Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 1206: Wu Hao Na Jian

Wu Hao claimed to be attacking the city overnight, because he was thinking that his side was in good condition, and the opponent had just gone through a big battle and could be caught off guard.

Unfortunately, the preparations of the Southern Army in Dagan Town were more adequate than he had imagined. There were still 50,000 fresh troops in their city as a reserve echelon, and they did not participate in the battle outside the city. When the five-color army began to attack the city, these new forces added to the city wall.

The wall of the fortress is nearly a hundred meters long, and it is equipped with various protective formations. It also prepares sufficient defense equipment, such as rolling logs, stone stones, ballistas, and so on.

The five-color army lacking siege equipment can only open battle formations and climb difficult rock with a big shield.

Always face the parabolic parabolic from above.

The Zhennan Army even arranged for a great scholar to come to the city wall, shouting loudly, a large area affected by the awe-inspiring righteousness. The five-color army crackled down like dumplings.

Of course, most of those who have fallen are sergeants who have not yet completed their enlightenment. Those sergeants who have become the Red Lotus Taoist soldiers presided over the Red Lotus battle formation because of the two Red Lotus ambassadors who practiced legendary exercises. They have a magical protection effect comparable to the realm, and can largely resist the influence of Haoran's righteousness.

Even so, so many sergeants have problems, making their formation messy, and their attacks are almost non-threatening, just consuming their lives in front of this strong city.

Wu Hao saw that it was late, and there was definitely no chance to take advantage of it today, so he decided to retreat.

Thousands of people were lost in the siege. However, the number of the Red Lotus Taoist soldiers has not decreased but increased, reaching 70,000.

This is because many sergeants who have not made a choice have made up their minds after seeing the completely different performance of the Red Lotus Taoist soldiers and ordinary sergeants on the battlefield.

This was exactly what Wu Hao wanted, so even though he lost a lot, he was in a good mood.

The situation on the Zhennan Army's side was not much better than him. Under various disadvantages, Wu Hao was quite satisfied with the ability to turn the Taoist soldiers and open the hooks to a close match.

Honglian Taoist soldiers still have great potential. He wants to use this battle of Yangzhou to train an invincible army that sweeps everything. Therefore, only helping them to heal and recover, and not interfering more in the course of the war.

Wu Hao instructed the army to arrange night defense to prevent the Zhennan army from stealing the camp, and then ordered the army to rest and continue to attack the city tomorrow.

As a result, before the next day arrived, someone came to lobby him.

The person here is the chief of the army.

He looked a little depressed. After arriving at the Chinese Army’s Great Account and giving a military salute, he spoke: "Wu Hao..."

"Huh?" Wu Hao narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, handsome!" Yan Jiuding hurriedly changed his words: "Please also be sympathetic to the soldiers, and don't cause meaningless casualties!"

Wu Hao smiled: "The words of the master's book are like I am not sympathetic to the soldiers and deliberately sent them to death. You know, during the day, I don't hesitate to consume myself and perform restoration-like supernatural powers for them on the battlefield. You are now You can go to the camp and have a look. Now in the entire Five Color Army, there is not even a seriously wounded person."

"No one was injured, but someone died. Tens of thousands of people are all living lives. They also have parents and relatives, and they are also the pillars of the family. They are all for your ambitions. How innocent are they?"

"It is precisely because they sacrificed that I can't let their sacrifices be wasted!" Wu Hao said sternly, "So I must take down Kunwu and take down Yangzhou! With these results, we can be better and more justified. Compensate those victims."

"Of course, there may be more sacrifices in this process, but there are no **** sacrifices, how to make peace forever! Don't worry, after fighting this battle, the control area of ​​my Red Lotus Sect will win long-term peace!"

"But you obviously have the power to change the situation of the war, why do you want them to consume so in vain?" Yan Jiuding still persisted in persuading.

"If I have done everything, what will my subordinates do?" Wu Hao said impatiently: "Is it right that the big guns are coming, and I will help them to block the big guns. The Huaxing Sect has come, and I will help them to resist. Transformation Star Sect. If there are any more monsters in the outer domain, I will block them one by one like a nanny. What do you think of me? A superhero?"

Yan Jiuding persuaded him for a long time, but Wu Hao was unmoved and had to leave.

"One will be successful..." he muttered to himself: "It turns out that careerists have been the same throughout the ages, and this world is just repeating the stories of the past over and over again!"

After Yan Jiuding left, Wu Hao let out a cold snort, read military books at night, studying the formation of tomorrow's troops.

