Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 426: Undead volcano

   An undead volcano in the south.

   The sky here is red all year round, and the air is full of hot breath.

   This makes Jiuli very unaccustomed to the warm and humid jungle environment.

   Many war witches of the Jiuli clan took off the animal skins on their upper bodies, revealing their flesh. Even so, they are still sweating.

   Even so, none of the Jiuli clan had the slightest complaint.

   The lifelong dream of their tribe has the hope of realizing immediately. What can be considered a little uncomfortable environment?

   At this time, at the foot of the undead volcano, in the center of Jiuli's camp, a bottomless pit had already been dug.

   This kind of pit is excavated in the style of the Wangu cave where the Jiuli witch refines Gu.

   The so-called Wangu Cave is a way of making powerful gu worms by the witches of the Jiuli clan. They threw tens of thousands of Gu worms into the Ten Thousand Gu Caves, not feeding them, and letting them swallow each other. When the last Ten Thousand Gu Caves were opened, only the strongest and fierce Gu King was left.

   Today’s Wangu Cave is several times more complicated than the previous Wangu Cave. The first thing they dropped into it was not Gu worms, but the corpses of the Jumang clan.

One body after another was thrown into the Wangu Cave by Jiuli Family. After all the corpses were put in, several great witches of the Jiuli family came to the Wangu Cave and kept throwing various belts into them. Powder with a strange fragrance.

   After the powder was sprayed, another witch came to the Wangu Cave and drew a strange rune around the Wangu Cave.

   After everything was set up, they walked aside and gestured to the Jiuli witches who were waiting aside.

   The witches nodded in response and stepped forward. Each witch took out a uniquely shaped basket from behind, and then they lifted the lid of the basket.

   Accompanied by the witch’s neat witch curse, clusters of Gu worms constantly gush out from each basket, digging into the Ten Thousand Gu Caves, just like black streams of water.

   After a batch of witches’ gu worms were dispatched, another batch of witches came forward, and the same process was repeated.

   After several waves of witches, Wan Gu Cave was finally filled!

   A war witch from the Jiuli clan held a huge cow head cover, and with a snap, he covered the Wangu Caves tightly.

   Soon, there were scalp-numbing chewing noises from Wangu Cave.

  At this time, all the witches stepped forward, punched one by one witchcraft maneuvers around the Ten Thousand Gu Caves, and chanted their mouthful prayers.

   Such three days and three nights...

In    Wan Gu Cave, a strange fragrance gradually spread out, permeating the entire Jiuli Clan camp.

   A witch came out more and more, and with a serious expression, opened the cover of Wan Gu Cave.

   It was dark and faint, and seemed to be filled with endless cold.

   Suddenly, a crystal-clear strange flying insect flew out of the Ten Thousand Gu Cave.

   It looks like a butterfly, its wings are completely transparent, its body is green like emerald, and it carries a little holy breath.

   An old witch from the Jiuli clan saw this gu worm and hurriedly chanted a witch curse.

   With her urging, Gu worm flew to her palm as if it had found her relatives and couldn't wait, and then it moved slightly, as if something was about to come out of its mouth.

   The old witch had prepared for a while, took out a jade plate and quickly received it in front of it.

   Qi Gu vomited twice, and two drops of radiant cyan blood were vomited out of the mouth by it.

   At this time, Qi Gu looked very tired, and was about to rest in the witch's hand.

   However, the witch did not stop, and kept chanting witches to stimulate her.

   Qi Gu was helpless, and could only spit out the third drop of Qingbi blood with all his energy.

   After vomiting this drop of blood, Qi Gu's body had become completely transparent. It also became dying, and died in a short while.

   The old witch shook her head, and gave the strange gu to a witch next to her for a good burial.

   Then she took out a porcelain white jade bottle and carefully poured three drops of blood from the jade plate into the jade bottle.

   This kind of blood has already been filled in a small half bottle in the jade bottle.

   After the three drops of cyan blood were poured in, the old witch carefully plugged the snow-white porcelain bottle with a cork, and then said to the people around: "Very well, wash the cave!"

   The male war witch tribesmen around agreed, and then a bucket of black kerosene was brought over and poured into this used Ten Thousand Gu Cave.

   When it was almost full, a torch was thrown down.

   Boom! The raging fire ignited in the Ten Thousand Gu Cave, rushing to a height of three feet.

   Shocking sounds such as struggling, roaring, grinning teeth, scratching, screaming, etc. continued to be heard in the flames, and the surrounding Jiuli were all used to these.

After    burned for more than half a day, the fire gradually went out, and all the strange sounds disappeared.

   The old witch nodded, and then said to the people around her.

   "Okay, next pot!"

  The war witches rushed forward and soon dug the soil to fill in the Ten Thousand Gu Cave. Then, at a distance from this Ten Thousand Gu Cave, he began to dig the Ten Thousand Gu Cave again.

After    Wangu Cave was dug, they did the same, and brought another batch of Mang’s corpses and threw them into it.


   Drops of cyan blood are constantly produced through this cruel process.

   Jiu Li did not dare to work continuously in the same Wangu Cave, in case Jumang’s resentment continued to accumulate in it, and then combined with the Gu worm to produce a terrifying monster.

   So every time they make a pot, they have to use flame to purify it, and then set up a new stove to make this cyan blood again.

   This kind of blood is the blood of the Azure Dragon.

   It was also the direct fuse that caused the Jiuli clan to almost exterminate the Jumang clan.

   It took several days for the Jiu Li family to finally exhaust the body of Ju Mang family. They have also accumulated a porcelain bottle full of the blood of the dragon.

   Throughout the process of Wangu's blood refining, the leader of Jumang, Jiang Ren, watched on the high platform in this camp with arms folded, without saying a word!

   Finally, the old witch came forward holding a snow-white porcelain bottle, and then reported: "Leader, the blood of the blue dragon is enough!"

   Jiang Ren took the porcelain bottle in his hand, and suddenly turned around and looked at the direction of the undead volcano, with a frenzy in his eyes.


   Jiang Ren called out, taking the lead, striding towards the direction of the undead volcano.

   The followers of the Jiu Li family around him pulled out a long line behind him.

  As they move forward, the surrounding air becomes more and more But they are no more hot than the flame in Jiuli's heart.

   When they reached the peak of the undead volcano, all the Jiuli stopped their steps.

   They all bowed towards the crater in accordance with the ancient clan etiquette!

   Jiang Ren stepped forward and raised the porcelain bottle in his hand high in the crater.

   As long as he uses the blood of the Azure Dragon to unlock the ancient seal, and then shouts the name of Chi You, with the induction of blood, Chi You's consciousness will definitely be awakened by him.

   The Jiuli clan members looked at their patriarch with piercing eyes. In addition to a sense of solemnity in creating history, they also had slight expectations in their hearts.

   Their leader, Jiang Ren, is a highly autistic patient.

   From his birth to the present, there has never been a second word in a sentence.

   This time, to unblock Chi You, the ancient king of the Nine Li family, you need to shout Chi You's name.

   Chiyou, but two words!

   Jiuli Shi can’t wait to see this scene...

   Under Jiuli's ardent gaze, Jiang Ren followed the steps of unblocking and spilled the blood of the dragon down the crater drop by drop.

   Then, he knelt on the ground and opened his mouth in full view.



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