Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 1238: Tadpole

   Soon Wu Hao met a guy who was more capable than Da Zhuang, a little brick mover.

   That guy is not in Wu Hao's group, but the work area is adjacent to Wu Hao.

   His name seems to be what Li, because Wu Hao is too long to remember, but everyone around him calls him Li, Li, and some people call him Li.

   The other party is also worthy of the name Dali, he is burly, his arms are thick with Wu Hao's thighs, and he is not a good-looking person at all, but real muscles. Picking up the bricks is more and more fast, and the efficiency is much higher than that of the big one.

   It is a pity that the master’s standard of employment is the same, as long as it is a small worker, it is 50 a day, no matter how much he does, he can’t get more wages.

   But it still seems to work very hard, making the brick movers around cannot help but look at it.

   Whether it's moving bricks to occupy a place or queuing up for a meal, this effort is arrogant and arrogant.

   Even a trace of tyrannical emotion flashed in his eyes from time to time, and the whole person had a fierce aura, no one dared to provoke him.

   Seeing that Dali was so popular, Dazhuang who moved bricks with Wu Hao was quite disdainful. He curled his mouth and said to Wu Hao: "At first glance, that figure is a power demon, not the bottom of the demon world, what kind of outfit!"

   "Look at it, when he is unlucky!"

Wu Hao has been moving bricks here for two or three days, and he is no longer ignorant of the Demon Realm. He knows that whether it is a Bone Demon or a Power Demon, they are very common in the Demon Realm. It can only be said to be more popular.

   Between the two clans, they dislike each other, and there is constant friction on weekdays. When Limo is found to be in the limelight here, it is inevitable that a strong bone demon will murmur.

   But it was just a grumbling. Da Zhuang, who had been honed in the world of red dust for more than three years, had already smoothed the edges and corners, and would not easily make impulsive things.

  Only newcomers like Dali, who have just arrived in the Red World from Bailianyuan, will be so sharp.

   This is still the result of the suppression of the Red Dust Realm, otherwise it would have been stunned.

   Wu Hao is a little curious about the experience of the bone demon becoming stronger. I don't understand why Da Zhuang has been here for three years and is still doing manual labor as simple as moving bricks.

  According to Da Zhuang, life in the world of red dust is not easy. His ability to move bricks is also considered a skill. He also tried to find other jobs, but most of them were not very suitable. He went around and went back to move bricks.

He also settled an account. This kind of brick-and-mortar work can save up to fifty a day, and one month is fifteen thousand. It takes some time to find a job, and almost five thousand a year can be saved. At about six, he would be able to save enough money for the plane ticket to leave the world of red dust in less than a hundred years.

  As a family of bone demons, they have a longevity of thousands of years. When he left the world of red dust, he still had a lot of youth.

   On the contrary, those bone demons who are unwilling to move the bricks steadily tend to be unsure, change their minds, and look forward to nothing in the end.

   Wu Hao has nothing to say about these so-called life experiences of Da Zhuang.

  People are contented, with clear goals, down-to-earth, and gradually accumulate towards the goal step by step. Why should Wu Hao break this state of mind?

  Perhaps this is also the meaning of Hongchen's heart training in the Demon Realm.

Without this period of experience in the Red Dust Realm, Da Zhuang might still be a cruel skeleton who only knows to kill and swallow. The goal of slayer.

   But after red dusting his mind, even if he is easy to change his nature, he is bound to be more alert and concealed. Once you enter the heavens, you should be able to quickly adapt to the environment there and survive better.

   If you can't even adapt to the safe and peaceful world of red dust, how can you get a place in the world of tragic practice?

  Wu Hao can understand Da Zhuang's thinking, but he can't agree.

  He doesn't have the patience to move bricks for decades. Not to mention decades, even if he moved for a year, he might not be able to stick to it.

   At this time, Longyou Shoal was just a stopgap measure. He was ready to be familiar with the world of red dust, so he started to investigate the matter of impermanence Moyu.

  Impermanence Moyu is related to A Xing's upgrading and perfection, and it is Wu Hao's most important purpose in coming to the Demon World.

   He knows almost nothing about this treasure except the name.

   But Wu Hao still has the idea of ​​finding this thing.

   When he was in the Star Realm, he had already notified the third Feibai to stand in front of the Demon Realm.

   The third family was once a big family in the heavenly demons, and even they once ruled the third abyss of the demon world, "Black Sun Abyss". Even now the third family has long since fallen, but the lean camels are bigger than horses, and they still have a lot of power in the black sun abyss.

   This era is the era of the grandfather of the grandfather of the third Feibai. If the third Feibai is in accordance with the normal world line, he should not have been born yet.

   So he, like Wu Hao, belongs to the dark household in the Demon Realm.

   But the fact that he has the blood of the third family in his body will not change, and the memory he had missed before is constantly resurrecting. The Third Feibailai Demon Realm should be more familiar than Wu Hao.

  Because of the special nature of Hongchenyuan, Wu Hao could not contact the third Feibai for the time being, and could only investigate from the other direction.

   The message passed back from the future generations by the undevil!

   There is a lot of content that Wu Hao can't understand in the information passed back by Wudang Demon Lord from later generations. However, with his initial understanding of the Demon World, some of the information can be tried to interpret again.

   For example, the names of Hong Chen, Bai Lian, Xuan Ming, and Mo Ke mentioned in her message are all place names, the names of Jiu Yuan in the Devil Realm.

   Hongchen and Bailian are the first abyss and the second abyss, and Xuanmingyuan belongs to the ninth abyss of the demon is where the magic palace of the legendary demon lord is located. Mo Keyuan, the Eighth Abyss, is home to the most prominent and powerful ethnic group and force in the Demon Realm.

   With the information of Wudang Demon Lord, Wu Hao speculated that it is most likely that she has experienced or missed the opportunity to become the Demon Lord.

The place names mentioned in    are the places where chances appear.

   And the text of the ghost painting class like the tadpole should be the detailed content of the information.

   Among these contents, there may be clues to impermanence Moyu.

   It's a pity that Wu Hao checked a lot of information in the star realm and found no clues.

   He guessed that he could find information in the Demon World.

  Wu Hao, in his leisure time moving bricks, once calmly drew two tadpoles like that for Da Zhuang to see.

   It turned out that Da Zhuang didn't recognize this kind of text, but he said that he seemed to have read similar text somewhere, but he just couldn't remember it for a while.

   Wu Hao encouraged him not to worry and think slowly.

   "I thought about it!" Suddenly Da Zhuang exclaimed excitedly.

   He rummaged in his pocket, and then took out a paper currency.

   "Look at this red dust treasure! Do you look at the text on the back of it?"


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