Tomorrow another day of fierce attack, Wu Hao rained three waves of recovery in succession, but unfortunately he still failed to attack the city.

The same is true on the third day.

However, he was not in a hurry. Although the army was reduced by another five or six thousand, which is now less than one hundred thousand, the Red Lotus Taoist soldiers have increased to eighty thousand, becoming the absolute dominant force.

Moreover, these Taoist soldiers are quickly adapting to the war, and already have the embryonic form of some elite divisions.

At this time, the real Huanglong found him.

"Marshal, let's organize a master to perform the decapitation operation. My five-element corpse can be used as a vanguard. Otherwise, we will not be able to defeat the Kunwu Fortress when the hard-working reinforcements arrive!"

"Oh?" Wu Hao said disapprovingly: "I think the situation has been very good these past two days! Don't you need to use a killer at this time?"

Madam Huang Long held his forehead with his hand and said helplessly: "Marshal, you are in a very good situation, how did you judge it? Didn't you find that the generals in the Kunwu Fortress were taking turns to defend the city? Qian entrusted the craftsman of the Mo family to supervise the construction. It is stronger than meteorite and has unparalleled defenses. Moreover, it has a large number of formations. It is more difficult to attack than the Xinghui Cave of the Star Pavilion. Moreover, the enemy waits for work in it. To capture, you can only think of some tactics other than head-on confrontation!"

Wu Hao shook his head: "I still like to be the master of the king, and crush it head-on!"

"The husband and the warrior, all in one go, then decline, and exhaustion. Now that it is difficult to gain an advantage, how can it be crushed? If this goes on, you can only continue to lose your troops!" Seeing Wu Hao's self-confidence, Huang Long's tone was also transparent. With a bit of anger.

"I'm determined!" Wu Hao waved his hand: "Let me hear similar words again, and use it to confuse the military!"

Real Huanglong gasped for several breaths, and finally rolled his eyes and left.

For several days after that, Kunwu Fortress remained as stable as Mount Tai.

It seems that the transformation of the Red Lotus Taoist soldiers has also reached a bottleneck. There are always some diehards who are as free as the wind and unconstrained.

For such people, Wu Hao simply put them in another formation, and the province disrupted the formation of the Red Lotus Dao soldiers.

Not to mention, the Kunwu Fortress is really difficult to fight. The Five Color Army has been transformed into Red Lotus Dao soldiers 90%. The frontal combat ability is already several times that of the Southern Army in the city, but they are still firmly resisted in the city. outer.

Finally, someone came to Wu Hao again.

This time it was Qian Baoer.

"Bo'er, why are you here!" Wu Hao said thoughtfully: "If you come to persuade me to give up the army to attack the city, don't speak up. In this battle, I have to prove my commander-in-chief ability and use the army to take it openly. Kunwu Fortress!"

Qian Baoer shook his head: "It's not that."

She handed a volume of scrolls to Wu Hao. "This is the material consumption report for this period of time. I brought it to you for your signature!"

Wu Hao took it, flipped it casually, and stood up suddenly.

"Why so many?"

Qian Baoer spread his hands: "What do you think? More than 100,000 people, people eat horses and chew, plus practice, fight, and care. Money is used everywhere. If this scale of fighting continues, within a year, we will become popular. Lianzong is about to go bankrupt..."

"Why didn't you say it earlier!" Wu Hao was a little anxious.

Qian Baoer handed a cup of tea to his hand: "The male lead is outside, the female lead is inside. Of course I have to find a way to make you have no worries. If you read this report early, I'm afraid this war won't be fought for a day, you still How to train soldiers?"

With a grunt, Wu Hao drank the tea, and then left the camp in a stride.

At this time, it was already evening, and they had already retired.

Wu Haochong uploaded the order platform and snatched the drumsticks from the drummer's hands. UU read and beat it, ordering to strike!

The army rioted slightly, but immediately began to rectify under the organization of the Red Lotus Taoist soldiers, ready to fight again.

When they rushed to the head of Kunwu City again, they saw a shocking scene.

The sky was overcast with thunder and lightning.

In the lightning, a huge branch fell from the sky, like a whip of a god!


A huge sonic boom resounded across the battlefield, and the ground shook violently, making countless sergeants unable to stand.

A huge ravine rift extends from Kunwu Fortress to the end of the line of sight.

The Kunwu Fortress, which they could not attack for a long time, was split into two halves by the rift valley.

The city is broken!

Wonderful book house

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