Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 1234: Is tolerable or unbearable

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It's too late to say, then it's fast.

In fact, it only took a short time for many Buddhist monks to understand the situation, to formulate countermeasures, and to take action.

At this time, Saint Snow Lotus didn't even have time to raise her head to see who was the culprit.

No matter who it was, she knew that she was pitted by the Red Lotus Sect.

There is one here, it's not from the Red Lotus Sect. Which one is the problem? It's not wrong to keep the account on the head of the Red Lotus Sect.

Originally, she was still thinking about waiting for the Red Lotus Sect, the difficult group of fellows, to ascend, and the life of the Snow Lotus Sect would be better, but she didn't expect that she would not be given this opportunity at all.

Thinking of this, the Snow Lotus Saintess Silver Fang bit her secretly.

Unexpectedly, she catches wild geese all day long, but the geese pecked her eyes.

Presumably when she had a chance to return from the Demon Realm, there would be no bones left in the Snow Lotus Cult that had been swallowed by the Red Lotus Sect.

For the parallel importer of her sect, Saint Snow Lotus had no confidence at all.

She has a final remedy...

Thinking of this, she shuddered and made up her mind.

"In the past, Amitab, back in time!"

The world of Wuguangjie suddenly freezes, and then it goes backwards madly.

She fell to the ground again, and the Qian Baoer projection that had turned into moonlight condensed and formed again.

The ascending vortex that had already changed its breath turned around again, exuding a deep and mysterious breath again.

Whoosh, Liu Yunyun and Guo Xiaoru fell to the ground one after another.

Whoosh, Xiaodie and Xiao Xiangyun also retreated from the whirlpool.

The figure of Wu Hao who withdrew finally came.

All Mao Mao's tentacles also returned, and what appeared in the court was the scene of Wu Hao preparing to ascend after the catastrophe.

But after all, it is different.

Saint Snow Lotus can no longer use the second time to look back, and she was far away from the people of the Red Lotus Sect for the first time, her face was full of vigilance.

However, Qian Baoer's projection locked Guo Xiaoru and stared at her abdomen closely.

Xiao Xiangyun, Liu Yunyun, Xiaodie and others were a little confused, not knowing what happened.

But Xiaodie quickly realized that Wu Hao was about to enter the whirlpool, so she quickly called out: "Maomao!"

Maomao didn't move...

The Buddhas are also in a weak state. They looked at each other and shook their heads and smiled bitterly: "Is there any change in the world line in this world, and which one is the future unreliable demon master."

They could see most clearly what happened just now.

It was the Taoist true biography that they thought had actually used the legendary magical power of Wudang Demon Lord.

Who is Yao Wudang?

They couldn't figure it out all at once.

Thinking of the situation where they rushed in just now and almost made the strongest Buddha soar to the demon world. These Buddhist monks are more vigilant and cautious about this world.

These Buddhists all recognized the methods of Saint Snow Lotus just now, let alone Wu Hao.

When fighting against Yao Wu, Wu Hao, who had gone back in time several times, understood what he had experienced when he came out of the vortex channel!

After all, time went back, but the state and memory of everyone present did not go back.

So Wu Hao locked Saint Snow Lotus at a glance.

"Yao Wudang!" Wu Hao screamed in his heart, his whole body erect.

He analyzed what happened just now in the blink of an eye.

No matter how they got together, Xiaodie, Xiangyun, Yunyun, Xiaoru, and seeing their actions, they obviously wanted to follow him to the Demon Realm.

Well, maybe there are Qian Baoer's clones, projections or rabbits among them.

Even if such behavior is a bit reckless, Wu Hao can appreciate the deep affection in it.

It is precisely because of this that Wu Hao does not allow anyone to hurt them.

What did this "Yao Wudang" do just now?

Wu Hao was convinced that she wanted to change the layout of his wives and let him ascend to the devil world by himself.

The dog thief, knowing that he couldn't deal with him, began to grab his relatives.

Today's appearance, it is precisely to defeat each one!

Once he ascended the Demon Realm and couldn't come back in a short time, how could his family and relatives deal with such an old demon?

And it's at the level of a genius and evildoer, how can you kill him?

What's even more hateful is that she deliberately pinched this point in time to use time backtracking.

Obviously, it is necessary to tell him plainly: "Go without worry, your wife and children, I will take good care of them!"

Such a blatant provocation is rampant.

Thinking of all kinds of terrible consequences, Wu Hao's eyes are splitting!

In Wu Hao's life, Yao Wudang was almost the most difficult enemy he encountered. Even if the enemy had already come down, Wu Hao still had a trace of vigilance in his heart.

How many times he dreamed back at midnight, that Yao Wudang was inexplicably resurrected and disturbed the wind and rain, and even the future Wudang Demon Lord occasionally came back from the depths of time and space, shocking Wu Hao in a cold sweat.

If it weren't for him, he would be the demon king, this might even be a sign of a demon.

Sure enough, Murphy's law is universal, he can do whatever he is afraid of!

Knowing the news that Yao Wudang was still alive, there was no one else in Wu Hao's eyes, only the lonely and embarrassed figure of Saint Snow Lotus.

Wu Hao has already determined that she was born on the basis of Yao Wudang. At this time, it seems that she is naturally full of flaws.

Why is she alone? Why is she embarrassed?

She is so good at acting, how could her pure and kind family members be her opponents?

Suction continued to flow from the soaring vortex above, causing Wu Hao to submerge involuntarily.

But at the last moment when his figure entered, Wu Hao didn't hesitate to put his whole soul power to use his magical powers.

Get the stars!

This is Wu Hao's first type of supernatural power. It has already been practiced extremely well by Wu The invisible vitality hand stirred the situation in the non-light realm, and immediately enveloped the Snow Lotus Saintess.

In the hands of vitality, there is the belief that Wu Haozhi is sure to win.

"Never let this demon be in this world, come on, go to the demon world and fight with me for three hundred rounds!"

Saint Snow Lotus was originally scanning left and right, to guard against people around her.

Unexpectedly, Wu Hao, who had nothing to do with her in the previous round, made a move.

This caused her to be picked off by the star, and was severely pulled into the whirlpool before she had time to guard.

At the moment she entered it, Saint Snow Lotus still looked ignorant and innocent.

"Why do you pull me? Why do you pull me..."

"Maomao, Maomao..." Fluttershy called out anxiously, but Maomao, who had already used her full strength, could not act as she wanted, and could only pass on a faint feeling of weakness to her.

When the vortex disappeared into the sky, the scene that grabbed Wu Hao just now could not be replicated, and Xiaodie couldn't help but slumped to the ground.

At this time, Qian Baoer stepped forward and helped her to comfort her.

"Something went wrong, don't embarrass the child."

Fluttershy crying, his face full of frustration.

"Sister, I know. But I don't understand. Doesn't he understand our heart? Why is there so many of our sisters here, and he is indifferent. He took the saint again?"

Upon hearing this, Qian Baoer also paled.

Looking at Tuoba Xiangyun with a small face, Liu Yunyun, who dared not say anything, and Guo Xiaoru who listened with her ears, Qian Baoer felt that she could not tolerate Wu Hao so infinitely.

How much did their sisters prepare hard for today?

In the end, he did well, and ran away with other women in front of them!

Why, yes, this, reason!

Wonderful book house

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