Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 520: Since Shengyu, He Shengliang!

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Xuan does not change his fate, krypton does not save the wrong.

However, Wu Hao has a different view on this.

The reason why Krypton doesn't save the wrong is because there is not enough Krypton.

The reason why there is not enough krypton is because... poor!

Therefore, it is not krypton gold that can not save the evil, but poverty.

Wu Hao felt that he was very poor.

So he will never let go of any opportunity to make money.

After becoming a professional disciple of the class, Wu Hao has found another way to make money since he learned the method of stone making.

He found a star stone. After some refining, if it can become a monochromatic stone, when he uses Akrypton Scan to recharge it, it will be able to fill three star diamonds.

In fact, this is similar to the market price in Banmen. Generally speaking, in Banmen market, the price of a single-color stone is two or three star stones.

This is because there are many refiners in the class, and the monochromatic stones are not so rare.

If it is taken outside, a single-color stone can almost double to sell four or five star stones.

This means that as long as Wu Hao can ensure the success rate of stone refining is more than one-third, he will have a profit.

If he can refine the monochromatic stone skillfully, he will be able to make money.

For example, in this practical class.

In half an hour, he had completed the refining of six monochromatic stones. A total of 6 star diamonds were invested, 18 star diamonds were obtained, and a net profit was 12.

It's a pity that he still hasn't mastered the power of the soul, and the existing energy can only ensure that he can concentrate on stone refining for at most one hour in a day. If you continue to persist, the success rate will be greatly reduced because of inattention, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

Even so, if he persists in refining the stone every day, at least he will be able to gain more than 20 star stones. If he is lucky, he can explode another two-color stone or three-color stone, the harvest will skyrocket.

Although Wu Hao himself has not refined it, he has inquired about the market prices of two-color stones and three-color stones. According to the general law of Akrypton, Wu Hao speculated that the two-color stone should be around 15-20 star diamonds, while the three-color stone can reach hundreds of stars.

The higher the five-element stone, the better the utility, and the corresponding price soars.

According to the lecture, if they want to refine the two-color stone in their current refining realm, there is basically no one in a hundred. If they want to refine the three-color stone, the chance is almost negligible.

No matter how small the odds are, there is still that possibility. So after all, Wu Hao still had this thought in his heart.

But I didn't expect that what he did not do what he was not doing was realized by the scum next to him.

Seeing the moment when the public transport Liaoyuan refining the three-color stone, Wu Hao's mind was shaken, his hand shook, and the five elements of stone he was refining in his hand turned into a cloud of black charcoal, accompanied by a muffled sound, a puff of black smoke from The mass of charcoal rose.

Not only Wu Hao, but the eyes of the disciples in the entire refining workshop were all attracted to the public transport Liaoyuan. The muffled sound of failure in refining continued to sound in the workshop.

At this moment, the public loses a prairie fire and became the absolute protagonist.

"Luck, it must be luck..." Wu Hao thought sourly in his heart.

Not only Wu Hao, almost all the disciples now think that the public loss to the prairie prairie is a bad luck.

You must know that although there is a certain probability of two-color stone and three-color stone, this probability is also closely related to the craftsmanship of the craftsman. It is said that some refining masters can ensure that the probability of refining a two-color stone is more than 30%.

This Gongluo Liaoyuan, a disciple who couldn't even keep up with the lectures, and how could He Te be comparable to the master refiner.

Then luck becomes the only explanation.

What happened next seemed to verify the conjectures of the disciples. When the public transport Liaoyuan refined the stone again, with a "puff", it undoubtedly failed.

Subsequently, he failed twice in succession.

Just as everyone's mood calmed down, two more brilliant lights flashed out on the Liaoyuan side of the public transport.

Two-color stone!

Although this time is not as shocking as the three-color stone. However, the high-quality Five Elements Stone he refined one after another still attracted a lot of attention.

Even the lectures were a little suspicious of myself. He wondered if this little fat man had any special talents, which he had not discovered. He felt that he was a bit too harsh about this disciple...

Facts proved that his guess was fulfilled.

In the future practical exercises, Xueba Gong loses Jiannan and can no longer stand alone.

New challengers began to appear in the classroom.

Although the success rate of stone refining in public transport to Liaoyuan is far from comparable to that of him, people always burst out from time to time, with two-color stones, three-color stones and so on.

At this time, even if it is a lecture, there is no way to lose all the extra points of the practical exercises to Jiannan without conscience. Because anyone with a discerning eye understands it. The value of the gains gained from the public loss to Liaoyuan has far surpassed him.

For this situation, Wu Hao has also been upset for a while.

He even secretly used Akrypton to upgrade his stone refining skills to five stars. Enough to ensure the 100% success rate of refining monochromatic stone.

But even so, the chance of a two-color stone appearing in his refining process is still not great, at most it is one-tenth of the level.

Want to improve again on this basis, unless he can get more refining secrets to raise the refining realm.

Of course, he can also rely on Akrypton to perform directly, otherwise the consumption would be too great. Wu Hao was totally unwilling to learn the secrets of refining tools in the public transport family, where it was easy to learn.

Wu Hao knew that the investment in the refining equipment was definitely not as much as that of the Liaoyuan boy. Moreover, the stone refining technique he currently mastered completely threw away that guy a few blocks away.

But why do people often appear high-grade five-element stones?

It's all one head and two legs, is he big?

Wu Hao, who couldn't figure it out, repeatedly witnessed the birth of a high-level five-element stone in the Liaoyuan after public transport, and he couldn't help but feel the emotion of "He Shengliang when he is born".

Just when he had this idea, Wu Hao couldn't help but shook his head to dissipate this kind of aspirations to others and destroy his own power.

He squinted at the little fat man, and his thoughts turned: "Even if you have the talent of Zhuge, my appearance is higher than you, and my wife is more beautiful than you. This is an advantage!"

As soon as he comforted himself in his heart, Wu Hao heard the excitement of the lecture: "Very well, the public transport Liaoyuan once again refined the three-color stone. Classwork, 15 points are added!"

Wu Hao suddenly turned his head and saw that the little fat man raised the three-color stone in his hand, shining brightly.

The three-color light shining on his side face made his fat face appear with an awe-inspiring mood.

It is this hint of artistic conception that deeply hurt Wu Hao.

He suddenly had an idea of ​​aggression.

Under the stimulus of greedy wolf, his thinking was unusually active, and several unkind ideas flashed in his heart around the public transport and starting a prairie fire.

Finally, his gaze was certain, and a plan was determined.

Now there is only an opportunity for action.

Based on the current learning progress in the class, he believes that this opportunity will come soon...

He glanced slightly at the prairie fire that was holding the three-color stone, and his heart fluctuated.

"Not every fat sheep is called Huo Wu Die Yi, and there is one... called Gong Shu Liao Yuan!"

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