Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 1214: The 3rd Demon King

If the demon had a body, the ancestors of the Qin family could now vomit blood!


   is a mountain of Jiuren, which falls short of success.


   Now the ancestors of the Qin family feel like a few acres of crops that have been cultivated so hard, and they are about to be reaped... Click, the fire is gone!


   It seems that Baal codewords are tens of thousands, and I am about to save it... Click, the power went out!


   It still seems that the tit-up girl is just about to happen, and it is about to... click, the following content is harmonious!


   No amount of it seems to be able to describe his mood at this moment. The ancestors of the Qin family feel that he is no one like him. He just wants to die with the devil who bad things up!


   The ancestor of the Qin family is not the ancestor of the Qin family.


   He is not even a member of the Qin family.


   He was just a demon who came to the star realm by accident.


   At that time, it was still in the Da Shang period. Both the Qin family and the Wu family belonged to the family of alchemy gods, but because of the influence of alchemy blindness, they were gradually declining, and finally caused the genocide.


   Only Qin Yiming, the young clan leader, survived.


   However, Qin Yiming was eager to take revenge, and the forbidden exercises provokes a lot of demons, and even induces the demon to come.


  The demon feeds on emotions. Qin Yiming's soul filled with endless hatred is a rare supplement for the demon, and even an opportunity for it to break through the bottleneck.


   Therefore, the demon did everything possible to seduce Qin Yiming.


   Finally, they reached a consensus.


   As long as Qin Yiming can see with his own eyes what the Wu family has endured, he is willing to feed demons with his body.


   So Qin Yiming disappeared, because the previous exercises counteracted his old manner and became Uncle Qin.


   A celestial demon entered Wu's house, and the harm it caused can be imagined.


   This caused a series of divisions and turmoil in the Wu family, and also allowed the blood of Danblindness to circulate in the Wu family.


   But after all, the Wu family had close ties with the Dashang court.


   So when the power of the court began to intervene, the demons chose to keep a low profile and drift away.


   At this time, Qin Yiming's obsession had almost dissipated, and he could no longer withstand the invasion of the demon, and was smoothly swallowed by him.


   Taking this opportunity, the demon that was approaching promotion finally crossed the most important bottleneck and transformed into a demon king.


   At this time, he should have retired.


   However, the young demon king is not even as safe as the mature demon in the devil world. So he also wanted to add a little bit of knowledge.


   He discovered that there are many secrets in this world, which need to be further developed.


   So he lurked in this world for many years, even rebuilt the Qin family, and entered the Dashang court.


   He wants to manipulate the government, bring troubles to the world, and let the Dashang court become his emotion collector.


   At the beginning, he was successful. Taking advantage of this convenient step-by-step evolution, he passed the growth period and even reached the maturity period.


   However, there was an accident midway.


   As a court official, shouldn't it be right for him to take the emperor to order the princes? Aren’t all concubines and princesses basic operations?


   Is he female? He was just for the emotions!


   How many things are there in this world that can get more emotions than greening people?


  Who knew it, it stimulated a Shennong bloodline awakening body!


  The bloodline of Shennong is said to be inherited from the ancient Shennong family. This bloodline is somewhat different from the two famous mythological bloodlines of Fuxi and Nuwa.


   It is not the ultimate yin, nor the ultimate yang. It is the combination of Yin and Yang, Hunyuan Tai Chi!


   It is a kind of blood balance. In theory, most native creatures in the star realm have the possibility of awakening.


   But its awakening probability is even lower than that of Fuxi and Nuwa bloodlines.


   It is rumored that the Jingwei family, the Shennong bloodline, has a much higher probability of awakening, and occasionally some awakening occurs.


   This seems to be related to the pair of wings they were born with.


  Who could have imagined that the bloodline of the wingless guy would be so vigorous after awakening. Not only did he seek revenge from him, but he also destroyed the whole big business by the way.


  The big business is dead!


   His veteran businessman was also put to death by Ling Chi, the meat was piled into stuffing, steamed buns, fed dozens of dogs, and then all the dogs were castrated!


   Heavenly Demon King Divine Soul did not escape either, but was sealed on the stone slab by the Emperor Zhou with the blood of Shennong and cast into steps.


   Every day when going to court, the civil and military officials would step on from there.


