Kryptonian Demon Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 1629: War of all saints

Latest URL: What information did the emperor leave?

Wu Hao couldn't help being surprised.

He is no longer a simple native of the Star Realm, but a cosmic person who has already ascended.

And it's a super spaceman!

Wu Hao thought he had already seen the world.

He knew that this emperor Was not easy!

Before the Primordial Primordial World was ever broken, people were peerless powers who had mastered the heavens and the earth.

It is rumored that the line of the Primordial race was created by the emperor Wa in accordance with the laws of good fortune.

Respected as the Virgin of the Terran.

How important is the information left by such an existence?

If there is any great treasure information, it will be developed!

Even if it is not a treasure, if there is any inheritance left, it must be no small thing.

With all kinds of expectations, Wu Hao couldn't help urging Qian Baoer to read this message.

However, Qian Baoer managed to secure a hundred million hands to prevent accidents.

It took another two hours, after heavy protection and various plans, before Qian Baoer started contacting the information left by the emperor Was again using projection.

Seeing her cautious look, Wu Hao couldn't help being speechless.

Curiosity made him hold back, and he couldn't help but start thinking about the content of the message.

In Wu Hao's mind, the emperor Wa was dying.

"Quick! Whoever receives this message, send me a bottle of quick-acting heart-saving pills!"


An exclamation from Qian Baoer's projection interrupted Wu Hao's infinite reverie.

When the black shadow flashed, Wu Hao appeared beside her.

"what's happenin?"

The projection didn't look like an injured person, but his eyes were a little distracted, and he was breathing heavily, as if he was frightened.

"This message..."

Qian Baoer's voice trembled and wanted to explain to Wu Hao, but she just spoke but didn't know where to start.

So, she motioned to Wu Hao to release a trace of divine consciousness, and she led them to watch the Wa Emperor's message again.

This piece of information has been encrypted by the Jipin Xiantian Lingbao Mountain and Heshe Jitu. Without Qian Baoer's guidance, Wu Hao would not be able to read it.

Wu Hao expected it to be true. Part of this message is really the inheritance of Emperor Wa.

Good luck will be the original power!

This is the core practice inheritance of the Wa Palace. Its practice is based on good fortune, encompassing all phenomena of the heavens and the earth, and contains infinite mysteries.

In other words, the level of this exercise is equivalent to Wu Hao's current bloodline level.

Even in the sacred place of the Wa Palace, only the disciples of the Wa Emperor can practice such magical works.

It is worthy of the inheritance that appeared at the same time as the mountain and river Sheji map, and its rarity is rare even in the ancient prehistoric world.

Good luck will have the original power, and the qi of good luck can change the aptitude until the innate is reversed from the acquired.

Even if it is a waste of practice, as long as you persist in practice, you can still achieve achievements that are difficult for others to achieve.

And this is the supreme treasure of the path of medicine, one who cultivates to a high and deep level, masters the laws of good fortune, and possesses the ability to create and regenerate.

If it is combined with the corresponding authority of the world, it can even create something in the void, creating a perfect race out of thin air.

As an innate magical power, it also has a series of supporting magical powers, the thirty-six magical powers of Tiangang, and the seventy-two magical powers of the earth evil, all of which are in the essence of good fortune.

This is a complete set of inheritance, it can be said that once you have it, there is nothing more to ask for.

Qian Baoer's ability to discover such a heritage can be described as an unprecedented great fortune.

But now, Qian Baoer has never seen half of the surprise and excitement.

This is because the content of the second half of the message is too shocking!

Compared with the information in the second half, even the innate magical skill cannot attract the attention of Qian Baoer and Wu Hao.

Most of their minds are immersed in the scenes behind the message.

The most exciting thing in those scenes was a terrifying battle.

Nebula bursts, chaos is tumbling, the universe rises and falls, good fortune creates...

There are immortals with ethereal appearances, constitutions in their mouths, and easy ways to speak, and when they open their mouths, a river of stars flows.

A Taoist stepped on the universe, palms of yin and yang, Tai Chi Hongqiao spanned countless time and space, immobile in the void, wind and fire condensed.

The face of God is compassionate, the golden body shines across the starry sky, holding the sun and the moon, stepping on the mountains and rivers, and running millions of runes around the body.

There is a swordsman who is lonely and snowy, with unparalleled pride, and with one sword, heaven and earth fall.

There is a beautiful lady with a fairy posture and a jade appearance, holy and unparalleled, with one finger, everything is born.

One after another magical powers, all things are born and destroyed.

A figure, coercive forever.

No matter what identity, temperament, and means these mighty abilities are, Wu Hao can feel the unique aura in them.

Thanks to the blessing of the ruler of a different universe, Wu Hao had felt this kind of breath in the past.

It is the supreme breath that clarifies all things, transcends time and space, is immortal, immortal, and immortal.

Heaven and earth dominate!

This kind of realm is an existence that Wu Hao can't reach now regardless of his combat power, realm, or even his cognition.

It truly surpassed the so-called Great Emperor and Heavenly Sovereign level of Dao Ancestor level, and reached the third step beyond this level.

The so-called "Tao" person.

Such an existence would be called the "devil god" in the chaos.

If it is in the universe in chaos, it is called "master".

In the Primordial Primordial World, the rulers of heaven and earth also have a unique title, that is, "saints".

Under the saint, all are ants!

Wu Hao had heard this sentence long ago.

However, he still felt that this was a bit pretending.

When he wanted to come, even the Primordial Primordial Saints had grown up step by step. Their essence is much more powerful practitioners.

They are just in good condition, start early, and have thick heels...

I can do it too!

At this time, he personally sensed the aura of the various powers of the saint, but Wu Hao had a clearer understanding of this sentence.

To a certain extent, although this sentence is indifferent, it also reveals a fact.

There is still an insurmountable distance between Tianzun and Saint.

This distance is countless times longer than the distance between a mortal and the heavenly sovereign.

for example.

It's like when you are still working hard to save money to buy a house, people are already the head of a country.

It's like when you are still exercising to lose weight, people are already the leader of martial arts.

It's like when you are still practicing martial arts with a lightning whip, people have already soared into an immortal.

What everyone is playing is not a game at all!

Naturally, the gap can't be measured at all.

Efforts will only make people stronger, but they will not become another species.

The saint, for the primordial practitioners, is almost as far away as another species.

Every move of any saint affects all aspects of the prehistoric world.

If fighting broke out between them, UU reading would be a catastrophe for the creatures of the entire prehistoric world.

However, in this piece of information that Wu Hao saw, such a battle undoubtedly occurred.

Moreover, the battle was unprecedented, and all the saints of the Primordial Lands were involved.

Seeing some scenes in the message, Wu Hao gradually realized enlightenment in his heart.

He generally knows when this piece of information depicts the scene.

It was a world-famous battle that eventually smashed the prehistoric world.

The Dao Demon's Final Tribulation: The Battle of All Saints!

According to the information Wu Hao had learned before, that battle was the battle of all the saints in the prehistoric world against the demonized Master Tongtian.


How do you look at the scene in this message? There seems to be another inside story in this battle?

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