Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 567: Prajna


Wu Hao and Huo Wu Dieyi panted at the same time.

Looking at the corpses on the ground that were not human-like, they raised their heads and smiled at each other, appearing very tacit understanding.

But then, Wu Hao seemed to have thought of something, avoiding Huo Wu Dieyi's gaze as if he had eaten a fly.

Huo Wu Dieyi smiled faintly, and sighed: "I still want to use my identity advantage to learn something from the public transportation class. I didn't expect to beat them to death as soon as they met."

"It can be reset anyway, it's a big deal next time." Wu Hao said indifferently: "However, how did he discover that I am not a member of the public loser family?"

"Have you noticed the vertical eyes that flashed between his brows?" Huo Wu Dieyi analyzed: "That should be a little supernatural power that can distinguish the authenticity."

"It turns out there is this, no wonder this shadow world is so unfriendly to spies!" Wu Hao couldn't help sighing.

"You finally admit that you are a spy!" Huo Wu Dieyi said playfully, while looking at Wu Hao with piercing eyes.

"What about admitting? You are not a good thing!" Wu Hao's eyes shone brightly: "How can the real son of a public loser family be so decisive and ruthless against his ancestors!"

"So, I'm helping you out?" Huo Wu Dieyi gave Wu Hao a white, and said with a smile: "People can't covet your male color and deceive your ancestors?"

Wu Hao suddenly got goose bumps.

At this time, he saw Huo Wu Dieyi bending over and searching for the body of the public transport squad. Wu Hao quickly reacted and rushed forward to search for the trophies.

"What are you doing, but I moved the hand first, the big head must be mine!" Huo Wu Dieyi said nonchalantly.

"But the damage I caused was higher, so I should pick it first!" Wu Hao's reason was also very good.

In the end, the two quarrelling decided to guess the box.

As a result, Wu Hao failed miserably.

Huo Wu Diyi happily took away the Universe Bracelet from the public transportation squad, Wu Hao fumbled for a while, but got a jade pendant from the neck of the public transportation squad.

The jade pendant looked unremarkable, but after Wu Hao input infuriating energy, a five-color light flashed.

Seeing this scene, Huo Wu Dieyi suddenly remembered something, so she had to change with Wu Hao.

Wu Hao is not stupid. Of course he understands that this 80% is the backing of the public loser, how could the original five-color stone be easily given to Huo Wu Die Yi.

In the end, he promised to wait for the next reset, and help her break the class again before pacifying her.

After being soothed, Wu Hao couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in his heart.

"Why should I appease him..."

When he was still incomparably awkward, he suddenly felt strong malice.

This malice is fierce and unconcealed, like a stormy sea.

Greedy wolf's reminders continued, violently impacting Wu Hao's mind.

It is a great hatred that can't wait to eat its flesh, peel its skin alive, rub its bones, and raise its ashes.

Wu Hao shuddered suddenly.

"You killed him, you actually killed him!?" Wudang Saintess's voice suddenly sounded in the night sky.

But she came here and saw a scene where Wu Hao and Huo Wu Dieyi were dividing up the spoils of the public losers.

Speaking of it, the Wudang Saintess found this place thanks to Huo Wu Die Yi and Wu Hao.

It is now approaching dawn, and the Wudang Saintess who has made great progress in the power of the two phases has already regained her sobriety ahead of time.

However, after waking up, she found a big problem.

Her closed room has been stolen.

She was searching for the culprits in the Night Dire Forest full of resentment, but she discovered that some plants in the forest had withered strangely.

The Wudang Saintess began to trace the source of this vision, and then kept finding here.

I saw the cold body of the person in her dream.

Wudang Saintess only felt a blast in her mind, and the scenes of the past together rushed to her heart, and finally turned into a **** tear of hatred.

"How can you? How dare you?" Her voice at this time was like Ye Xiao's screaming, ear-piercing. Hearing Wu Hao and Huo Wudie's ears, I only felt annoyed for a while.

"Dog men and women... I want to tear you to pieces!"

Accompanied by weeping condemnation, there is a rapid burst of air.

The undeserved saint was very simple, and she put a cruel remark into practice immediately.

One shot is "two phases. Annihilation"!

Who said that being sober and useless can't use the power of duality, only because it hasn't reached the point of sadness.

