during the Northern Expedition will hopefully be promoted to true disciple.

In the Red Lotus Sect, true disciples are even more rare than the saints and saints of other sects. He almost became a high-ranking member of the sect in one leap, which can be called ascend to the sky in one step. Such an opportunity naturally made some genius disciples of Zongmen's newly emerged gears.

Naturally, there is no shortage of people who hesitate to wander, the two ends of the mouse. But in the face of the general trend, they have no room to play.

While recruiting manpower, Wu Hao and the others also have to face some practical problems.

For example, the State of Yue and Dagan do not border at all, and there is also a State of Wei between them.

Therefore, Wu Hao and Qian Bao'er had already communicated with the State of Wei in the north through the sect, and asked to send troops through the road.

Of course, at the same time, I also informed the Master Xuantong of Xuanlian Temple who was still in the Wanxian Lake in the Juetian Passage.

Presumably, they will receive a reply before the army is assembled.

If only borrow it.

Don't dare to borrow, even they are all in one pot, just connecting the sphere of influence.

Wu Hao has also heard the story of the false Daoist slaying Guo, knowing that this request is a bit difficult, and Wei Guo may find it difficult to accept.

But there is no way, who made him so strong?

He doesn't want others to think, he just wants to think!

He even hoped that it would be best not to agree.

It's not just Wei Guo and Xuanlian Temple.

This is a major event, all the forces in Lingnan, don't want to take care of themselves!

The girls in the Red Chamber were all sent out by Wu Hao and returned to their parents' home.

They acted as messengers to borrow troops from the hundreds of ethnic groups in Lingnan where they came from.

As for the Five Lotus Red Lotus Sect has naturally sent envoys a long time ago.

Wu Hao also knew that borrowing soldiers was not so easy.

Not to mention outrageous refusal or excuses to shirk, even if someone is really arranged, it is likely to be two or three big cats and three big cats, and even some spies will be sent simply.

Wu Hao never counted on these borrowed manpower.

He just wanted to see the attitudes of the various forces towards the Red Lotus Sect.

If you really lend him soldiers, maybe he can't remember them.

But if anyone doesn't borrow, he will definitely remember it!

Even if it is strong enough to be invincible in the world, you can't just clean up whoever you want to clean up, right?

There must be an excuse.

Isn’t the borrowing of soldiers and the borrowing of excuses the same?

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