   However, the Emperor Zhou still didn't know much about the methods of the demon, so the several demon seeds he secretly left outside were not discovered.


   These magic seeds still came in handy, the slate was quietly replaced, and the Qin family also retained the last bone and blood.


  Although Zhou Huang was furious afterwards and involved countless people, he escaped after all.


   When the hidden danger of Zhou Huang's overdraft of blood broke out, after his fate, he began to come out again to make trouble.


The purpose of    was to use blood sacrifices to kill and break the seal left by Emperor Zhou.


   He provoked the Zhou Dynasty to seize his aunts, planned the battle between Dao and Demon, and even brought Da Zhou to the brink of destruction.


   After all, the Lord of ZTE appeared in the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Western Zhou Dynasty turned into the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and the Kunlun Academy was opened. The entire Central Plains appeared in a flourishing age of genius!


   If a big guy comes, he will be tortured once, and if a big guy comes, he will be tortured again. He has to avoid the limelight temporarily and stay away from the world.


  He didn't dare to rise again until the prosperity and decline, when the great Zhou court lost its reputation.


   At this time, he also opened up a situation outside the territory.


   is called "Ancient Protoss!"


   There is a great risk in the blood sacrifice outside the territory, because outside the territory is well-informed, the cultivator has some understanding of the demon, and the level of cultivation in the nearby star field is high.


   So it is still safe in the star world.


   So, he started to instigate the invasion of the monks of Outland.


   First Yuanjizong, then Huaxingzong, and then Yumodao...


   If his seal is unsolvable, various forces will continue to come.


   It doesn't matter who is the master of this world, all he wants is the war itself.


   Only when the world is in chaos, can he have a chance to fish in troubled waters.


   It’s just that he didn’t expect that the descendants of the Qin family, who was dragged by his high hopes of the Huaxingzong, had almost been broken by the descendants of the Qin family, which gave him a chance to get out of trouble.


   As the resentment of hundreds of thousands of creatures brought by the blood sacrifice continued to impact, the seal of the past was finally worn out and a gap appeared.


   Sky Demon King Soul successfully escaped!


   At this time, his only feeling is hunger.


   has been blocked for thousands of years, he can only eat himself to maintain his basic vitality.


   How miserable!


   But it doesn't matter, this time the blood sacrifice still retains a huge resentment of sentient beings, enough to give him a full meal.


   Of course, I have to find a body for the Demon King Divine Soul by the way.


   These are all simple things.


   Coordinate positioning, the demon comes to the world!


   Dog day... was robbed!


   The ancestor of the Qin family rushed towards Qin Gui's body with a cry.


  He doesn't care about it, the gods block and kill the gods, and the devil blocks the slaughter!


   So, the two demon kings began to fight for Qin Gui's body.


   With the constant scramble, some memory fragments of Qin Gui also flashed in Wu Hao's mind one after another, giving Wu Hao some understanding of his origin.


   "Good fellow, this Qin Gui has a lot of secrets!"


   "Wait, this Qin family seems familiar?"


  While Wu Hao was thinking, the ancestors of the Qin family took advantage of the situation to fight for it, looking like a mad dog.


   Purely competing against the demons, Wu Hao found that he was a bit inferior.


   "Hey!" Wu Hao gave a chuckle and instantly broke away from Qin Gui's body.


   The next moment, with a bang, Qin Gui's entire head burst into a ball of fireworks!


   "Grab! Don't play anymore!"


  Wu Hao was about to taunt a few more words, but suddenly saw the phantom floating from Qin Gui's body and paused for a while, then turned around and took the stunned public loss over there!


"you dare!"


   Wu Hao got angry and hurried to catch up.


   The two demon kings rushed to each other, while approaching Gongzuhan.


   But at this time, a blue barking phantom suddenly appeared on Gong Yuhan.


   "Sorry, there is already a demon here!"


   Wu Hao and the ancestor of the Qin family looked at each other, and immediately stopped the fight.


   At the same time, they stared solemnly at the third party who suddenly appeared.


   "The Demon King is completely physical?"


   Wu Hao's eyes flickered.


   "No, it's just a weak Demon King with perfect body!"


   Then he glanced at the ancestor of the Qin family again.


   "This is the maturity of a hungry Demon King!"


   He weighed himself again.


   "The growth period of rare elite demon kings!"


   "To sum up, I seem to be a younger brother..."



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