"Good come!" Wu Hao yelled in his heart. His technique has just been promoted to Legend and he has mastered the power of duality. Now it is time for his hands to be itchy, and now when the saint is coming, he is thinking about him.

He was trying to find someone to try his tricks.

"Give it to me, don't do it!" Wu Hao and Huo Wu Dieyi exhorted them, and greeted them, tit-for-tat "Two Phases. Ice, Fire and Sun."

The two energies, bright and dark, clash in the void constantly, shaking the flowers and trees in the surrounding space into dust.

A deep hole with a radius of 100 meters centered on the energy confrontation was opened up.

The surface of the big pit is almost burnt into an enamel layer, which looks extremely smooth.

Wu Hao and Wudang Saintess stood at both ends of the big pit, facing each other.

The undeserved saint smiled sensibly.

The Pure Land of Bliss!

The invisible illusion immediately enveloped Wu Hao, but she didn't want to give Wu Hao any chance. The illusion just confuses Wu Hao's mind, she rushed towards Wu Hao, and her move was a killer move!

Huo Wu Dieyi's heart moved and wanted to make a move, but when he thought of what Wu Hao had said before, he was born again to hold back.

The illusion this time is no small thing, compared to what Wu Hao had used by the Wudang Saintess before.

There are full houses of gold and jade, goddess scattered flowers, close relatives, beauty in pink, magical secrets, boundless power...

In short, what you want and what you want.

But now Wu Hao is no longer what he used to be.

Wu Hao ran the Red Lotus Secret Record, and almost instantly realized that he had fallen into a illusion.

"Red Lotus Industry Fire, Sea of ​​Blood Shura!"

With a thought in his mind, a twelfth-pink lotus throne emerged under him, continuously rotating to protect his figure.

Red lights radiated from the lotus platform, shining into the surrounding illusion, and suddenly one after another, the sinful red lotus karma fire burned the entire illusion.

Not only that, there is an endless sea of ​​blood under the lotus platform. In the sea of ​​blood, countless red-eyed Shura's fighting spirit soared into the sky, seeming to tear everything in the illusion to pieces.

The Sea of ​​Blood rushed and killed all the lives in the illusion.

The red lotus karma fire also burned through the entire illusion, and Wu Hao was completely freed from the illusion.

This time, it's not the last time I took a trick to leave. Instead, he used his own ability to completely break the illusion.

At this time, the Wudang Saintess was only half-grabbing, and she was still right above the big pit.

The illusion of the Pure Land of Bliss was forcibly broken by Wu Hao, and she also suffered a lot of backlash.

This made the ultimate move she prepared was not used at all, but she lost control of her body and fell into a big pit.

The Wudang saint who fell into the pit did not move for a while.

Just as Wu Hao couldn't help but stepped forward to observe, he suddenly heard her let out a stern roar.


"This is what you forced me!"

Wu Hao and Huo Wu Dieyi suddenly felt that a violent aura in the big pit rose to the sky, and this aura was still rising, as if it were boundless.

At the same time, in the crypt in the Night Dire Forest.

The hands of countless undeserved saints fell and sat, the Qiqiao bleeds and died.

A wave of black light gushed from them and gathered in the Wudang jade statue in the center of the hall.

It was filled with Zen singing from their souls.

"Won't be an ancestor, the Pure Land of Bliss!"

To death, they still have strange smiles on their faces.

Finally, the Wudang jade statue exudes a dazzling light, and it seems that it cannot withstand the fusion power, and the pieces are shattered.

But at the moment before the fragmentation, all the accumulated three-phase power was transmitted to Wudang Saintess through the air.

The undeserved saint danced wildly, with a red mole on her eyebrows as red as blood.

She didn't use any true power but there was an invisible force that lifted her to float slowly.

This is the light of her soul.

She stared at the two of Wu Hao, there was no hatred in her eyes, only indifference.

It's like looking at two ants.

This is the power that she can obtain by slaughtering chickens and collecting eggs and gathering all the three-phase power that can be obtained on her body.

In this way, she temporarily opened the state that can only be opened when the third phase is reached.


Knowing that this kind of power can't last forever, so there is no hesitation at the time when the Saintess who is not a woman is a big move!

An overwhelming palm completely enveloped Wu Hao and Huo Wu Dieyi.

There is a Bodhisattva chanting in the palm of the hand, and the goddess chanting...

Supernatural power: whirling in the palm!

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